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BLM Reno Nevada Curatorial Program - 0 views

    The BLM is interested in partnering with a recipient to expand collections facilities and complete tasks necessary with DOI regulations and standards of best practice to become a federal repository for archaeological material.

FY 2015 Graduate Research Fellowship Program for Criminal Justice Statistics - 0 views

    The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is seeking applications under its Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) Program. This program provides awards to accredited universities for doctoral research that uses criminal justice data or statistical series and focuses on crime, violence, and other criminal justice-related topics. BJS invests in doctoral education by supporting universities that sponsor students who demonstrate the potential to complete doctoral degree programs successfully in disciplines relevant to the mission of BJS, and who are in the final stages of graduate study. The ultimate goal of this solicitation is to increase the pool of researchers using criminal justice statistical data generated by BJS, thereby contributing solutions that better prevent and control crime and help ensure the fair and impartial administration of criminal justice in the United States. Applicant institutions sponsoring doctoral students are eligible to apply only if the doctoral research dissertation has direct implications for criminal justice policy and practice in the United States. BJS encourages institutions to consider doctoral students from social and behavioral sciences, mathematics, or statistics academic disciplines for their applications. Applicant institutions are strongly encouraged to sponsor minority and female student candidates. Awards are anticipated to be made to successful applicant institutions in the form of a cooperative agreement to cover a fellowship for the sponsored doctoral student. Each fellowship potentially provides up to 3 years of support, usable over a 5-year period. For each year of support, BJS provides the degree-granting institution a stipend of $35,000, usable toward the student's salary and related costs, and up to $15,000 to cover the student's tuition and fees, research expenses, and related costs (see B. Federal Award Information). If the doctoral student's dissertation is not completed and delivered to BJS within the 5-year perio

BIRD Energy Call for Proposals - 0 views

    "BIRD Energy" follows the same rules and procedures as BIRD.  Please refer to BIRD's website for submission details - . To be considered, a project proposal should include:   ·    R&D cooperation between two companies or cooperation between a company and a university/research institution (one from the U.S. and one from Israel). ·       Innovation in areas such as: Solar Power, Alternative Fuels, Advanced Vehicle Technologies, Smart Grid, Water-Energy Nexus, Wind Energy or any other Renewable Energy/Energy Efficiency technology. ·       Significant commercial potential; the project outcome should lead to commercialization.

David Wechsler Early Career Grant for Innovative Work in Cognition - 0 views

    The David Wechsler Early Career Grant for Innovative Work in Cognition supports early career psychologists pursuing innovative work in neuropsychology, intelligence and/or the assessment aspects of cognition. Those who work on positive applied neuropsychology are encouraged to apply.

Mental Health Research - 0 views

    Through its Faculty/Post-Doctoral Fellows program, the fund will award grants of up to $20,000 to support studies aimed at developing, refining, evaluating, and/or disseminating innovative interventions designed to prevent or ameliorate major social, psychological, behavioral, or public health problems affecting children, adults, couples, families, or communities. In addition, the fund will consider studies that have the potential for adding significantly to knowledge about such problems. Projects must focus on the United States or Canada or on a comparison between the U.S. or Canada and at least one other country.

ROSES 2015: Mars Science Laboratory Participating Scientist Program - 0 views

    This ROSES NRA (NNH15ZDA001N) solicits basic and applied research in support of NASA's Science Mission Directorate (SMD). This NRA covers all aspects of basic and applied supporting research and technology in space and Earth sciences, including, but not limited to: theory, modeling, and analysis of SMD science data; aircraft, scientific balloon, sounding rocket, International Space Station, CubeSat and suborbital reusable launch vehicle investigations; development of experiment techniques suitable for future SMD space missions; development of concepts for future SMD space missions; development of advanced technologies relevant to SMD missions; development of techniques for and the laboratory analysis of both extraterrestrial samples returned by spacecraft, as well as terrestrial samples that support or otherwise help verify observations from SMD Earth system science missions; determination of atomic and composition parameters needed to analyze space data, as well as returned samples from the Earth or space; Earth surface observations and field campaigns that support SMD science missions; development of integrated Earth system models; development of systems for applying Earth science research data to societal needs; and development of applied information systems applicable to SMD objectives and data. Awards range from under $100K per year for focused, limited efforts (e.g., data analysis) to more than $1M per year for extensive activities (e.g., development of science experiment hardware). The funds available for awards in each program element offered in this ROSES NRA range from less than one to several million dollars, which allow selection from a few to as many as several dozen proposals depending on the program objectives and the submission of proposals of merit. Awards will be made as grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, and inter- or intra-agency transfers depending on the nature of the proposing organization and/or program requirements. The typical per

BLM-AK, CESU, Paleo Environmental Studies - 0 views

    The BLM manages several million acres of land statewide as well as several thousand cultural and paleontological locations. Presently, the BLM Alaska Cultural and Paleontological staff has a limited ability to conduct specialized and detailed paleo-environmental analyses of these localities to obtain this kind of information as part of its management decision making. Therefore, the BLM needs to rely on an experienced partner institution in the CESU program to conduct detailed paleo-environmental analyses of cultural and non-cultural locations. These analyses would gather information about the timing of geological and ecological events that could have had a significant effect on prehistoric cultural or paleontological resources managed by the BLM in Alaska. The principal purpose/objective of this project is to collect, analyses, and curate paleo-environmental data obtained from environmental sampling through a variety of means. These means may include sediment coring, shovel testing, excavation or any other scientifically valid method for collecting paleo-environmental data. Analyses may include pollen analysis, soil chemistry, radiocarbon dating or any other scientifically valid laboratory analysis.

The Future is Now: A Conference on Climate Resilience and Sustainable Urbanization - 0 views

    The U.S. Consulate General, Public Affairs Section in Hyderabad is soliciting proposals for a cooperative agreement that meets the specifications stated in Section II from non-governmental organizations and other legally-recognized non-profit institutions that meet U.S. and Indian technical and legal requirements to develop and implement public diplomacy programs as specified by Section II below. Information about the Public Affairs Section can be found at:

Community Interoperability and Health Information Exchange Cooperative Agreement Program - 0 views

    The funding will enable communities to work collaboratively to identify opportunities to support and extend the use of secure, interoperable health information technology tools and health information exchange (HIE) services, which will ultimately promote individual and community health improvement.

NIJ FY15 Research and Evaluation on Victims of Crime - 0 views

    The National Institute of Justice has a longstanding history of collaborating with and supporting the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) on research, evaluation, and programmatic projects. Over the years, the shared priorities of OVC and NIJ have resulted in a number of collective projects, workshops, and research. In 2013, OVC began Vision 21: Transforming Victim Services which called for the development of research to build a body of evidence-based knowledge on victims and victimization.   With this solicitation, NIJ is collaborating with OVC to build on three areas of research that are of interest to both agencies. These topics include: 1.     Studying the Victim-Offender Overlap. 2.     Understanding the Violent Victimization Experiences of Young Men of Color. 3.     Research on the Broader Impacts of School Shootings.    Applicants should submit proposals that address one of the three topics.
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - Cognitive Neuroscience - US National Science Foundation (NSF) - 0 views

    The Cognitive Neuroscience program seeks highly innovative proposals aimed at advancing a rigorous understanding of human cognition, including how the human brain mediates action, affect, creativity, decision making, intentionality, perception, social processes, and thought.  Topics may bear on core functions such as attention, emotion, empathy, executive processes, language, learning, memory, music, sensory processing, sleep, representation of self and other, reasoning and rhythm. Topics may also include how human cognition develops and changes in the brain across the lifespan. The program is particularly interested in supporting the development of new techniques and technologies for recording, analyzing, and modeling complex brain activity and human brain mapping. Such projects should include a plan for sharing new software and other technologies with the research community at large.  Additionally, the program is interested in supporting projects addressing the growing amount of data collected across disparate lab environments, which may require new standardization, curation, and sharing solutions.  Studies of disease states (e.g., Alzheimer's disease, Autism, brain damaged patients, Parkinson's disease and Schizophrenia) may be components of projects supported by this program. However, the emphasis in such projects must be to advance basic scientific understanding of healthy neural mechanisms, and not on disease etiology, diagnosis, or treatment.

International Technology Alliance - 0 views

    A landmark collaboration known as the International Technology Alliance (ITA) in Network and Information Sciences was initiated by the US Army Research Laboratory (ARL) and the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) in 2006. Awards were made to a Consortium of industrial and academic organizations from the United States and the United Kingdom that along with the US ARL and the UK Dstl formed an international research Alliance that is jointly conducting collaborative research focused on enhancing coalition operations. The key factors contributing to the success of this unique collaborative venture are: joint technical leadership and management by the Alliance (academia, industry, government in both countries); an arrangement fostering an open collaborative research environment to support deep collaboration among researchers; multi-disciplinary research approach applied to key coalition technical challenges; and an innovative transition model that is facilitating the rapid transition of research results to both commercial and military domains.The purpose of this US ARL and UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) ITA Program Announcement (PA) under W911NF-15-R-0003 is to solicit offers that will help to fulfill the research and development goals of the US Department of Army and UK Ministry of Defence. This PA announces a new and innovative opportunity for cooperation between the US and the UK in the area of Distributed Analytics and Information Science (DAIS). The DAIS ITA Program is comprised of two components: (1) the Basic Research Component and (2) the Technology Transition Component. The Basic Research Component will provide for fundamental research, the results of which will be in the public domain, while the Technology Transition Component will provide for the application of the fundamental research results to military, security and commercial applications to foster the best technologies for future defense and security needs. The Catalog of Federal Domestic As

BLM WY Migratory Bird Monitoring - 0 views

    Population trend data will be established for BLM sensitive species at the WY Field Office level and provide a baseline for project level monitoring.

FY15 and FY16 Region 1 Wetland Program Development Grants - 0 views

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is soliciting proposals from eligible applicants to build or refine state/tribal/local government wetland programs as described in Section I, FUNDING OPPORTUNITY DESCRIPTION, of this announcement. States, tribes, local government agencies, interstate agencies, and intertribal consortia are eligible to apply under this announcement, as further described herein. Universities that are agencies of a state government are eligible, but must include documentation demonstrating that they are chartered as part of a state government in the proposal submission. Non-profit organizations are not eligible to compete under this RFP.

Historic Preservation Fund Grants to Underrepresented Communities - 0 views

    Grant projects must support the survey, inventory, and designation of historic properties that are associated with communities currently underrepresented in the National Register of Historic Places and among National Historic Landmarks, as determined by the National Park Service and the applicant.

BLM-CO Colorado Stewardship Specialty Crews - 0 views

    This program will help manage and protect BLM lands by providing trail maintenance,restoration work, educational opportunities,trail ethics information,expertise for travel management and recreation planning. In addition, the program will help with the recruitment and training of youth, volunteers and BLM staff, and coordinating resource protection projects.

BLM-New Mexico (NM) CESU Montezuma Quail Research, Initiative for the Management of Wil... - 0 views

    To assist the Bureau of Land Management in managing Montezuma quail populations by evaluating Montezuma quail responses to common silviculture and rangeland practices in the Fort Stanton Snowy River National Conservation Area (NCA). (1) To describe spatial patterns and habitat use prior and after thinning projects (canopy cover reduced to a mosaic of 30% to 40% canopy cover) (2) controlled burns determine habitat use in relation to canopy cover (3) determine population characteristics (sex and age composition, survival rates, cause -specific mortality and density) of Montezuma quail in the NCA. Because few studies have been published on Montezuma quail using radio-telemetry, our knowledge on habitat use and life history is overly dependent on anecdotal observations. This study will be the first to document habitat use in relation to canopy cover, thinning projects and response to controlled burns. This project will address several conservation actions and monitoring recommendations for Montezuma quail. We will allow determination of current habitat use as well as provide needed information to construct management schemes to improve or maintain current Montezuma quail habitat. Ultimately, the understanding of the dynamics and ecology of Montezuma quail will aid in their management and the habitat they reside in.

BLM Nevada Wildlife Habitat Revitalization and Monitoring - 0 views

    To partner with the state wildlife agency of Nevada to fund the design, implementation and completion of on-the-ground projects designed to enhance, rehabilitate, restore, and when appropriate mitigate habitat on BLM-administered public lands across the state of Nevada for wildlife conservation. Monitoring is an essential component of projects to ensure effectiveness of the project. Studies will be conducted to examine the effects of landscape treatments on both target and non-target species

BLM BiState Sage Grouse Habitat Restoration and Monitoring in Nevada and California - 0 views

    This program seeks to partner with the state wildlife agencies of Nevada and California to fund the design, implementation and completion of on-the-ground projects designed to enhance, rehabilitate, restore, and when appropriate mitigate habitat on BLM-administered public lands in the states of Nevada and California within the range of Bi-State Sage Grouse.

BLM OR/WA - Oregon- National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center (NHOTIC) Geoscie... - 0 views

    The BLM has worked with the Geological Society of America GeoCorps America Program for over 15 years to provide geoscientists, college students, professionals, and retirees, hands on experience in overall land management. The need for geoscience expertise is great. In many cases, geoscience is not adequately addressed in education, resource management, geological hazards mitigation, and other geological work on public lands. The GeoCorps program, dating from 1997, strives to increase the number of geoscientists able to provide educational outreach to a multitude of diverse land managers in order to address a more global approach for overall land management decisions and to raise the publicÿfds knowledge and awareness of the value of geoscience resources on public lands. The objective of this program is to continue to provide geoscientists, college students, professionals, and retirees, hands on experience in resource management, geological hazards mitigation, and other geological work related to overall land management in order to develop skills and abilities in geosciences.
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