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CESU BLM AZ-Recreation Impact Inventory, Monitoring and Assessment, Arizona Strip Distr... - 0 views

    Description of Program and/or Project Background: The project is a long-term inventory, monitoring, and assessment program of human impacts resulting from recreation uses on the Arizona Strip District using a standardized quantitative recreation monitoring approach. Using baseline data compiled in a geo-referenced database of impacts available on an easily accessed website, existing recreation sites will be monitored on a regular schedule to determine recreation-created impacts and make management recommendations for future actions. Graduate and undergraduate students will be involved in the recreation monitoring and assessment program and conference presentations and publications in pertinent scientific literature will represent the results of these studies, not required as deliverables to the BLM. Regular reporting with recommendations to management and staff will be conducted in order to assist the BLM in protecting and maintaining recreation settings and opportunities. Recreation assessments would also be conducted under this agreement for National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS) areas, such as national monuments, wilderness areas and national trails. Data collected during the inventory and the BLM and recipient will jointly develop monitoring. Project data will be available to the BLM on an as needed basis. This project provides opportunities for students and/or entry-level professionals to work with experienced, professional land managers to obtain experience in complex public land management issues. This project will provide the background experience by which students may make long term career goals and decisions, and will enable continuing development between the recipient and the BLM in terms of student development, recruitment, and service opportunities between the two entities. To ensure that data collection is useful and reliable, a standard monitoring procedure will be followed. This will also include proper GPS techniques with geo-referenced data,

International Technology Alliance - 0 views

    A landmark collaboration known as the International Technology Alliance (ITA) in Network and Information Sciences was initiated by the US Army Research Laboratory (ARL) and the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) in 2006. Awards were made to a Consortium of industrial and academic organizations from the United States and the United Kingdom that along with the US ARL and the UK Dstl formed an international research Alliance that is jointly conducting collaborative research focused on enhancing coalition operations. The key factors contributing to the success of this unique collaborative venture are: joint technical leadership and management by the Alliance (academia, industry, government in both countries); an arrangement fostering an open collaborative research environment to support deep collaboration among researchers; multi-disciplinary research approach applied to key coalition technical challenges; and an innovative transition model that is facilitating the rapid transition of research results to both commercial and military domains.The purpose of this US ARL and UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) ITA Program Announcement (PA) under W911NF-15-R-0003 is to solicit offers that will help to fulfill the research and development goals of the US Department of Army and UK Ministry of Defence. This PA announces a new and innovative opportunity for cooperation between the US and the UK in the area of Distributed Analytics and Information Science (DAIS). The DAIS ITA Program is comprised of two components: (1) the Basic Research Component and (2) the Technology Transition Component. The Basic Research Component will provide for fundamental research, the results of which will be in the public domain, while the Technology Transition Component will provide for the application of the fundamental research results to military, security and commercial applications to foster the best technologies for future defense and security needs. The Catalog of Federal Domestic As

Water Power Technologies Office 2019 Research Funding Opportunity - 0 views

    Complete information, including the full Funding Opportunity Announcement, can be found on the EERE Exchange website - The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is issuing, on behalf of the Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO), a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) titled "Water Power Technologies Office 2019 Research Funding Opportunity." This FOA addresses priorities in the following Areas of Interest: Area of Interest 1: Hydropower Operational Flexibility Area of Interest 1a: Quantify Hydropower Capabilities for Operational Flexibility Area of Interest 1b: Operational Strategies for Increasing Hydropower Flexibility Area of Interest 2: Low-Head Hydropower and In-Stream Hydrokinetic Technologies Area of Interest 2a: Modular Technologies for Low-Head Hydropower Applications Area of Interest 2b: Modular Technologies for River Current Energy Converter Applications Area of Interest 3: Advancing Wave Energy Device Design Area of Interest 4: Marine Energy Centers Research Infrastructure Upgrades Complete information can be found on the EERE Exchange website -

BLM-CO Preserving the Mining Heritage in San Juan County - 0 views

    A partnership with a cooperator as outlined in this funding opportunity announcement will assure that these sites are frequently monitored by volunteers, site stewards, and/or personnel from the cooperator. In addition, there are several mining structures in need of historic preservation as well as interpretive activities over the lifetime of the agreement. This funding opportunity addresses the Secretary of Interiorâ¿¿s priorities of creating a conservation stewardship legacy second only to Teddy Roosevelt as well as ensuring greater public access to public lands. This funding opportunity promotes access over restrictions that damage to cultural resources may present.

BLM ORWA 2018 Master Recreation Trail Management - 0 views

    Oregon is recognized both nationally and internationally for providing a wide range of quality recreational opportunities. These recreation opportunities and resources are frequently cited as a vital component of the high quality of life that the region is known for. Additionally, the state Economic and Community Development Department identifies tourism and outdoor recreation as vital components of the state economy on par with manufacturing, timber and agriculture. BLM-administered lands in Oregon/Washington have seen a 20 percent increase in outdoor recreation demand within the last five years. Increased demand for non-motorized and motorized trail based opportunities has resulted in impacts being experienced that require additional planning and development.

2018 Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program - 0 views

    The U.S. Embassy Vientiane Public Diplomacy Section announces an open competition for organizations to submit project proposals for funding under the U.S. Embassy's 2018 Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program. This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) solicits proposals for projects that further the U.S. Mission's public diplomacy goals of strengthening people-to-people ties between Laos and the United States, expanding educational opportunities for Lao people to better engage with the United States and ASEAN, and building and strengthening local partners through the specific objectives listed below. Proposals for projects must focus on one of the priority areas specified below. Applicants should pay close attention to the Public Diplomacy Section's goals, priority program objectives, and target audiences when developing their proposals. Funding Opportunities include: Public Diplomacy Goals Education Inclusiveness and support issues related to: women, disabled persons, LGBT rights, ethnic minorities, other marginalized and stigmatized groups such as victims of human trafficking, underprivileged youth, or religious minorities. Promoting fundamental American values: promoting freedom of expression, press, association, and religion through public dialogue and events, cultural performances, the arts. Rule of Law Health and wellness Youth Women's empowerment Alumni Volunteering Entrepreneurship Environment Cultural Preservation

BLM WY Willdife Resource Management Projects - 0 views

    Expand wildlife hunting and viewing opportunities and increase access; work with State agencies to meet wildlife population objectives; work with rural communities to enhance economic opportunities related to wildlife; work to enhance habitat for upland game, waterfowl, big game and watchable wildlife; provide employment opportunities for youths and veterans; provide consistent data to streamline energy and grazing permitting, and land use planning; partner with conservation stewardship organizations to increase habitat quality.

BLM ORWA 2019 Master Outdoor Recreation Management - 0 views

    Public lands managed by the BLM provide some of the most diverse outdoor recreation opportunities on Federal lands in the western United States. The BLM¿s Recreation and Visitor Services Program oversees a broad and complex set of recreation related programs, which provide a multitude of recreation opportunities and experiences. These recreation resources and visitor services support strong local economies and public land conservation. As BLM works to enhance recreational opportunities for the American family, we strive to remain a good neighbor and partner.

Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Southern Appalachian Mountains CESU - 0 views

    The Wetland and Aquatic Research Center (WARC) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU partner to study the causes and effects of phenological changes in salamander life history events. This opportunity will provide an avenue for assisting the USGS-WARC with the development of models for simulating and predicting the effects of future climate conditions on salamander populations. Research being conducted by USGS-WARC scientists is being used to inform recovery efforts of the federally-listed flatwoods salamanders (2 species; Ambystoma cingulatum and A. bishopi). WARC scientists are monitoring populations of A. cingulatum at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge; their work has demonstrated the variation in timing of key life history events, such as breeding and metamorphosis, as well as their dependence on weather patterns. The largest remaining population of A. bishopi exists at Eglin Air Force Baseâ¿¿approximately 250 km west of St. Marks NWR. This opportunity is for collaboration with CESU partner scientists to evaluate spatial and temporal variation in phenological patterns of flatwoods salamanders. This collaboration would ensure that forecasts of salamander population viability account for a more complete range of future possibilities

Climate Variability and Predictability - 0 views

    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is focused on providing the essential and highest quality environmental information vital to our Nation's safety, prosperity and resilience. Toward this goal, the agency conducts and supports weather and climate research, oceanic and atmospheric observations, modeling, information management, assessments, interdisciplinary decision-support research, outreach, education, and partnership development. Climate variability and change present society with significant economic, health, safety, and security challenges and opportunities. In meeting these challenges, and as part of NOAA's climate portfolio within the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR), the Climate Program Office (CPO) advances scientific understanding, monitoring, and prediction of climate and its impacts, to enable effective decisions. This funding opportunity focuses on the Climate Variability and Predictability (CVP) Program. The CVP Program supports research that enhances our process-level understanding of the climate system through observation, modeling, analysis, and field studies. This vital knowledge is needed to improve climate models and predictions so that scientists and society can better anticipate the impacts of future climate variability and change. To achieve its mission, the CVP Program invests in NOAA mission-critical research, which is carried out at NOAA and other federal laboratories, NOAA Cooperative Institutes, academic institutions and private sector research entities. The Program also coordinates its sponsored projects with major national and international scientific bodies including the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) - especially CLIVAR (Climate and Ocean Variability, Predictability and Change) and GEWEX (Global Energy and Water Cycle Exchanges) programs - and the U.S. Global Change Research program (USGCRP). Specific details of this funding opportunity are contained in the Full Announcement Text.

Shared Beringian Heritage Program 2020 Funding Call - 0 views

    The National Park Service Shared Beringian Heritage Program (SBHP) recognizes and celebrates the unique natural resources and cultural heritage shared by Russia and the United States in the region known as Beringia. From the Kolyma River in Russia to Alaska's border with the Yukon Territory in Canada, this region includes the people, the land, and the water that connected the continents of North America and Asia during the Pleistocene ice ages. The area provides unparalleled opportunities to study both earth and human history. The overall purpose of the SBHP is to advance local, national, international understanding and preservation of the region¿s resources and to sustain the cultural vitality of its indigenous people. Specific programmatic goals are to: ¿ Improve conservation, sustainability, and knowledge of the region¿s natural and cultural resources; ¿ Preserve subsistence opportunities and other historic traditions and practices; ¿ Interpret and communicate about the region¿s unique and internationally significant resources and values; ¿ Provide opportunities for cultural connections and knowledge exchange. To meet its goals, the SBHP funds projects that connect people and activities in the Beringia region. Proposed projects may be research-focused, community-based, educational, cultural, or conservational. Every project must demonstrate how it fulfills the goals of the SBHP.

BLM CA Recreation and Visitor Services - 0 views

    Public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM); California provide some of the most diverse outdoor recreation opportunities on Federal lands in the western United States. The BLM¿s Recreation and Visitor Services Program oversees a broad and complex set of recreation related programs, which provide a multitude of recreation opportunities and experiences. These recreation resources and visitor services support strong local economies and public land conservation. As BLM works to enhance recreational opportunities, we strive to remain a good neighbor and partner

OR/WA Master Outdoor Recreation Management - 0 views

    BLM OR/WA has an opportunity to work with partner organizations to assist with the following: Increase and enhance access to public lands and waters. Increase and enhance hunting, fishing and recreational opportunities. Increase and enhance recreational shooting opportunities. Improve inventory, assessment and planning on public lands and waters. Improve management, administration, and monitoring of public lands and waters. Provide enriched visitor services, information, interpretation and education. Enhance community-supported partnerships in tourism and marketing. Protect visitor health and safety. Improve accessibility for persons with disabilities. Improve motorized and non-motorized trails including trail construction and maintenance, comprehensive travel and transportation inventory and assessment, planning management and monitoring.

Youth Conservation Service Cooperative Agreement - 0 views

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) intends to enter into a nationwide cooperative agreement with a nonprofit organization (Recipient) for training and education services relating to natural resources conservation and outdoor recreation management. Funds are intended to provide young adults and veterans with real life work experiences in stewardship of the environment in all fifty states by offering opportunities for education, leadership and personal development to the Recipient's participants, while providing a high quality public service in natural resources/recreation management and conservation. Recipient must have an extensive history of providing young people and veterans with opportunities to serve within the leading federal land management agencies, providing hands-on career training, internships and other education programs to young adults and veterans. Recipient recruits, selects, trains and places qualified young adults and veterans to serve in support of conservation and recreation management projects and has the capability and expertise to provide a series of conservation/recreation management experiences for youth ranging from high school to post graduate that collectively comprise a continuous opportunity for young adults to enhance their understanding of conservation and prepare for careers in natural resources/recreation management. Recipient has the experience, plant capacity and demonstrated capability to immediately and successfully place interns and conservation crews at over 400 USACE lake and river projects and other sites nationwide to include all fifty states in the United States.

Great Lakes Restoration Initiative 2015 Request for Applications | Great Lakes Funding ... - 0 views

    EPA is soliciting applications for grants and/or cooperative agreements to be awarded as part of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. EPA will award approximately $13.9 million under a Request for Applications for up to about 40 projects, contingent upon funding availability, the quality of applications received and other applicable considerations. This RFA is EPA's major competitive grant funding opportunity under the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative for fiscal year 2015. It is one of several funding opportunities available through federal agencies under the GLRI. Categories (Funding Opportunity Number): *Invasive Species Prevention (EPA-R5-GL2015-ISP) *Invasive Species Control (EPA-R5-GL2015-ISC) *Urban Watershed Management Implementation (EPA-R5-GL2015-UWM) *Agricultural Watershed Management Implementation (EPA-R5-GL2015-AWM) *Maumee River Watershed Nutrient Prevention Pilot Project (EPA-R5-GL2015-MNP)

View Opportunity | GRANTS.GOV - 0 views

    * Address priority STEM workforce needs and identified gaps in early-stage advanced manufacturing technology - Traineeship programs focus on advancing those critical STEM disciplines and competencies specifically relevant to the AMO missions where other U.S. Government or academic workforce development programs either do not exist or where DOE-relevant early-stage technology areas are not being leveraged to support specific DOE mission responsibilities. The high priority topic identified in this traineeship program is advanced manufacturing (advanced materials and process technologies in manufacturing). The full Funding Opportunity Announcement is posted on the EERE Exchange website at Applications must be submitted through the EERE Exchange website to be considered for award. The applicant must first register and create an account on the EERE Exchange website. The Users' guide for applying to Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's Funding Opportunity Announcements through the Exchange website can be found at

Fiscal Year 2020 Advanced Vehicle Technologies Research Funding Opportunity Announcement - 0 views

    The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy is issuing, on behalf of the Vehicle Technologies Office, a Funding Opportunity Announcement entitled, Fiscal Year 2020 Advanced Vehicle Technologies Research Funding Opportunity Announcement. This announcement seeks research projects to address priorities in the following areas: advanced batteries and electrification in support of the recently-announced DOE Energy Storage Grand Challenge; advanced engine and fuel technologies, including technologies for off-road applications and alternative fueled engines; lightweight materials; new mobility technologies (energy efficient mobility systems); and alternative fuels technology demonstrations.

BLM OR/WA - A Cooperative Effort for Bird Conservation Throughout OR/WA - 0 views

    Monitoring avian populations and their associated habitats is a priority for avian conservation and management throughout the BLM. The BLM has been working with Klamath Bird Observatory (KBO) on bird conservation projects and programs since 1992. Information gained from these efforts has been incorporated and disseminated as the latest knowledge and recommendations for avian conservation throughout Oregon and Washington. Over the past decade KBO, in cooperation with several other organizations and individuals, has been involved in the intensive monitoring and inventory of neotropical migratory birds in the region. Additionally KBO has brought scare resources to the table in the form of skilled avian conservation staff to implement research, environmental education, social science and monitoring efforts. Their expertise and skills to access, retrieve and utilize the data stored in the Avian Knowledge Northwest (AKNW) database has been used to make comparative analyses and management recommendations for ongoing avian data collection efforts in Oregon and Washington. This has provided the BLM the unique ability to assess the growing avian conservation needs. The primary objective of this program is to evaluate the population health of landbirds in various habitats, and for the continued monitoring, research, environmental education, social science and adaptive management projects of avian conservation throughout OR and WA. The recipient will cooperatively assess and determine the status and trends of avifauna throughout OR and WA and continue to seek opportunities to engage the BLM in bird conservation opportunities at regional and national scales. The recipient is required to monitor species presence/absence, estimate densities, create habitat associations for guilds of avifauna and monitor population trends for individual species across habitat types and management regimes. The ability to analyze, interpret, incorporate and disseminate the information into planning a

Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund - 0 views

    FY 2015 Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund. Please visit our web site at for a complete program description of each of the four unique grant opportunities offered through the Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund (Section 6 of the Endangered Species Act). The OMB Control Number for this funding opportunity is 1018-0109.

Wildlife Without Borders-Africa Program - 0 views

    Central Africa is a globally important region for forest and biodiversity conservation. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service works closely with national governments, U.S. agencies, and a range of other partners to ensure a strategic, results-based approach to wildlife conservation in the region. In collaboration with U.S. Agency of International Development¿s (USAID) Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE), the Service is providing this funding opportunity to reduce threats to key wildlife populations, and to develop the requisite individual and institutional conservation capacity to undertake long-term conservation programs.Funding will only be considered for projects that impact wildlife populations in the following countries: Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and São Tomé and Príncipe. Please review the Notice of Funding Availability for each funding opportunity for specific details.
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