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AACR Chemistry in Cancer Research Award - 0 views

    The AACR and its Chemistry in Cancer Research Working Group established this award in 2007 to recognize the importance of chemistry to advancements in cancer research. The award will be given for outstanding, novel and significant chemistry research, which has led to important contributions to the fields of basic cancer research, translational cancer research, cancer diagnosis, the prevention of cancer or the treatment of patients with cancer. Such research may include, but is not limited to, drug discovery and design; structural biology; proteomics, metabolomics and biological mass spectrometry; chemical aspects of carcinogenesis; imaging agents and radiotherapeutics; and chemical biology. The winner of the Eighth Annual AACR Award for Outstanding Achievement in Chemistry in Cancer Research will give a 50-minute lecture during the AACR Annual Meeting 2014 in San Diego, CA, USA (April 5-9, 2014), receive a commemorative award, a $10,000 honorarium, and receive support for the winner and a spouse to attend the Annual Meeting.

Call for Nominations: Ninth Annual American Association for Cancer Research Award for O... - 0 views

    The AACR and its Chemistry in Cancer Research Working Group established this award in 2007 to recognize the importance of chemistry to advancements in cancer research. The award will be given for outstanding, novel and significant chemistry research, which has led to important contributions to the fields of basic cancer research, translational cancer research, cancer diagnosis, the prevention of cancer or the treatment of patients with cancer. Such research may include, but is not limited to, drug discovery and design; structural biology; proteomics, metabolomics and biological mass spectrometry; chemical aspects of carcinogenesis; imaging agents and radiotherapeutics; and chemical biology.

Arnold & Mabel Beckman Foundation | Beckman Young Investigators Program Information - 0 views

    Projects proposed for the BYI program should be truly innovative, high-risk, and show promise for contributing to significant advances in chemistry and the life sciences. They should represent a departure from current research directions rather than an extension or expansion of existing programs. Proposed research that cuts across traditional boundaries of scientific disciplines is encouraged. Proposals that open new avenues of research in chemistry and life sciences by fostering the invention of methods, instruments and materials will be given additional consideration. The BYI program funds promising young scientists early in their careers who have not yet received a major award from another organization. Proposals that already have substantial funding will not be considered for the BYI award (see eligibility for more information). Projects are normally funded for a period of four years. Grants are in the range of $600,000 over the term of the project, contingent upon demonstrated progress after the second year of the award.

About the Fund - Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund - 0 views

    The Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research was established in 1937 for the purpose of supporting research into the causes and treatment of cancer. The fund has taken a broad approach to the study of cell growth and development, emphasizing the study of the basic biology and chemistry of the underlying processes, and increasingly has focused its resources on the funding of three-year postdoctoral fellowships, supporting fellows selected by its board of scientific advisers from among the best young scientists at what is often a critical stage in their careers. As a result, there have been more than sixteen hundred Jane Coffin Childs fellows doing basic cancer-related research in laboratories in North America, Europe, Japan, and Australia. To advance its mission, the JCC Fund is accepting applications for its fellowship program. The fund supports between twenty-five and thirty new three-year cancer research fellowships every year. The current fellowship stipend levels are $52,000 for year one; $52,500 for year two; and $53,000 for year three.

Travel Fellowships for Nanotechnologies in Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy, and Prevention - 0 views

    Harnessing principles from chemistry, biology, physics, and engineering, nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary field still in its infancy. Throughout the past decade, nanoparticles and specifically nanoparticle drug delivery systems, have emerged at the forefront of cancer therapies. Nanotechnology has helped to design and fabricate micro-scale devices, including nanoparticle drug delivery systems able to target tumors and other cancerous tissue. Nanotechnology is also being explored to generate other novel techniques to design biomarkers, immunotherapy, and vaccine development for cancer. Featuring keynote address by Nobel Laureate Robert Y. Tsien, PhD, this 2.5-day conference will discuss: nanodiagnostics for cancer biomarkers and imaging, nanoparticle toxicity and safety; nanovaccines and nanoimmunotherapeutics; the challenges of targeted delivery in tumors; and nanoparticle-based gene therapy. A discussion of these topics will serve to enhance the translation of research discoveries into improved cancer diagnostic and treatment strategies. The deadline for poster abstract submission is Wednesday, April 24, 2013. For complete abstract submission instructions, please send an email to with "Abstract Information" in the subject line. There is no need to type a message; instructions will be forwarded automatically. Please call 212.298.8632 with any questions. Call for Early Career Investigator and Underrepresented Minority Travel Fellowships The deadline for submission of applications is Wednesday, April 24, 2013. A small number of fellowships will be made available to qualified early career investigators and early career investigators from underrepresented minorities.

Research Grants - 0 views

    In celebrating its 350th anniversary, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany offers a series of research grants to stimulate innovative research in challenging areas of future importance. Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany intends to provide several research grants of up to EUR 350,000 per year for 3 years in various research areas with the option of extension or expansion. Grants are offered for research in the following areas: Healthy Lives / Drug Discovery: Challenge 1: What is the next game-changing molecule or technology to help cure cancer or autoimmune disease? Life Reimagined / Synthetic Biology: Challenge 1: What is the next generation production technology for biologics? Challenge 2: Can you revolutionize microbiome research? Materials & Solutions: Challenge 1: Can you develop a new generation of intelligent materials? Challenge 2: Can you develop advances in characterization, control and surface chemistry? Challenge 3: Can you develop better atomic layer processes - from modelling to materials? Digitalization / Computing: Challenge 1: How can in-silico research benefit from deep learning or quantum computing?

Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund Invites Applications for Cancer Research Fellowships |... - 0 views

    The Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research was established in 1937 for the purpose of supporting research into the causes and treatment of cancer. The fund has taken a broad approach to the study of cell growth and development, emphasizing the study of the basic biology and chemistry of the underlying processes. It has increasingly focused its resources on the funding of three-year postdoctoral fellowships, supporting fellows selected from among the best young scientists at what is often a critical stage in their careers.

PAR-17-331: Discovery of Small Molecule Immunomodulators for Cancer Therapy (R01) - 0 views

    The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to promote the discovery of novel small molecules that may enhance the ability of the immune system to selectively recognize and attack cancer cells. These small molecules could be further developed into stand-alone immunotherapeutics or synergistic partners for existing therapies, or as chemical probes for the discovery and validation of novel targets involved in anti-tumor immunity. Investigators from multiple scientific disciplines (immuno-oncology, tumor biology, screening technology, medicinal chemistry, and pharmacology) are encouraged to establish collaborative teams to discover and develop novel small molecule immunomodulators for cancer therapy. This FOA encourages the design of research projects that utilize the following phases of discovery research: 1) assay development specifically designed for immuno-oncology targets with the intent to screen for novel small molecule compounds that show potential as either probes or drugs, or as pre-therapeutic leads; 2) screen implementation for immunomodulatory targets to identify initial screening hits (from high throughput target-focused approaches or moderate throughput phenotypic- and fragment-based approaches); 3) hit validation through secondary orthogonal and counter screening assays, and hit prioritization; and 4) hit-to-lead optimization.

NLA Junior Faculty Research Award | National Lipid Association Online - 0 views

    The purpose of the NLA Junior Faculty Research is to encourage scholarly advancement of Junior Faculty in the pursuit of a career related to hyperlipidemia and other lipid disorders in humans. The NLA will fund eligible institutions to provide $70,000 per year in salary support for those actively involved in clinical and/or basic science that provides promise of developing new information in fields of study that could advance the diagnosis and management of lipid disorders such as biochemistry, physiology, or genetics as well as interventions that improve therapy. The institutions eligible shall be nonprofit and offer an environment that would logically support a young faculty member with appropriate equipment, space and experienced faculty for proposed studies. The proposal will identify a specific candidate with training and strong signs of early success in an appropriate area of research and with a plan for developing appropriate experiments or clinical studies. To be eligible, an applicant is expected to hold or be eligible for a doctoral level degree (PhD, PharmD or MD) prior to the date of the scheduled award. There must be a record of accomplishment in a relevant research area as manifest by publications or a PhD thesis of high quality. The application for the Basic Science Award may focus on any aspect of lipid metabolism that has relevance to human disease. This may include experiments at the laboratory bench involving structural chemistry, biochemistry, physiology or genetics.

Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund Invites Applications for Cancer Research Fellowships |... - 0 views

    The Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research was established in 1937 for the purpose of supporting research into the causes and treatment of cancer. The fund has taken a broad approach to the study of cell growth and development, emphasizing the study of the basic biology and chemistry of the underlying processes, and increasingly has focused its resources on the funding of three-year postdoctoral fellowships, supporting fellows selected by its board of scientific advisers from among the best young scientists at what is often a critical stage in their careers. As a result, there have been more than sixteen hundred Jane Coffin Childs fellows doing basic cancer-related research in laboratories in North America, Europe, Japan, and Australia.

Award L'Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science - 0 views

    Within the framework of the For Women in Science partnership between the L'Oréal Foundation and UNESCO, we are launching the 2014 call for nominations for outstanding women scientist form all over the world. Five 100.000$ prizes will be awarded in march 2014 in Paris to five women scientists, one per region, for the contributions of their research, the strength of their commitments and their impact on society. An international Jury of eminent scientists presided in 2013 by the Nobel Prize winner, Ahmed Zewali, makes the final selection.

The Elsevier Foundation | Grant Guidelines for the New Scholars Program - 1 views

    The New Scholars Program supports projects to help early- to mid-career women scientists balance family responsibilities with demanding academic careers. New Scholars seeks to actively address the attrition rate of talented women scientists caused by work-life balance issues.

US NSF - Dear Colleague Letter: Assessing the Impacts of Recent and On-going Changes in... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Dear Colleague Letter is to advise you about funding opportunities at the National Science Foundation for the research community to propose research projects or workshops that will gather data on the implementation and impacts of recent science policy initiatives including, but not limited to those noted earlier.  Especially encouraged are proposals that will: Develop new, or improve existing, analytical frameworks for evaluating the impacts of federal science policy initiatives; Explore different agencies' approaches to the implementation of particular policies to examine how variations in approach affect the achievement of intended policy outcomes; Collect case-study or quantitative data that facilitate identification of best practices in science and innovation policy implementation.
1More - Funding - Research Experiences for Undergraduates - US National Science Found... - 0 views

    The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program supports active research participation by undergraduate students in any of the areas of research funded by the National Science Foundation. REU projects involve students in meaningful ways in ongoing research programs or in research projects specifically designed for the REU program. This solicitation features two mechanisms for support of student research: (1) REU Sites are based on independent proposals to initiate and conduct projects that engage a number of students in research. REU Sites may be based in a single discipline or academic department or may offer interdisciplinary or multi-department research opportunities with a coherent intellectual theme. Proposals with an international dimension are welcome. (2) REU Supplements may be included as a component of proposals for new or renewal NSF grants or cooperative agreements or may be requested for ongoing NSF-funded research projects.

Major Program Areas - 0 views

    The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation makes grants on six broad subject matters, known within the Foundation as major program areas.  Basic Research STEM Higher Education Public Understanding of Science Economic Performance and the Quality of Life Select National Issues Civic Initiatives
1More - Funding - Integrated NSF Support Promoting Interdisciplinary Research and Edu... - 0 views

    The INSPIRE awards program was established to address some of the most complicated and pressing scientific problems that lie at the intersection of traditional disciplines.  It is intended to encourage investigators to submit bold, exceptional proposals that some may consider to be at a disadvantage in a standard NSF review process; it is not intended for proposals that are more appropriate for existing award mechanisms.
1More - Funding - Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program - US National Sci... - 0 views

    CAREER: The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. Such activities should build a firm foundation for a lifetime of leadership in integrating education and research. NSF encourages submission of CAREER proposals from junior faculty members at all CAREER-eligible organizations and especially encourages women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and persons with disabilities to apply.

I-Corps@Ohio - 0 views

    I-Corps@Ohio is a statewide program to assist faculty and graduate students from Ohio universities and colleges to validate the market potential of their technologies and validate and launch startup companies. I-Corps@Ohio is modeled after the National Science Foundation's (NSF) successful I-Corps program, which is proven to increase innovation, entrepreneurship, and industry collaboration. The I-Corps@Ohio program is an initiative of the Ohio Department of Higher Education.

AAAS - AAAS Early Career Award for Public Engagement with Science - 0 views

    The AAAS Early Career Award for Public Engagement with Science, established in 2010, recognizes early-career scientists and engineers who demonstrate excellence in their contribution to public engagement with science activities. A monetary prize of $5,000, a commemorative plaque, complimentary registration to the AAAS Annual Meeting, and reimbursement for reasonable hotel and travel expenses to attend the AAAS Annual Meeting to receive the prize are given to the recipient. Nominee must be an early-career scientist or engineer in academia, government or industry actively conducting research in any scientific discipline (including social sciences and medicine).  "Early career" is defined as an individual who has been in his/her current field for less than seven years and pre-tenure or job equivalent. Post-doctoral students are eligible for this award. Nominee will have demonstrated excellence in his/her contribution to public engagement with science activities, with a focus on interactive dialogue between the individual and a non-scientific, public audience(s). Types of public engagement activities might include: informal science education, public outreach, public policy, and/or science communication activities, such as mass media, public dialogue, radio, TV and film, science café, science exhibit, science fair, and social and online media.
1More - Funding - Science of Science and Innovation Policy Doctoral Dissertation Rese... - 0 views

    The Science of Science & Innovation Policy (SciSIP) program supports research designed to advance the scientific basis of science and innovation policy. Research funded by the program thus develops, improves and expands models, analytical tools, data and metrics that can be applied in the science policy decision making process.
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