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SaTC EAGERs Enabling New Collaborations - 0 views

    The National Science Foundation is announcing its intentions to build upon the success of previous Early Concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGERs) in the area supported by the Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program (see solicitation 14-599: [1] and to accept additional EAGER proposals that encourage novel interdisciplinary research resulting from new collaborations between one or more Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) researchers and one or more Social, Behavioral and Economic Science (SBE) researchers. (Research teams with a history of collaborating together should instead submit directly to the SaTC solicitation.) The proposed research should fit both the Trustworthy Computing (TWC) and the Social, Behavioral and Economic (SBE) Sciences perspectives within the SaTC solicitation.

Biobehavioral and Technological Interventions to Attenuate Cognitive Decline in Individ... - 0 views

    The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to stimulate clinical research focused on biobehavioral or technological interventions to attenuate cognitive decline in individuals with dementia (such as Alzheimers disease, Lewy body dementia, vascular dementia), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), or disease- or age-related cognitive decline. There is particular interest in interventions that can be implemented in community settings by the affected individual, informal caregivers, or others in the community. Research to inform the development of such interventions is also of interest, as well as research examining underlying mechanisms and biomarkers associated with response to interventions. It is anticipated that the results of this research will help affected individuals maintain independence and quality of life, improve their ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), and additionally help to reduce stress, burden, and other poor outcomes in their caregivers.

Research on the Science and Technology Enterprise: Statistics and Surveys - 0 views

    The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) of the National Science Foundation (NSF) is one of the thirteen principal federal statistical agencies within the United States. It is responsible for the collection, acquisition, analysis, reporting and dissemination of objective, statistical data related to the science and engineering enterprise in the United States and other nations that is relevant and useful to practitioners, researchers, policymakers and the public. NCSES uses this information to prepare a number of statistical data reports as well as analytical reports including the National Science Board's biennial report, Science and Engineering (S&E) Indicators, and Women, Minorities and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering. The Center would like to enhance its efforts to support analytic and methodological research in support of its surveys, and to engage in the education and training of researchers in the use of large-scale nationally representative datasets. NCSES welcomes efforts by the research community to use NCSES data for research on the science and technology enterprise, to develop improved survey methodologies for NCSES surveys, to create and improve indicators of S&T activities and resources, and strengthen methodologies to analyze and disseminate S&T statistical data. To that end, NCSES invites proposals for individual or multi-investigator research projects, doctoral dissertation improvement awards, workshops, experimental research, survey research and data collection and dissemination projects under its program for Research on the Science and Technology Enterprise: Statistics and Surveys.

The Midlife in the United States Study (U19) - 0 views

    The purpose of this FOA is to solicit an application for the next 5-year cycle of the Midlife in the United States (MIDUS) Study, a National Longitudinal Study of Health and Well-being. The goals of this next phase are to complete the third wave of longitudinal data collection and enhance content in the area of daily stress; complete the second wave of data collection of clinical biomarkers and affective neuroscience assessments; continue innovative sub-studies such as how psychosocial influences affect gene expression and novel methods to track and reinstate non-responders; connect these content areas through innovative analyses to data on health, functioning, personality, cognitive status, affective functioning, economic well-being, social relationships, and well-being; and maintain and enhance data distribution and user support. A central goal of the MIDUS study is to support data dissemination, user support of public use files, and encourage data use broadly by the scientific community.

Office of American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA) Fiscal Year 2015 Program - 0 views

    USAID/ASHA builds bridges of cooperation and mutual understanding between the people of foreign nations and the people of the United States by providing funds to schools, hospitals, and libraries overseas that demonstrate the ideas, innovations, and best practices of the United States in health and education, as authorized in Section 214 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended. USAID/ASHA seeks applications from eligible U.S. Organizations and Overseas Institutions to help it achieve its legislative mandate in Fiscal Year 2015.

RFA-HL-16-008: Short-Term Research Education Program to Increase Diversity in Health-Re... - 0 views

    The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The goal of this NHLBI R25 program is to support educational activities that enhance the diversity of the biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research workforce in the mission areas of importance to NHLBI. To accomplish the stated goal, this funding opportunity announcement encourages the development of creative educational activities with a primary focus on Research Experiences.

Decision, Risk and Management Sciences - 0 views

    The Decision, Risk and Management Sciences program supports scientific research directed at increasing the understanding and effectiveness of decision making by individuals, groups, organizations, and society. Disciplinary and interdisciplinary research, doctoral dissertation research, and workshops are funded in the areas of judgment and decision making; decision analysis and decision aids; risk analysis, perception, and communication; societal and public policy decision making; management science and organizational design. The program also supports small grants that are time-critical and small grants that are high-risk and of a potentially transformative nature (see Grants for Rapid Response Research (RAPID) and EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER).)Funded research must be grounded in theory and generalizable. Purely algorithmic management science proposals should be submitted to the Operations Research Program rather than to DRMS.For additional funding opportunities, we invite you to also look at the Cross-Directorate Activities program website.For program specific guidelines on the Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants in DRMS, please visit: Doctoral Preparation Checklist.

Civil Infrastructure Systems - 0 views

    The Civil Infrastructure Systems (CIS) program supports research leading to the engineering of infrastructure systems for resilience and sustainability without excluding other key performance issues. Areas of interest include intra- and inter-physical, information and behavioral dependencies of infrastructure systems, infrastructure management, construction engineering, and transportation systems. Special emphasis is on the design, construction, operation, and improvement of infrastructure networks with a focus on systems engineering and design, performance management, risk analysis, life-cycle analysis, modeling and simulation, behavioral and social considerations not excluding other methodological areas or the integration of methods.This program does not encourage research proposals primarily focused on structural engineering, materials or sensors that support infrastructure system design, extreme event modeling, hydrological engineering, and climate modeling, since they do not fall within the scope of the CIS program. Researchers focused in these areas are encouraged to contact the Infrastructure Management and Extreme Events (IMEE), Geotechnical Engineering (GTE), Hazard Mitigation and Structural Engineering (HSME), Structural Materials and Mechanics (SMM), or the Sensors and Sensing Systems (SSS) program within CMMI. Additionally, researchers may consider contacting the Hydrologic Sciences program in the Earth Sciences Division (EAR) or the Physical and Dynamic Meteorology (PDM) program in the Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Division (AGS) of the Directorate for Geosciences.

Science of Organizations - 0 views

    Organizations -- private and public, established and entrepreneurial, designed and emergent, formal and informal, profit and nonprofit -- are critical to the well-being of nations and their citizens. They are of crucial importance for producing goods and services, creating value, providing jobs, and achieving social goals. The Science of Organizations (SoO) program funds basic research that yields a scientific evidence base for improving the design and emergence, development and deployment, and management and ultimate effectiveness of organizations of all kinds. SoO funds research that advances our fundamental understanding of how organizations develop, form and operate. Successful SoO research proposals use scientific methods to develop and refine theories, to empirically test theories and frameworks, and to develop new measures and methods. Funded research is aimed at yielding generalizable insights that are of value to the business practitioner, policy-maker and research communities. SoO welcomes any and all rigorous, scientific approaches that illuminate aspects of organizations as systems of coordination, management and governance. In considering whether a particular project might be a candidate for consideration by SoO, please note: Intellectual perspectives may involve (but are not limited to) organizational theory, behavior, sociology or economics, business policy and strategy, communication sciences, entrepreneurship, human resource management, information sciences, managerial and organizational cognition, operations management, public administration, social or industrial psychology, and technology and innovation management. Phenomena studied may include (but are not limited to) structures, routines, effectiveness, competitiveness, innovation, dynamics, change and evolution.Levels of analysis may include (but are not limited to) organizational, cross-organizational collaborations or relationships, and institutional and can address individuals, groups or tea

Infrastructure Management and Extreme Events - 0 views

    The IMEE program focuses on the impact of large-scale hazards on civil infrastructure and society and on related issues of preparedness, response, mitigation, and recovery.?? The program supports research to integrate multiple issues from engineering, social, behavioral, political, and economic sciences. ??It supports fundamental research on the interdependence of civil infrastructure and society, development of sustainable infrastructures, and civil infrastructure vulnerability and risk reduction.

New F&A rates negotiated with federal government | OARS Research News - 0 views

    In September, Miami received notice from the government that our new F&A rates are: 44.5% for On Campus Organized Research 44.0% On Campus Sponsored Instruction 39.0% On Campus Other Sponsored Activities 26.0% Off Campus All Programs These rates are effective beginning September 1, 2014. Awards received beginning in September and all proposal submissions going forward will be required to use the new rates.

CUR 2015 Conference Grants - 0 views

    The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) is pleased to offer a limited number of conference grants. These grants will be used to subsidize the cost of attendance for individuals to attend either CUR Dialogues 2015: Climbing the Ladder to Funding Success: Diverse Sources, Diverse Pathways or Undergraduate Research Programs: Building, Enhancing, Sustaining. Nominees are asked to provide contact and demographic information, a statement of expenses, a statement describing financial need, and a statement on expected outcomes from attending the conference. Historically under-represented groups and first-time attendees will be given priority. The review committee will work to ensure awardees represent a diverse subset of the applicants, specifically across discipline/CUR Division and geographic location. Awardees will receive the conference grant as a rebate after their confirmed participation in the conference, and the submission of reimbursement paperwork.

PA-14-127: Targeted Basic Behavioral and Social Science and Intervention Development fo... - 0 views

    The goal of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to provide a global outline of areas for innovative, targeted basic behavioral and social science research and intervention development research to reduce the number of new HIV infections and improve the overall health of those living with HIV and encourage research grant applications in these areas. This FOA encourages research designed to (a) conduct basic behavioral and social science research that is needed to advance the development of HIV prevention and care interventions, (b) translate and operationalize the findings from these basic studies to develop interventions and assess their feasibility and (c) conduct tests of the efficacy of HIV prevention and care interventions.

RFA-MH-15-330: Pilot Effectiveness Studies and Services Research Grants (R34) - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage pilot research consistent with NIMH's priorities for: 1) effectiveness research on interventions with previously demonstrated efficacy, for use with broader target populations or for use in community practice settings, and 2) innovative services research directions that require preliminary testing or development. Applications should provide resources for evaluating the feasibility, tolerability, acceptability and safety of approaches to improve mental health and modify risk factors, and for obtaining the preliminary data needed as a pre-requisite to a larger-scale intervention trial (e.g., comparative effectiveness study, practical trial) or large-scale services study. In this pilot phase of intervention and services research, NIMH places highest priority on approaches that can be justified in terms of their potential to substantially impact practice and public health and approaches that are empirically grounded.  Specifically:  1) Applications should justify the potential impact of the proposed intervention/services models on practice and public health in terms of the magnitude of likely improvements in effect size, safety/tolerability profile, value and efficiency, or dissemination potential, as compared to existing approaches;  2) Adaptations or augmentations of efficacious interventions should only be undertaken if there is an empirical rationale for the adaptation target and for the corresponding mechanism by which the adapted intervention or augmentation is expected to substantially enhance outcomes; and  3) For pilot tests of intervention effectiveness or service delivery approaches, the study should be designed to explicitly address whether the intervention engages the mechanism that is presumed to underlie the intervention effects.     

Establishing Behavioral and Social Measures for Causal Pathway Research in Dental, Oral... - 0 views

    The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement is to encourage the establishment of measures of specific behavioral or social phenomena that can be used to test causal hypotheses about behavioral and social contributors to dental, oral or craniofacial diseases. This announcement encourages the development and testing--or the adaptation and testing--of two types of measures: 1) measures of the health behaviors, social interactions, community characteristics, built environments, etc., targeted by behavioral or social interventions to improve oral health; and/or 2) measures of the hypothesized moderators and mediators of a behavioral or social intervention's effect. Regardless of the type of measure being developed, applications should establish reliability and validity of the measure, and demonstrate acceptability of using the measure with the target population. Note that this announcement does not support the conduct of clinical trials, consistent with the NIDCR policy for acceptance, peer review, and funding of clinical trials (see NOT-DE-11-002).

Establishing Behavioral and Social Measures for Causal Pathway Research in Dental, Oral... - 0 views

    The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement is to encourage the establishment of measures of specific behavioral or social phenomena that can be used to test causal hypotheses about behavioral and social contributors to dental, oral or craniofacial diseases. This announcement encourages the development and testing--or the adaptation and testing--of two types of measures: 1) measures of the health behaviors, social interactions, community characteristics, built environments, etc., targeted by behavioral or social interventions to improve oral health; and/or 2) measures of the hypothesized moderators and mediators of a behavioral or social intervention's effect. Regardless of the type of measure being developed, applications should establish reliability and validity of the measure, and demonstrate acceptability of using the measure with the target population. Note that this announcement does not support the conduct of clinical trials, consistent with the NIDCR policy for acceptance, peer review, and funding of clinical trials (see NOT-DE-11-002).

Behavioral Interventions to Address Multiple Chronic Health Conditions in Primary Care ... - 0 views

    This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) seeks Research Project Grant (R01) applications that propose to use a common conceptual model to develop behavioral interventions to modify health behaviors and improve health outcomes in patients with comorbid chronic diseases and health conditions. Specifically, this FOA will support research in primary care that uses a multi-disease care management approach to behavioral interventions with high potential impact to improve patient-level health outcomes for individuals with three or more chronic health conditions. The proposed approach must modify behaviors using a common approach rather than administering a distinct intervention for each targeted behavior and/or condition. Diseases and health conditions can include, but are not limited to: mental health disorders (e.g., depression), diabetes, smoking, obesity, chronic pain, alcohol and substance abuse and dependence, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, cancer and hypertension.

NIJ FY 14 Graduate Research Fellowship Program in the Social and Behavioral Sciences - 0 views

    NIJ is seeking proposals for funding innovative dissertation research under the NIJ Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) Program that provides awards for research on crime, violence, and other criminal justice-related topics to accredited academic institutions that offer research-based doctoral degrees in social and behavioral academic disciplines relevant to NIJ's mission. NIJ invests in doctoral education by supporting universities that sponsor students who demonstrate the potential to successfully complete doctoral degree programs in disciplines relevant to the mission of NIJ and who are in the final stages of graduate study. Applicants sponsoring doctoral students are eligible to apply only if the doctoral research dissertation has direct relevance to providing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to better prevent and control crime and ensure the fair and impartial administration of criminal justice in the United States.

Visionary Grants - 0 views

    The APF Visionary Grants seek to seed innovation through supporting research, education and intervention projects and programs that use psychology to solve social problems in the following priority areas: Understanding and fostering the connection between behavior and physical health to ensure well-being.Reducing stigma and prejudice to promote unity and harmony.Understanding and preventing violence to create a safer, more humane world.Supporting programs that address the long-term psychological needs of individuals and communities in the aftermath of disaster.  One-year grants are available in amounts of up to $20,000.
1More - 0 views

    MOD invites all qualified scientists with faculty appointments or the equivalent, at universities, hospitals and research institutions (not for profit or profit), to submit applications for research grants relevant to our mission. This encompasses basic biological processes governing differentiation and development, genetics and genomics of these processes, clinical studies, reproductive health and environmental toxicology, and social and behavioral studies concerning cognitive and behavioral risks that affect outcomes of pregnancy, the perinatal period, and subsequent child development. Applications will be directed to one of three committees whose respective foci are:    * Cell Lineage and Differentiation  * Gene Discovery and Translational Medicine  * Social and Behavioral Sciences. This involves family units and includes genes, toxicants, social  determinants that adversely affect language or behavior, especially if involving premature  infants or children with birth defects.
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