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RFA-DA-19-003: Exploiting Omics Assays to Investigate Molecular Regulation of Persisten... - 0 views

    This initiative will support projects that exploit Omics assays to address outstanding questions regarding molecular regulation of persistent HIV (e.g. latency or reservoirs) in the context of chronic substance use or substance use disorder (SUD).

Alcohol-Induced Effects on Tissue Injury and Repair (R21) - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Award (R21) applications to study molecular and cellular mechanisms of tissue injury and repair associated with alcohol use in humans. Excessive alcohol consumption has the potential to adversely affect multiple organ systems including the liver, brain, heart, pancreas, lung, kidney, endocrine and immune systems, as well as bone and skeletal muscle. In addition, there is accumulating evidence that long term alcohol consumption is associated with reduced host capacity for recovery and repair following trauma. The mechanisms for these alcohol-induced effects on tissue injury and repair are currently not fully understood. NIAAA is especially interested in integrative research that elucidates alcohol's effects on complex mechanisms of injury and repair that are either common or specific to each organ system. This FOA also encourages the study of alcohol's effect on stem cells, embryonic development, and regeneration. Also encourages are studies on molecular and cellular actions of moderate alcohol consumption. A better understanding of these underlying mechanisms may provide new avenues for developing more effective and novel approaches for prognosis, diagnosis, intervention, and treatment of alcohol-induced organ damage.

Autism Science Foundation Pre- and Postdoctoral Training Awards Training Awards | RFPs ... - 0 views

    The Autism Science Foundation is inviting applications for its Pre- and Postdoctoral Training Awards from graduate students, medical students, and postdoctoral fellows interested in pursuing careers in basic and clinical research relevant to autism spectrum disorders. The proposed training must be scientifically linked to autism and may be broadened to include training in a closely related area of scientific research, including but not limited to human behavior across the lifespan (language, learning, behavior, communication, social function, motor skills & planning, epilepsy, sleep, repetitive disorders), neurobiology (anatomy, development, neuroimaging), pharmacology, neuropathology, genetics, epigenetics, genomics, epigenomics, immunology, molecular and cellular mechanisms, studies employing model organisms and systems, and studies of treatment and service delivery. Special consideration will be given to projects focused on gender issues in autism. This includes studies examining the female protective effect, neurobiological and neuroanatomical examination of the female autism brain, diagnostic differences and challenges in females, the female phenotype, and health and lifespan issues, including vocational services and employment. ASF also invites studies focused on unaffected siblings and recurrence risk in the offspring of unaffected siblings. ASF is also interested in supporting research on the neurobiology and molecular biology of autism using post-mortem brain tissue. The one-year awards include $25,000 for predoctoral and medical students and $35,000 for postdoctoral students.

RFA-DA-14-005: Substance Use Disorders and Molecular Regulation of Brain Energy Utiliza... - 0 views

    The purpose of this FOA is to support projects investigating the interplay between molecular regulation of brain energy utilization and brain and/or behavioral changes resulting from chronic exposure to abused substances.   

RFA-DA-14-006: Substance Use Disorders and Molecular Regulation of Brain Energy Utiliza... - 0 views

    The purpose of this FOA is to support projects investigating the interplay between molecular regulation of brain energy utilization and brain and/or behavioral changes resulting from chronic exposure to abused substances.    

Capturing Complexity in the Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms Involved in the Etiology ... - 0 views

    The goal of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support innovative research focused on understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the heterogeneity and multifactorial nature of Alzheimer's disease (AD) with the potential to create new or challenge existing scientific paradigms. This FOA encourages individual or collaborative research projects that propose innovative approaches to understand the complex biology of AD aimed to fill critical knowledge gaps.

Psychological, Behavioral, and Neurocognitive-Focused Ancillary Studies to the Molecula... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support an ancillary study grant application(s) to add psychological, behavioral, and/or neurocognitive assessments to the data collection in adults (> 18 years of age) enrolled at the clinical sites in the Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity in Humans Consortium (MoTrPAC) supported by the NIH Common Fund. This ancillary study FOA complements the parent MoTrPAC study by supporting research to elucidate the individual level psychological, behavioral, and neurocognitive characteristics that explain variation in individual response and adherence to a program of physical activity. The ultimate goal of the research supported by this FOA is to characterize individual differences in response to exercise over the course of the MoTrPAC protocol in order to identify novel treatment targets and inform personalized physical activity intervention approaches in the future.

PAR-20-264: Cellular and Molecular Biology of Complex Brain Disorders (R21 Clinical Tri... - 0 views

    "This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages research on the biology of high confidence risk factors associated with complex brain disorders, with a focus on the intracellular, transcellular and circuit substrates of neural function. For the purposes of this FOA, the term "complex" can refer to a multifactorial contribution to risk (e.g., polygenic and/or environmental) and/or highly distributed functional features of the brain disorder. Studies may be either hypothesis-generating (unbiased discovery) or hypothesis-testing in design and may utilize in vivo, in situ, or in vitro experimental paradigms, e.g., model organisms or human cell-based assays. While behavioral paradigms and outcome measures can be incorporated into the research design to facilitate the characterization of intracellular, transcellular and circuit mechanisms, these are neither required nor expected. Studies should not attempt to "model" disorders but instead should aim to elucidate the neurobiological impact of individual or combined risk factor(s), such as the affected molecular and cellular components and their relationships within defined biological process(es). This can include the fundamental biology of these factors, components and processes. The resulting paradigms, component pathways and biological processes should be disseminated with sufficient detail to enrich common and/or federated data resources (e.g., those contributing to the Gene Ontology, Synaptic Gene Ontology, FAIR Data Informatics) in order to bridge the gap between disease risk factors, biological mechanism and therapeutic target identification. The present announcement (R21 activity code) can be used for applications to develop early stage, high-risk, exploratory approaches or establish proof-of-concept where there is little or no preliminary data."
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - Developmental and Learning Sciences - US National Science Foundatio... - 0 views

    DLS supports fundamental research that increases our understanding of cognitive, linguistic, social, cultural, and biological processes related to children's and adolescents' development and learning.  Research supported by this program will add to our basic knowledge of how people learn and the underlying developmental processes that support learning, with the objective of leading to better educated children and adolescents who grow up to take productive roles as workers and as citizens. Among the many research topics supported by DLS are: developmental cognitive neuroscience; development of higher-order cognitive processes; transfer of knowledge from one domain or situation to another; use of molecular genetics to study continuities and discontinuities in development; development of peer relations and family interactions; multiple influences on development, including the impact of family, school, community, social institutions, and the media; adolescents' preparation for entry into the workforce; cross-cultural research on development and learning; and the role of cultural influences and demographic characteristics on development. Additional priorities include research that: incorporates multidisciplinary, multi-method, microgenetic, and longitudinal approaches; develops new methods, models, and theories for studying learning and development; and integrates different processes (e.g., learning, memory, emotion), levels of analysis (e.g., behavioral, social, neural), and time scales (e.g. infancy, middle childhood, adolescence).

Klarman Family Foundation Grants Program in Eating Disorders Research - 0 views

    The Klarman Family Foundation is interested in providing strategic investment in translational research that will accelerate progress in developing effective treatments for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. The Program's short-term goal is to support the most outstanding science and expand the pool of scientists whose research explores the basic biology of feeding, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and/or binge eating disorder. The long-term goal is to improve the lives of patients suffering from these conditions. Examples of funding areas include but are not limited to molecular genetic analysis of relevant neural circuit assembly and function; genetic and epigenetic research; animal models created by genetically altering neural circuits; and testing of new chemical entities that might be used in animal models as exploratory treatments.  Please note that imaging studies involving humans are not eligible. Investigators conducting research in the neuro-circuitry of fear conditioning or reward behavior may also apply but must justify the relevance of their research projects to the basic biology of eating disorders. Clinical psychotherapeutic studies, medication trials and research in the medical complications of these disorders are outside the scope of this Program.

Press Release: FY13 Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program Update, Congressionally... - 0 views

    To allow investigators time to plan and develop applications, the TSCRP is providing its strategic plan for award mechanisms to be offered in 2013 should funding become available. Congressional funds for the FY13 TSCRP have not yet been appropriated, and this document is not to be construed as an obligation by the government; there is no guarantee of funding for these planned mechanisms. Areas of Focus: The FY13 TSCRP encourages research projects applications that specifically address the critical needs of theTSC community in the following areas of focus: Genetic, epigenetic, and non-genetic modifiers of TSC. Identification and development of preclinical models and therapeutic strategies (e.g., cytotoxic agents, combination therapies). Identifying biomarkers for early detection, prognosis, and prediction of treatment outcomes (such as serum markers, imaging, electrophysiology, prenatal testing, and pharmacogenetics). Impact of TSC manifestations in adults (e.g., care management, age-specific pathogenesis, epidemiology, renal, reproductive issues, and lymphangioleiomyomatosis [LAM])). Long-term benefits and effects of mTOR inhibitors or other agents. Novel strategies for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of TSC manifestations including those geared toward early identification and intervention. Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms of TSC and LAM pathogenesis. Understanding the mechanism and improving the treatment of epilepsy in TSC. Understanding the mechanism and improving treatment of TSC-associated neurocognitive disorders (TAND) including cognitive impairment, and psychiatric, behavioral, and sleep disorders.

Mechanisms, Models, Measurement, and Management in Pain Research - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to inform the scientific community of the pain research interests of the various Institutes and Centers (ICs) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and to stimulate and foster a wide range of basic, clinical, and translational studies on pain as they relate to the missions of these ICs. New advances are needed in every area of pain research, from the micro perspective of molecular sciences to the macro perspective of behavioral and social sciences. Although great strides have been made in some areas, such as the identification of neural pathways of pain, the experience of pain and the challenge of treatment have remained uniquely individual and unsolved. Furthermore, our understanding of how and why individuals transition to a chronic pain state after an acute injury is limited. Research to address these issues conducted by interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research teams is strongly encouraged, as is research from underrepresented, minority, disabled, or women investigators.

Basic Mechanisms of Brain Development for Substance Use and Dependence (R01) - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages Research Project Grant (R01) applications from institutions/organizations that propose to study the developing brain or brain areas that play significant roles in mediating emotional and motivated behavior and in substance use and dependence. All stages of brain development are of interest, but a new emphasis of the current reissue of this initiative is to support basic neuroscience research on fundamental mechanisms of brain development during prepuberty and the adolescent period in relation to the problems of substance abuse and co-morbidity with psychiatric disorders. Topics of interest pertaining to brain development of this initiative include, but are not limited to, the euphoric properties of abused substances, actions of psychotherapeutic agents, and their consequences on memory, cognitive and emotional processes. An additional major goal of this initiative is to understand how exposure to substances of abuse affects the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying nervous system development and neural circuit functions implicated in substance use and addiction.

Autism Science Foundation Inviting Applications for Pre- and Postdoctoral Training Awar... - 0 views

    The Autism Science Foundation is inviting applications for its Pre- and Postdoctoral Training Awards and Medical School Gap Year Research Training Awards from graduate students, medical students, and postdoctoral fellows interested in pursuing careers in basic and clinical research relevant to autism spectrum disorders. The proposed training must be scientifically linked to autism and may be broadened to include training in a closely related area of scientific research, including but not limited to human behavior across the lifespan (language, learning, behavior, communication, social function, motor skills and planning, epilepsy, sleep, repetitive disorders); neurobiology (anatomy, development, neuroimaging); pharmacology; neuropathology; genetics; epigenetics; genomics; epigenomics; immunology; molecular and cellular mechanisms; studies employing model organisms and systems; and studies of treatment and service delivery.

A new opportunity for early career investigators - CIFAR : CIFAR - 0 views

    CIFAR invites exceptional early career researchers to join CIFAR's global network of 370 researchers from 18 countries who together are pursuing answers to some of the most complex challenges facing the world today. The CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars program provides funding, skills training, mentorship, and opportunities to collaborate with outstanding colleagues from diverse disciplines to position scholars as leaders and agents of change within academia and beyond. CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars receive: * $100,000 CDN in unrestricted research support * A two-year membership to a CIFAR research program, with outstanding research leaders from across disciplines. Learn what it's like to be a CIFAR Fellow * Specialized leadership and communication skills training Applicants can be from anywhere in the world, must hold a PhD (or equivalent) and be within the first five years of a full-time academic appointment. Please note that postdoctoral fellows are not eligible to apply to the program. Scholars' research interests must be aligned with the themes of an eligible CIFAR research program.  In 2018, the eligible programs are: * Azrieli Program in Brain, Mind & Consciousness * Bio-Inspired Solar Energy * Gravity & the Extreme Universe * Humans & the Microbiome * Molecular Architecture of Life

The Science of Learning and Augmented Intelligence Program - 0 views

    The program supports research addressing learning in individuals and in groups, across a wide range of domains at one or more levels of analysis including: molecular/cellular mechanisms; brain systems; cognitive, affective, and behavioral processes; and social/cultural influences. The program also supports research on augmented intelligence that clearly articulates principled ways in which human approaches to learning and related processes, such as in design, complex decision-making and problem-solving, can be improved through interactions with others, and/or the use of artificial intelligence in technology. These could include ways of using knowledge about human functioning to improve the design of collaborative technologies that have capabilities to learn to adapt to humans. For both aspects of the program, there is special interest in collaborative and collective models of learning and/or intelligence that are supported by the unprecedented speed and scale of technological connectivity. This includes emphasis on how people and technology working together in new ways and at scale can achieve more than either can attain alone. The program also seeks explanations for how the emergent intelligence of groups, organizations, and networks intersects with processes of learning, behavior and cognition in individuals.

Autism Science Foundation Invites Applications for Pre- and Postdoctoral Training Award... - 0 views

    Through the program, grants will be awarded to graduate students, medical students, and postdoctoral fellows in support of training in basic and clinical research relevant to autism spectrum disorders. The foundation will consider all areas of related basic and clinical research, including but not limited to human behavior across the lifespan (language, learning, behavior, communication, social function, motor skills and planning, epilepsy, sleep, repetitive disorders); neurobiology (anatomy, development, neuroimaging); pharmacology; behavioral intervention; neuropathology; genetics and gene/environment interactions; epigenetics; genomics; epigenomics; immunology; molecular and cellular mechanisms; studies employing model organisms and systems; and studies of treatment and service delivery.

Mechanisms, Models, Measurement, and Management in Pain Research (R01 Clinical Trial Op... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to inform the scientific community of the pain research interests of the various Institutes and Centers (ICs) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and to stimulate and foster a wide range of basic, clinical, and translational studies on pain as they relate to the missions of these ICs. New advances are needed in every area of pain research, from the micro perspective of molecular sciences to the macro perspective of behavioral and social sciences. Although great strides have been made in some areas, such as the identification of neural pathways of pain, the experience of pain and the challenge of treatment have remained uniquely individual and unsolved. Furthermore, our understanding of how and why individuals transition to a chronic pain state after an acute injury is limited. Research to address these issues conducted by interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research teams is strongly encouraged, as is research from underrepresented, minority, disabled, or women investigators.

PAR-18-218: Strategic Alliances for Medications Development to Treat Substance Use Diso... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support research that advances compounds towards FDA approval by leveraging NIDA funds with the strengths and resources of outside organizations, such as for-profit and not-for-profit entities, including academic institutions, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, private and public foundations, and small businesses. Applications from single entities that possess considerable resources for medications development will also be considered, provided the entity demonstrates a significant resource commitment to the proposed project. A resource commitment from a single entity could, for example, consist of salary support for key personnel or production and formulation of clinical trial material. It is anticipated that in comparison with traditional grant-funded research, strategic alliances will increase the pace at which medications to treat Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) move through the drug development process. Both the project period and budget of the grant are consistent with the objective of accelerating the pace of medications development compared to traditional research project grant funding. Project aims can range from the development of a new molecular entity to the expansion of an existing medication's clinical indication(s). Each project should have a defined entry and exit point in the medications development pathway, with the objective of advancement in the FDA approval process. It is hoped that support for these collaborations will accelerate the rate of medications development for SUDs.

PAR-18-519: Sensory and motor system changes as predictors of preclinical Alzheimers di... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage applications that propose either basic, clinical, or a combination of basic and clinical studies to investigate how functional changes in the sensory and/or motor systems impact the development and progression of Alzheimer's disease. Studies may include older adults and/or animal models and may employ a variety of approaches, including cellular, molecular, imaging, physiological and genetic, to address this need. For clinical studies, leveraging of existing longitudinal cohorts already collecting sensory and motor assessments is highly encouraged.
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