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Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) Pre-applications - 0 views

    The purpose of the SCRI program is to address the critical needs of the specialty crop industry (as defined in Part VIII, D of the RFA) by awarding grants to support research and extension that address key challenges of national, regional, and multi-state importance in sustaining all components of food and agriculture, including conventional and organic food production systems.

Heart Failure Collaboratory (R18) Clinical Trials Optional - 0 views

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), Office of New Drugs (OND), Division of Cardiovascular and Renal Products (DCRP) is announcing its intent to accept and consider applications for the award of a grant to support the Heart Failure Collaboratory

Rural Community Development Initiative - 0 views

    Technical Assistance & Training Grant Qualified private, nonprofit and public including tribal intermediary organizations proposing to carry out financial and technical assistance programs will be eligible to receive the funding. The Intermediary will be required to provide matching funds in an amount at least equal to the RCDI grant. The respective minimum and maximum grant amount per Intermediary is $50,000 and $250,000. The Intermediary must provide a program of financial and technical assistance to recipients to develop their capacity and ability to undertake projects related to housing, community facilities, or community and economic development that will support the community.

NARMS Cooperative Agreement Program to Strengthen Antibiotic Resistance Surveillance in... - 0 views

    Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM), builds upon the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS) which was initiated in 1996 as one of the key activities in a national action plan to combat antibiotic resistance threats. The purpose of this FOA is to protect and promote public health by enhancing, strengthening and sustaining antibiotic resistance surveillance in retail food specimens within the NARMS program. The NARMS cooperative agreements is intended to improve the detection of antibiotic resistance among bacteria in food commodities, as well as expand to new sites to expand the scope of sampling. Measurable outcomes of the program will be in alignment with the NARMS Objectives.

Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program (FSMIP) - 0 views

    FSMIP provides matching funds on a competitive basis to assist eligible entities explore new market opportunities and to encourage research and innovation aimed at improving the efficiency and performance of the U.S. agricultural marketing system. The 2020 allocation for grants is approximately $1 million. Proposals may focus on addressing barriers, overcoming challenges or realizing opportunities manifesting at any stage of the marketing chain including direct, wholesale, and retail. Proposals must have a strong marketing focus, must involve research, and the primary beneficiaries must be agricultural producers and agribusinesses. Proposals that involve training or education programs must include a research component that tests the effects of the program on the marketing goals. Proposals may involve small, medium or large-scale agricultural entities but should benefit multiple producers or agribusinesses. Proposals that benefit one agribusiness or individual will not be considered.

Scientific Exchanges Initiative - 0 views

    The Scientific Exchanges Initiative advances USDA's agricultural research goals to promote collaborative programs among agricultural professionals of eligible countries, the United States, the international agricultural research system, and United States entities conducting research in the agricultural sciences by providing fellowships to individuals from eligible countries who specialize or have experience in agricultural education, research, extension, or other related fields. Fellowships promote food security and economic growth in eligible countries by educating a new generation of agricultural scientists, increasing scientific knowledge and collaborative research to improve agricultural productivity, and extending that knowledge to users and intermediaries in the marketplace. The collaborative nature of the training and research programs benefits the fellow, his or her home institution, and partner country; the U.S. host institution, its professors, researchers, and students; and the global agricultural sector by improving agricultural productivity, systems, and processes in partnering nations through the transfer of new science and agricultural technologies.

Drug Development Science Support (U01) Clinical Trials Optional - 0 views

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS) and FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), Office of Medical Policy (OMP) is announcing its intent to accept and consider applications for the award of a co-operative agreement to protect and promote the health of the American public by creating new, applied scientific knowledge, tools, standards and approaches to evaluate products more effectively, predictably and efficiently.

USDA-FNS-SNAP-PTIG-FY2020 - 0 views

    Section 11(t) of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (Public Law 116-94), as amended, Grants for Simplified Application and Eligibility Determination Systems and Improved Access to Benefits, authorizes the Food and Nutrition Service Agency (FNS) to annually award up to $5 million* in grants to State agencies; public health, or educational entities; or private nonprofit entities, such as community-based or faith-based organizations, food banks, or other emergency feeding organizations. Grants authorized by Section 11(t), known as Process and Technology Improvement Grants, allow applicants to "develop and implement supplemental nutrition assistance program simplified application and eligibility determination systems."

2020 Cochran Fellowship Program - 0 views

    Training objectives must support the agricultural extension goals of the Cochran Fellowship Program to assist eligible countries to develop agricultural systems necessary to meet the food and fiber needs of their domestic populations and/or strengthen and enhance trade linkages between eligible countries and agricultural interests in the United States by providing fellowships to individuals from eligible countries who specialize in agriculture for study in the United States. In general, USDA will identify Fellows based on country-specific topics of importance to the international agricultural trading system and place them with U.S. institutions for 1-2 week intensive programs. These programs are expected to contribute to the strategic goals and objectives of the institutions through a hands-on experience in a "real-world" international trade scenario, providing an opportunity for application of research, extension, or teaching agendas. Host institutions will be able to share the knowledge gained through the program in their classroom and extension work with their faculty, students, extension officers, and constituents; and they will be able to continue to maintain professional contacts with the Fellows after their departure from the United States

Analytical Research for Pesticide Residue Field Trials to Establish and Support Codex M... - 0 views

    The initial award will be up to $125,000. Additional funds, up to a cumulative total of $250,000 may be made available over the lifetime of the award, subject to the availability of funding.

Equipment Grant Program (EGP) - 0 views

    The Equipment Grant Program (EGP) serves to increase access to shared-use special purpose equipment/instruments for fundamental and applied research for use in the food and agricultural sciences programs at institutions of higher education, including State Cooperative Extension Systems. The program seeks to strengthen the quality and expand the scope of fundamental and applied research at eligible institutions, by providing them with opportunities to acquire one major piece of equipment/instruments that support their research, training, and extension goals and may be too costly and/or not appropriate for support through other NIFA grant programs. The EGP does not support the acquisition of suites of equipment to outfit research laboratories /facilities or to conduct independent experiments simultaneously. Similarly, the EGP does not fund common, general purpose ancillary equipment that would normally be found in a laboratory and/or is relatively easily procured by the organization or through other NIFA grant programs. Rather, it is intended to help fund items of equipment that will upgrade infrastructure. Moreover, EGP does not fund research projects, including research that uses the equipment acquired with support from the program nor does it support the operation and maintenance of facilities.

2020 International Agricultural Education Fellowship Program - 0 views

    USDA anticipates issuing up to two awards to improve developing countries ability to meeting food and fiber needs as well as strengthen trade linkages between the United States and selected countries. Each award is expected to support up to nine (9) fellows. Programs for fellows are expected to last 8-9 months in concurrence with the host country's academic year. After selection, recipients will be expected to identify fellows, proposing selections to USDA for final concurrence. Although each fellow should be assigned a specific country and site, USDA envisions fellows will participate as a cohesive cohort, rather than at individual times, and applicants should prepare their approach accordingly. Award recipients will be required to work with relevant FAS Posts, as well as appropriate U.S. Embassy personnel, on all programmatic issues including providing periodic updates on program implementation.tional FFA Organization and the National 4-H

2020 Borlaug Fellowship Program World Food Prize Event - 0 views

    The Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program (Borlaug Fellowship Program) advances USDA's agricultural research goals of promoting collaborative programs among agricultural professionals of eligible countries, agricultural professionals of the United States, the international agricultural research system, and United States entities conducting research by providing fellowships to individuals from eligible countries who specialize or have experience in agricultural education, research, extension, or other related fields. Fellowships promote the expansion of domestic and international markets in eligible countries by educating a new generation of agricultural scientists, increasing scientific knowledge and collaborative research to increase trade and agricultural economic activity by extending that knowledge to users and intermediaries in the marketplace. The collaborative nature of the training and research programs not only benefits the Fellow, his or her home institution, and partner country; the U.S. host institution, its professors, researchers, and students; and the global agricultural sector by improving agricultural productivity, systems, and processes in partnering nations through the transfer of new science and agricultural technologies. As part of the Borlaug Fellowship Program, Fellows will attend the Borlaug Dialogue International Symposium (Borlaug Dialogue) hosted by the World Food Prize in Des Moines, Iowa during the week of October 11, 2020.

Improving the Measurement of Market Systems Resilience in Kenya - 0 views

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), Global Programs (GP) seeks the provision of technical assistance to improve its understanding of market system resilience. Specifically, USDA/FAS and USAID/Kenya and East Africa (KEA) seek to support exploratory research to develop, field test, refine hypotheses, and draft indicators and tools for measuring critical factors that enable market systems to adapt and transform in the face of shocks and stresses. As such, it will support the U.S. Government's Feed the Future aim of improving agricultural market system resilience leading to more secure economic opportunities for vulnerable populations facing shocks and stresses in northern Kenya. Field level data collection should take place in one county in Northern Kenya and one county in Eastern Kenya, to be selected by USDA based on ongoing U.S. government programming. USDA will ensure that there are no security concerns with the county to be selected, and will consider recommendations from the applicant. Data collection should involve mixed methods (e.g. focus groups, individual interviews and/or mini surveys) with approximately 70-100 market players and 20-30 experts/key informants. Applicants should plan for approximately 50 percent of the effort to be primary data collection and approximately 50 percent of the effort to be desk reviews, analysis, and writing.

FSIS FERN Cooperative Agreement Program - 0 views

    The FSIS FERN Cooperative Agreement program provides FSIS food defense capacity and supports the agency's mission of food safety in the event of a national emergency. Any or all of the CAP initiatives may allow the selected laboratories to provide surge capacity testing for food defense events and special project testing for food defense and/or food safety topics. Laboratories will be involved in on-going testing of food matrices for food defense analytes, method development, method validation, and special directed projects that meet FSIS food safety needs. Long term planning is not always possible for these activities, so laboratories with the capability to respond quickly and with the greatest variety of capabilities will be necessary to support the needs of FSIS.

Commercial Fishing Occupational Safety ResearchCooperative Agreement (U01) - 0 views

    This Commercial Fishing Occupational Safety Research Cooperative Agreement was established by The Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-281), as amended by the Howard Coble Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2014 (P.L. 113-281), and is intended to provide funding to individuals in academia, members of non-profit organizations and businesses involved in fishing and maritime matters, and other entities with expertise in commercial fishing safety. The funding will be used to support research on improving the occupational safety of workers in the commercial fishing industry. This includes: improving vessel design; developing and improving emergency and survival equipment; enhancing vessel monitoring systems; improving communication devices, deicing technology, and severe weather detection. In order to support and administer the grant program, the Coast Guard and NIOSH signed a Memorandum of Understanding on May 17, 2018. While the Coast Guard, along with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), provides regulatory oversight for safety and health matters within the commercial fishing industry, NIOSH is an agency operating under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) with the mission of generating new knowledge in occupational safety and health and transferring that knowledge into practice to prevent worker injury, illness and death. NIOSH conducts and funds scientific research, develops methods to prevent occupational hazards, develops guidance and authoritative recommendations, translates scientific knowledge into products and services, disseminates information, identifies factors underlying work-related disease and injury and responds to requests for workplace health hazard evaluations. NIOSH has an extensive history of conducting research to understand and to reduce hazards in the commercial fishing industry.

Secondary Agriculture Education Challenge Grant Program - 0 views

    The Secondary Education, Two-Year Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12 Classroom Challenge Grants (SPECA) program seeks to: (a) promote and strengthen secondary education and two-year postsecondary education in the food, agriculture, natural resources and human (FANH) sciences in order to help ensure the existence of a workforce in the United States that's qualified to serve the FANH sciences system; and (b) promote complementary and synergistic linkages among secondary, two-year postsecondary, and higher education programs in the FANH sciences in order to advance excellence in education and encourage more young Americans to pursue and complete a baccalaureate or higher degree in the FANH sciences.

U.S. University Partnership Initiative in South Africa - 0 views

    The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy South Africa of the U.S. Department of State announces an open competition for organizations to submit applications to carry out a program focused on strengthening existing ties and fostering new collaboration between U.S. and African universities. The Public A Priority Region: Project activities must take place in South Africa and the United States, and be directed at South African audiences/participants. Program Objectives: The goal of the University Partnerships Initiative (UPI) is to strengthen existing ties and foster new collaboration between U.S. and South African universities. Focus areas include promoting faculty and student exchanges, facilitating joint research, building administrative capacity, and creating public-private partnerships. Program proposals should address how relationships between institutions will be sustained after U.S. government funded efforts are concluded. Specific Program Objectives: - Promote U.S.-South Africa faculty and student exchanges, particularly the development of dual degree programs that have South Africans complete their studies in their home country and address South Africa's shortage of qualified academic staff. - Facilitate joint research, especially in agriculture, food security, and STEM. - Provide training and transfer skills in all aspects of university administration through subject-matter exchange programs. - Explore public-private partnerships, with an emphasis on commercialization, technology transfer, and job creation.

Scientific and Cooperative Research Program - 0 views

    The United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) announces the availability of funding through cost reimbursable agreements for the Scientific Cooperation Research Program (SCRP) for fiscal year (FY) 2020. SCRP supports FAS' Borlaug Fellowship Program and other strategic goals and utilizes the scientific communities' accumulated knowledge and technologies to help aid in developing practical solutions to address issues including agricultural trade and market access, animal and plant health, biotechnology, food safety and security, and sustainable natural resource management. All applications must include foreign collaborations, and projects should not exceed two years. Funding may be allocated to foreign collaborators through sub-awards. Background The Scientific Cooperation Research Program (SCRP) is a Foreign Agricultural Service Office,(FAS) administered program that has been in existence for several decades. Historically, SCRP has funded hundreds of collaborative research programs between U.S. and foreign scientists.This program supports up to 10 collaborative research programs annually, up to $50,000.

Special Research Grants Program - Aquaculture Research - 0 views

    The purpose of the Aquaculture Research program is to support the development of an environmentally and economically sustainable aquaculture industry in the U.S. and generate new science-based information and innovation to address industry constraints. Over the long term, results of projects supported by this program may help improve the profitability of the U.S. aquaculture industry, reduce the U.S. trade deficit, increase domestic food security, provide markets for U.S.-produced grain products, increase domestic aquaculture business investment opportunities, and provide more jobs for rural and coastal America. The Aquaculture Research program will fund projects that directly address major constraints to the U.S. aquaculture industry and focus on one or more of the following program priorities: (1) genetics of commercial aquaculture species; (2) critical disease issues impacting aquaculture species; (3) design of environmentally and economically sustainable aquaculture production systems; and (4) economic research for increasing aquaculture profitability.
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