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The Zenith Fellows Award Program (Zenith) - 0 views

    The Zenith Fellows award was initiated in 1991 to provide a vehicle for research support for donors with a substantial personal commitment to the advancement of Alzheimer's disease research. The awards are made possible by the generosity of a group of individuals and organizations (Zenith Society) that have each committed $1 million to the Alzheimer's Association for support of the program.

Small Vessel Vascular Contributions to Cognitive Impairment and Dementia (VCID) Biomark... - 0 views

    In May of 2013 the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), with input from the National Institute on Aging (NIA), held an Alzheimer's Disease-Related Dementias Conference in response to the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease. The Conference brought together national and international experts and members of the public to develop research priorities for accelerating the development of therapies for the Alzheimer's disease-related dementias (ADRDs). The ADRD 2013 research recommendations that resulted are part of the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease. This FOA addresses the National Plan's highest priority for human-based research on vascular contributions to cognitive impairment and dementia (VCID): to develop noninvasive markers of key vascular processes related to VCID in Alzheimer's and related dementias. The research program initiated here underscores the need to facilitate the development of biomarkers to improve the efficiency and outcome of Phase II and III clinical trials and advance therapeutic development. These companion FOAs (RFA-NS-16-019, i.e. this FOA; and RFA-NS-16-020 for the Biomarkers Development Projects) establish the Small Vessel VCID Biomarkers Consortium, and are focused on small vessel (i.e. arterioles, capillaries, and venules) VCID in vascular cognitive impairment (VCI), vascular dementia, and all mixed and pure cognitive impairment and dementias with contributing small vessel vascular disease, including such as commonly occurs in sporadic Alzheimer's disease. Awards funded under these two FOAs create a consortium and infrastructure to complete development projects as well as planning that will enable follow-up activities (to be carried out under future separate funding; for example large scale multi-site validation studies and other activities, for future FDA qualification of small vessel VCID biomarkers and use in clinical trials).

ASPIRE - Hemophilia Research - 0 views

    The 2016 U.S. Advancing Science through Pfizer: Investigator Research Exchange (ASPIRE) Hemophilia Research Awards Program is a competitive grants program that reflects the commitment of Pfizer Hemophilia to support ongoing basic science and clinical investigation in hemophilia A and B. Ongoing basic science research and clinical research are critical to deepen understanding of disease mechanisms and to ensure advancement of management strategies for hemophilia A and hemophilia B and their related comorbidities. In an era of increased competition for research funding, the 2016 U.S. ASPIRE Hemophilia Research Awards Program is designed to support laboratory and clinical research in pathogenesis, complications, management, and clinical outcomes of hemophilia A and B.
    The 2016 U.S. Advancing Science through Pfizer: Investigator Research Exchange (ASPIRE) Hemophilia Research Awards Program is a competitive grants program that reflects the commitment of Pfizer Hemophilia to support ongoing basic science and clinical investigation in hemophilia A and B. Ongoing basic science research and clinical research are critical to deepen understanding of disease mechanisms and to ensure advancement of management strategies for hemophilia A and hemophilia B and their related comorbidities. In an era of increased competition for research funding, the 2016 U.S. ASPIRE Hemophilia Research Awards Program is designed to support laboratory and clinical research in pathogenesis, complications, management, and clinical outcomes of hemophilia A and B.

Characterization of Circulating Pro- and Anti-Geronic Proteins and Peptides - 0 views

    The goal of this FOA is to advance research on the underlying basis for the transfer (or transposition) of aging phenotypes observed between young and old rodents and discovered through heterochronic parabiosis. Examples of transposed phenotypes include reversal of cardiac hypertrophy, partial restoration of cognitive function, improved vascularization, and repair of skeletal muscle after cryo-injury (anti-geronic transposition), or as accelerated loss of cognitive function and neurogenesis (pro-geronic transposition). Other transposed phenotypes, as revealed solely through heterochronic parabiosis, may also be reported in the literature. There are also reports of candidate factors found in circulation that might be causally related to the transposition of these aging phenotypes; these are termed "circulating geronic factors" for purposes of this FOA. To date, these are proteins and peptides that pass between the young and old mice joined by parabiosis, due to anastomosis of their circulatory systems. Based on these novel findings and this novel experimental paradigm, the specific objective of this FOA is to test whether these candidate geronic factors are necessary for the transposition of aging phenotypes. The focus is on phenotypes transposed in heterochronic parabiosis and the candidate factors which are present and functional at physiological concentrations in circulation.
    The goal of this FOA is to advance research on the underlying basis for the transfer (or transposition) of aging phenotypes observed between young and old rodents and discovered through heterochronic parabiosis. Examples of transposed phenotypes include reversal of cardiac hypertrophy, partial restoration of cognitive function, improved vascularization, and repair of skeletal muscle after cryo-injury (anti-geronic transposition), or as accelerated loss of cognitive function and neurogenesis (pro-geronic transposition). Other transposed phenotypes, as revealed solely through heterochronic parabiosis, may also be reported in the literature. There are also reports of candidate factors found in circulation that might be causally related to the transposition of these aging phenotypes; these are termed "circulating geronic factors" for purposes of this FOA. To date, these are proteins and peptides that pass between the young and old mice joined by parabiosis, due to anastomosis of their circulatory systems. Based on these novel findings and this novel experimental paradigm, the specific objective of this FOA is to test whether these candidate geronic factors are necessary for the transposition of aging phenotypes. The focus is on phenotypes transposed in heterochronic parabiosis and the candidate factors which are present and functional at physiological concentrations in circulation.

Cutting edge research grant program - 0 views

    ASDS has taken a prospective approach to positively affecting the future of the specialty of dermatologic surgery in recommending research on Board-directed topics. The intended result of Board-directed research is data that will help promote dermatologic surgeons as innovators, foster public awareness of dermatologic surgeons as experts, support ASDS positions on patient safely and regulatory issues, etc. Evidence-based and comparative effectiveness research is called for as well. By facilitating research in specific areas, ASDS will be able to further position itself as a catalyst for key findings in dermatologic surgery, and you can play an integral role.
    ASDS has taken a prospective approach to positively affecting the future of the specialty of dermatologic surgery in recommending research on Board-directed topics. The intended result of Board-directed research is data that will help promote dermatologic surgeons as innovators, foster public awareness of dermatologic surgeons as experts, support ASDS positions on patient safely and regulatory issues, etc. Evidence-based and comparative effectiveness research is called for as well. By facilitating research in specific areas, ASDS will be able to further position itself as a catalyst for key findings in dermatologic surgery, and you can play an integral role.

Target Advancement Program | Parkinson's Disease Information - 0 views

    The Michael J. Fox Foundation believes that a major hurdle in the development of promising treatments for Parkinson's disease is the need for well-validated targets linked to the disease process. By promoting critical target validation studies within academic and industry laboratories, MJFF investments can help de-risk subsequent drug development and ultimately accelerate the creation of innovative therapies for Parkinson's patients. Part of our Edmond J. Safra Core Programs for PD Research, the Target Advancement program seeks to build robust evidence to rationalize biological pathways and targets for further translation into new Parkinson's treatments.
    The Michael J. Fox Foundation believes that a major hurdle in the development of promising treatments for Parkinson's disease is the need for well-validated targets linked to the disease process. By promoting critical target validation studies within academic and industry laboratories, MJFF investments can help de-risk subsequent drug development and ultimately accelerate the creation of innovative therapies for Parkinson's patients. Part of our Edmond J. Safra Core Programs for PD Research, the Target Advancement program seeks to build robust evidence to rationalize biological pathways and targets for further translation into new Parkinson's treatments.

PAR-16-205: The National Institute on Aging (NIA) Late Onset of Alzheimer's Disease (LO... - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) requests submission of applications for the National Institute on Aging (NIA) Late Onset of Alzheimer's Disease (LOAD) Family Based Study (FBS). Analysis of families that are multiply affected with Alzheimer's disease (AD) provides distinct advantages for characterizing the impact of genetic variants on disease risk. First, multiplex families are likely to be enriched for genetic variants associated with increased risk, providing increased statistical power to estimate the effects. Second, analysis of multiply affected families provides insight into the remaining unknown genetic influences (i.e., the "residual heritability") as well as antecedent modifying factors that interact with identified genetic variants to influence disease risk. Third, family members at risk are followed at regular intervals, facilitating prospective investigation of the effects of the genetic variants on age-at-onset as well as the modifying effects of antecedent risk and protective factors. Finally, family data can provide information regarding the influence of known variants on the rate of disease progression and the residual heritability of disease progression.

Edward N. and Della L. Thome Memorial Foundation, Bank of America N.A., Trustee, Awards... - 0 views

    The Edward N. & Della L. Thome Memorial Foundation was created in 2002 to advance the health of older adults through the support of direct service projects and medical research on diseases and disorders affecting older adults. In keeping with the Foundation's mission, the goal of the Awards Program is to support translational research that will lead to improved therapies for individuals suffering from age- related macular degeneration (AMD)

PA-16-428: Health Promotion Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Males (R01) - 0 views

    This initiative seeks applications that propose to stimulate and expand research in the health of minority men. Specifically, this initiative is intended to: 1) enhance our understanding of the numerous factors (e.g., sociodemographic, community, societal, personal) influencing the health promoting behaviors of racial and ethnic minority males across the life cycle, and 2) encourage applications focusing on the development and testing of culturally and linguistically appropriate health-promoting interventions designed to reduce health disparities among racially and ethnically diverse males age 18 and older.

Paul B. Beeson Emerging Leaders Career Development Award in Aging (K76) - 0 views

    The National Institute on Aging is pursuing this initiative to recruit talented new investigators who have begun to establish research programs and who, through this award, will be ready to assume leadership roles in their field of expertise and who will be poised to change theory, practice and health outcomes related to the health of older individuals. Unlike other mentored K awards, candidates for this award must have received competitively awarded research support as a PD/PI at the faculty level and have had prior leadership responsibilities in the clinical or research domain.
    The National Institute on Aging is pursuing this initiative to recruit talented new investigators who have begun to establish research programs and who, through this award, will be ready to assume leadership roles in their field of expertise and who will be poised to change theory, practice and health outcomes related to the health of older individuals. Unlike other mentored K awards, candidates for this award must have received competitively awarded research support as a PD/PI at the faculty level and have had prior leadership responsibilities in the clinical or research domain.

Human Performance Enhancement - The Collider Project (Dayton, OH) - Meetup - 0 views

    On September 13, WBI will be hosting its 3rd OEA Collider Event, this time on the topic of Human Performance Enhancement. Please block your calendars from 1:30 till 3:30 and plan to join us to learn more about the opportunities within this massive market space. For the purposes of this project, we're defining Human Performance Enhancement like this: As the world becomes more complex, the demands on human performance continue to increase. Athletic endeavors, military requirements, continuing independence into one's later years are all examples of market-driven needs for human performance enhancement. Strength, speed, endurance, vigilance, multi-tasking, mental-acuity, and recovery are all enhancement opportunities of interest. Formal evaluation of blue papers will begin on approximately 17 October 2016. Wright Brothers Institute continues to work diligently on our pilot project to refine a commercialization process for regional innovators. In March we had an OEA Collider event focused on the Precision Agriculture market which has resulted in 8 Blue Paper submissions and 2 on-going projects to commercialize several of the concepts explained in those blue papers. We're making significant progress toward providing real market solutions with a combination of several innovative technologies!

General & Age-Related Disabilities Engineering (GARDE) | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    The General & Age Related Disabilities Engineering (GARDE) program supports fundamental engineering research that will lead to the development of new technologies, devices, or software that improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities. Research may be supported that is directed toward the characterization, restoration, and/or substitution of human functional ability or cognition, or to the interaction of persons with disabilities and their environment. Areas of particular interest are disability-related research in neuroengineering and rehabilitation robotics. Emphasis is placed on significant advancement of fundamental engineering knowledge that facilitates transformative outcomes. We discourage applications that propose incremental improvements. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Program Director prior to submitting a proposal.
    The General & Age Related Disabilities Engineering (GARDE) program supports fundamental engineering research that will lead to the development of new technologies, devices, or software that improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities. Research may be supported that is directed toward the characterization, restoration, and/or substitution of human functional ability or cognition, or to the interaction of persons with disabilities and their environment. Areas of particular interest are disability-related research in neuroengineering and rehabilitation robotics. Emphasis is placed on significant advancement of fundamental engineering knowledge that facilitates transformative outcomes. We discourage applications that propose incremental improvements. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Program Director prior to submitting a proposal. 

BRAIN Initiative Fellows: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) In... - 0 views

    The purpose of the BRAIN Initiative Fellows (F32) program is to enhance the research training of promising postdoctorates, early in their postdoctoral training period, who have the potential to become productive investigators in research areas that will advance the goals of the BRAIN Initiative. Applications are encouraged in any research area that is aligned with the BRAIN Initiative, including neuroethics. Applicants are expected to propose research training in an area that complements their predoctoral research. Formal training in quantitative perspectives and analytical tools is expected to be an integral part of the proposed research training plan. In order to maximize the training potential of the F32 award, this program encourages applications from individuals who have not yet completed their terminal doctoral degree and who expect to do so within 12 months of the application due date. On the application due date, candidates may not have completed more than 6 months of postdoctoral training.  

Transition to Independence Award - 0 views

    To promote the development of successful independent researchers working to improve the care of patients with serious illness, the NPCRC is requesting applications for its Transition to Independence Award (TIA). The aim of the TIA is to expand the cadre of palliative care researchers by extending research support to promising investigators completing a federal career development award whom have not yet achieved independence as measured by successful receipt of an NIH R01 award or equivalent. The TIA assures a continuum of support for turning promising junior investigators into independent researchers.  

General & Age-Related Disabilities Engineering (GARDE) | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    The General & Age Related Disabilities Engineering (GARDE) program supports fundamental engineering research that will lead to the development of new technologies, devices, or software that improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities. Research may be supported that is directed toward the characterization, restoration, and/or substitution of human functional ability or cognition, or to the interaction of persons with disabilities and their environment. Areas of particular interest are disability-related research in neuroengineering and rehabilitation robotics. Emphasis is placed on significant advancement of fundamental engineering knowledge that facilitates transformative outcomes. We discourage applications that propose incremental improvements. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Program Director prior to submitting a proposal.
    The General & Age Related Disabilities Engineering (GARDE) program supports fundamental engineering research that will lead to the development of new technologies, devices, or software that improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities. Research may be supported that is directed toward the characterization, restoration, and/or substitution of human functional ability or cognition, or to the interaction of persons with disabilities and their environment. Areas of particular interest are disability-related research in neuroengineering and rehabilitation robotics. Emphasis is placed on significant advancement of fundamental engineering knowledge that facilitates transformative outcomes. We discourage applications that propose incremental improvements. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Program Director prior to submitting a proposal. 

BRAIN Initiative: Development and Validation of Novel Tools to Analyze Cell-Specific an... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative is to encourage applications that will develop and validate novel tools to facilitate the detailed analysis of complex circuits and provide insights into cellular interactions that underlie brain function. The new tools and technologies should inform and/or exploit cell-type and/or circuit-level specificity. Plans for validating the utility of the tool/technology will be an essential feature of a successful application. The development of new genetic and non-genetic tools for delivering genes, proteins and chemicals to cells of interest or approaches that are expected to target specific cell types and/or circuits in the nervous system with greater precision and sensitivity than currently established methods are encouraged. Tools that can be used in a number of species/model organisms rather than those restricted to a single species are highly desired. Applications that provide approaches that break through existing technical barriers to substantially improve current capabilities are highly encouraged.
    The purpose of this Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative is to encourage applications that will develop and validate novel tools to facilitate the detailed analysis of complex circuits and provide insights into cellular interactions that underlie brain function. The new tools and technologies should inform and/or exploit cell-type and/or circuit-level specificity. Plans for validating the utility of the tool/technology will be an essential feature of a successful application. The development of new genetic and non-genetic tools for delivering genes, proteins and chemicals to cells of interest or approaches that are expected to target specific cell types and/or circuits in the nervous system with greater precision and sensitivity than currently established methods are encouraged. Tools that can be used in a number of species/model organisms rather than those restricted to a single species are highly desired. Applications that provide approaches that break through existing technical barriers to substantially improve current capabilities are highly encouraged.   

Innovation Corps (I-Corps™) at NIH Program for NIH and CDC Phase I Small Busi... - 0 views

    This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) seeks to develop and nurture a national innovation ecosystem that builds upon biomedical research to develop technologies, products and services that benefit society. Toward meeting this objective, the I- Corps™ program is being offered. The I-Corps™ at NIH program is focused on educating researchers and technologists on how to translate technologies from the lab into the marketplace. Under this FOA, participating NIH and CDC Institutes and Centers will provide administrative supplement awards to two cohorts of currently-funded SBIR and STTR Phase I grantees to support entrepreneurial training under the I-Corps™ at NIH Program. The program is designed to provide three-member project teams with access to instruction and mentoring in order to accelerate the translation of technologies currently being developed with NIH and CDC SBIR and STTR funding. It is anticipated that outcomes for the I-Corps™ teams participating in this program will include significantly refined commercialization plans and well-informed pivots in their overall commercialization strategies. Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NIH or CDC Scientific/Research staff for more information about the program before applying.
    This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) seeks to develop and nurture a national innovation ecosystem that builds upon biomedical research to develop technologies, products and services that benefit society. Toward meeting this objective, the I- Corps™ program is being offered. The I-Corps™ at NIH program is focused on educating researchers and technologists on how to translate technologies from the lab into the marketplace. Under this FOA, participating NIH and CDC Institutes and Centers will provide administrative supplement awards to two cohorts of currently-funded SBIR and STTR Phase I grantees to support entrepreneurial training under the I-Corps™ at NIH Program. The program is designed to provide three-member project teams with access to instruction and mentoring in order to accelerate the translation of technologies currently being developed with NIH and CDC SBIR and STTR funding. It is anticipated that outcomes for the I-Corps™ teams participating in this program will include significantly refined commercialization plans and well-informed pivots in their overall commercialization strategies. Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NIH or CDC Scientific/Research staff for more information about the program before applying.  

Limited Competition: Additional Sequencing for the Alzheimer's Disease Sequencing Proje... - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites applications specific to sample acquisition, genome wide association studies, whole genome sequencing, quality control checking, variant calling, and data calling that will support the generation of data for the Alzheimer's Disease Sequencing Project Follow-Up Study.  

Basic Biopsychosocial Mechanisms and Processes in the Management of Chronic Conditions - 0 views

    This FOA seeks to stimulate basic inquiry into the mechanisms that influence people within their larger social contexts to manage one or multiple conditions over the lifecourse. Long-term goals are to increase knowledge of the individual and group processes that inform thought and behaviors that reinforce health and optimal wellbeing to enhance overall human health, reduce illness and disability, and lengthen life.
    This FOA seeks to stimulate basic inquiry into the mechanisms that influence people within their larger social contexts to manage one or multiple conditions over the lifecourse. Long-term goals are to increase knowledge of the individual and group processes that inform thought and behaviors that reinforce health and optimal wellbeing to enhance overall human health, reduce illness and disability, and lengthen life.

National Chronic Disease Self-Management Education - 0 views

    The purpose of the National Chronic Disease Self-Management Education (CDSME) Resource Center will be to provide leadership, expert guidance, and resources to promote the value of and increase access to evidence-based self-management programs; and to serve as a national clearinghouse and disseminate resources and best practices to increase the capacity of states, aging, disability and public health networks and their partners to implement and sustain CDSME programs.
    The purpose of the National Chronic Disease Self-Management Education (CDSME) Resource Center will be to provide leadership, expert guidance, and resources to promote the value of and increase access to evidence-based self-management programs; and to serve as a national clearinghouse and disseminate resources and best practices to increase the capacity of states, aging, disability and public health networks and their partners to implement and sustain CDSME programs.
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