The Significance of Grit: A Conversation with Angela Lee Duckworth - 0 views
one specific definition of resilience, which is optimism—appraising situations without distorting them, thinking about changes that are possible to make in your life.
Sean Nash on 10 Dec 13Of course there is another side to this element of linking optimism to resilience. I can see the commonality in many situations, but I'm wondering if this is a cause/effect relationship... or perhaps merely a correlation. Another important element of "appraising situations without distorting them" is what many people refer to as being "realistic." In other words, not letting optimism cloud one's objective judgement. I think there is a lot at play here.
only half of the questions are about responding resiliently to situations of failure and adversity or being a hard worker.
And you stick with those interests and goals over the long term.
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