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Matt Manfredi

Real News 24/7: Anatomy of Terror - 9 views

    This link leads to a page containing graphic images. The images depict ZANU or ZAPU members who were dismembered and mutilated by the member's of the other nationalist organization on the grounds of being suspected of having connections to white Rhodesia. Apparently it was a common tool used to frame the rival group, and these practices still remain common in African conflicts today, as they are effective in scaring off potential enemies.
Matt Manfredi

The Grand Alliance and the Future of French Indochina, 1945 - 6 views

    • Matt Manfredi
      Churchill vehemently denies Britain is bound by the Atlantic Charter
  • Later in the discussions with Churchill and Eden, questions pertaining to the reconquest of colonial and imperial territory with American men and lend-lease supplies and the question pertaining to Hongkong and other problems were interjected by the British.
  • When the subject was broached, I told Churchill I was not authorized to settle the matter of the use of American resources reconquest of colonial possessions in Southeast Asia.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • However, I expressed my own opinion that America should use all her resources for the defeat of Japan rather than dissipate them in the reconquest of colonial territory in the rear.
  • In fact he used the expression "Hongkong will be eliminated from the British Empire only over my dead body". He then said that the British Empire would ask for nothing and would give up nothing and I replied by saying that President Roosevelt had given him the British Empire which, in my opinion, was lost up until the time we entered the war. I added we had given freely of the resources and the lives of America and that I felt that his statement that he would accept nothing and give nothing was logically and factually incorrect.
  • I said that such a position would also be a complete nullification of the principles of the Atlantic Charter which was reaffirmed by Britain and the Soviet in the Iran Declaration.
  • At this point Churchill stated that Britain is not bound by the principles of the Atlantic Charter at all.
  • He sent to me by his secretary an excerpt from his address in Parliament which he had stated was the true position of Britain in regard to the Atlantic Charter.
  • The Ambassador in China (Patrick J. Hurley), Temporarily in Iran, to the Secretary of State
Matt Manfredi

Henrik Verwoerd's response to Harold Macmillan's "Wind of Change" Speech - 3 views

    This article details Henrik Verwoerd's response to Harold Macmillan's "Wind of Change" speech made to the South African Parliament on February 1960. It talks about how the tendency in Africa for nations to become independent does justice to both the black and white man of Africa. According to Verwoerd, Europeans represent the white men of Africa, whom brought civilization to major portions of Africa with the present developments of black nationalists possible. This is where the Europeans have brought in education, way of life, industrial development, and Western ideals to the black natives. Therefore, Verwoerd believes that the Europeans have the fullest degree of involvement with the same full opportunities to remain with the white man who has made all these African developments possible.
Matt Manfredi

Nationalism and Nationality in India and Pakistan - 1 views

    "Nationalism and Nationality in India and Pakistan "
Matt Manfredi

Jinnah and the Pakistan Demand - 1 views

    "Jinnah and the Pakistan Demand "
Matt Manfredi

The British were not guilty of Partition; Somebody else was | Hindu Human Rights Online... - 1 views

    Blaming Muslims for partition not British
Matt Manfredi

Harold Macmillan's "Wind of Change" Speech - 5 views

    This is a speech that was given to the South African Parliament in February, 1960. It touches on the material progress achieved by South Africa, then goes on to discuss the increasing emergence of independent nations in both Africa and various other parts of the world. It implies that growing feelings of African nationalism are inevitable and that their causes lie within western achievements. The speech also discusses the choice which newly independent Asian and African nations will have to make between the Communist Camp and the Western World.
Matt Manfredi

JSTOR: Journal of Vietnamese Studies, Vol. 3, No. 3 (Fall 2008), pp. 191-230 - 0 views

    "Vietnamese-Chinese Relations in Southern Vietnam during the First Indochina Conflict "
Matt Manfredi

PeckLetter - 3 views

    The respect that Rhodesians held for Britain was, most often, not reciprocated by the latter. The "Peck Letter", constructed by Rhodesian lawyer A.JA. Peck in 1965 - one day after the UDI - and published in the "Times of London", laments the British Rhodesia policy as an infringement on Rhodesian sovereignty, highlighting a double standard.
Matt Manfredi

The Formative Ideology of Jawaharlal Nehru - 0 views

    "The Formative Ideology of Jawaharlal Nehru "
Matt Manfredi

Nehru on Population: A Pre-Independence View - 0 views

    "Nehru on Population: A Pre-Independence View "
Matt Manfredi

Jinnah and the Pakistan Demand - 0 views

  • Subhas Chandra Bose-His Legacy and Legend
Matt Manfredi

Japan in Indo-China - 0 views

    "Japan in Indo-China "
Matt Manfredi

Jinnah and the Islamic State: Setting the Record Straight - 0 views

    "Jinnah and the Islamic State: Setting the Record Straight "
Matt Manfredi

Identity, Life Mission, and the Political Career: Notes on the Early Life of Subhas Cha... - 0 views

    "Identity, Life Mission, and the Political Career: Notes on the Early Life of Subhas Chandra Bose "
Matt Manfredi

Legend and Legacy: Subhas Chandra Bose - 0 views

    "Legend and Legacy: Subhas Chandra Bose "
Matt Manfredi

Power, Hegemony and Politics: Leadership Struggle in Congress in the 1930s - 0 views

    "Power, Hegemony and Politics: Leadership Struggle in Congress in the 1930s "
Matt Manfredi


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