member since 2009-07-16
member since 2008-03-29
Isabelle Jones
I am a Head of Languages in a large 11-16 multicultural comprehensive school in the North West of England. I currently teach French and Spanish but I have also taught German and EFL (EAL) in the past. I am also a qualified translator/ interpreter (ESUCA, Toulouse)
member since 2008-07-08
edutopia .org
Our mission is to improve the K-12 learning process by documenting, disseminating, and advocating for innovative, replicable strategies that prepare students to thrive in their future education, careers, and adult lives.
member since 2011-04-29
member since 2008-03-25
member since 2011-06-07
member since 2008-08-09
member since 2008-04-02
member since 2009-06-06
Amanda Kenuam
Progressive educator, artist, and activist. Teach for America 2007 Corps, M.A. Elementary Education "I don't care if they eat me alive. I've got better things to do than survive." - Ani Difranco
member since 2010-02-03
Jeff Johnson
I have been a Professional Services Engineer (PSE) with JAMF Software since 2012. Prior to that, I was a K-12 technology coordinator/director in three different school districts between 1996 and 2012 and a middle and high school science/chemistry teacher from 1983 to 1996. I like dogs, photograph...
member since 2008-05-18
Jose Paulo Santos
TLC - Teaching and Learning Consultant to Portugal for Promethean I'm doing my PhD research about ICT in Education at the University of Lisbon; the impact of the Interactive Whiteboards in the learning process and how to use Web 2.0 tools and services to improve learning. Portuguese and French...
member since 2008-09-04
member since 2008-04-02
Chris Wherley
Since 1997, Technology Coordinator at Williamsville CUSD #15 K-12 District 1400 students Previously at Illinois College in Jacksonville on 8 year plan. 4 as a student and 4 as Academic Comp Sys Mgr Wish I could go back to the 4 years of working with professors knowing what I know now.
member since 2008-07-05
Scott Weidig
Husband, Father, Education Technologist, martial artist, and all around general nice guy trying to hel students get what they want out of THEIR education.
member since 2008-03-30
member since 2008-04-20
member since 2008-03-30
member since 2009-08-09
member since 2008-07-08
member since 2008-04-26
Group Members
67 members total, 5 receiving alerts immediately, 19 receiving alerts daily, and 29 receiving alerts weekly.