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2More Nigeria: Report of Oil Industry Reforms Ready This Month (Page 1 of 1) - 0 views

  • Designed to make NNPC "an independent oil company... like any other", Ajumogobia cited Saudi Arabia's Aramco, Malaysia's Petronas and Brazil's Petrobras Energia SA. as corporate models for the state's main income generator.A break-up into five separate units is envisaged for the company formed in 1997 through a series of accords with Anglo-Dutch group Royal Dutch Shell, ExxonMobil Corp. and ChevronTexaco (originally two companies), France's Total and ENI SpA unit Agip Oil.
  • Adolphe Moudiki, executive general manager of Cameroon's National Hydrocarbons Corporation (SNH), noted that a number of cross-border oil production and transport projects could serve as models for future Cameroun-Nigerian projects."On the technical plan, this cooperation has fostered the achievement of major cross border oil infrastructure projects such as the Chad/Cameroon pipeline, the West African gas pipeline between Nigeria and Ghana, or the trans-Saharan gas pipeline between Nigeria and Algeria. So we could also achieve the same type of cooperation in the Gulf of Guinea," he said

Thoughts on "Naija Leaks" - WikiLeaks - 0 views

  • The “Naija Leaks”  should be read in the context of the “oil complex” – that is the relationship between the oil companies, the Nigerian Federal and State governments, traditional rulers, militants and the community and now unsurprisingly, as the leaks reveal, the United States government.  
  • In retrospect this is hardly surprising news but if one looks at Nigeria’s side of the relationship with Shell, it is apparent they were not aware of the duplicity and even more stupid had actually forgotten the Shell had “seconded people to all relevant ministries”.
  • The revelation that the PresidentGoodluck Jonathan discussed Nigerian elections with the US Ambassador is also revealing especially if put with other discussions of Nigeria’s internal politics such as the resignation of Yar’Adua, replacing INEC and even Jonathan’s choice of Vice President.  All of which speak to the sovereignty of Nigeria vis a vis multinational oil companies and foreign governments – again nothing surprising here.  The third revelation on the corruption of  late President Yar’Adua because he was seen to be “incorruptible” whereas now we find he was much the same as all previous head of states.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Overall, as in most of the WikiLeaks elsewhere,  there are no surprises here.

Ken Saro-Wiwa was framed, secret evidence shows - Africa, World - The Independent - 0 views

  • The evidence also reveals that the notorious military commander Lieutenant-Colonel Paul Okuntimo, whose troops were implicated in murder and rape, was in the pay of Shell at the time of the killings and was driven around in a Shell vehicle.
    The evidence also reveals that the notorious military commander Lieutenant-Colonel Paul Okuntimo, whose troops were implicated in murder and rape, was in the pay of Shell at the time of the killings and was driven around in a Shell vehicle.
3More Nigeria: Niger Delta Crisis Resolution Rests On 4 Pillars - Obaigbena (P... - 0 views

  • if the proposed Petroleum industry Bill (PIB) is passed by the Federal Legislature, the people of the Niger Delta would be part owners of the resources found in the region which in turn will cement the peace process.
    "four pillars as dialogue, matched by strong political will, sincere leadership backed by local cooperation and commitment."
    Petroleum industry bill is key.
3More Angola: Oil Industry Shifts Focus to Angola (Page 1 of 1) - 0 views

  • IF there were doubts about the shift in global oil industry focus on the new frontier for oil exploration and production on the African continent, the ongoing Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, Texas cleared the air when its opening session centred on Angola and not Nigeria fraught with oil shut-ins, kidnappings, arson and the activities of militant groups.
    • Arabica Robusta
      This shift is not surprising in the sense that Angola's petroleum production has been primarily offshore, which is an advantage to multinational petroleum corporations in that there are fewer opportunities for disruption from disaffected people. Enclave capitalism?
    IF there were doubts about the shift in global oil industry focus on the new frontier for oil exploration and production on the African continent, the ongoing Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, Texas cleared the air when its opening session centred on Angola and not Nigeria fraught with oil shut-ins, kidnappings, arson and the activities of militant groups.
1More Africa: On Earth Day, Africa Action Calls for U.S. to Support Sustainabl... - 0 views

    In recognition of Earth Day, Africa Action today released a new resource entitled A Strategy of Extraction examining the oil industry in Africa using the case study of Nigeria's Niger Delta region. Because of poverty and geography, Africa will be disproportionately impacted by climate change. Africa Action urged leaders to prioritize sustainable, people-driven development in U.S.-Africa relations.

Welcome to Compliance Advisor Ombudsman - Ombudsman: Niger Delta - 0 views

    On June 19, 2001, the CAO received a complaint from Environmental Rights Action, the Nigerian chapter of Friends of the Earth.
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