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Rob Reynolds

Creating a Culture of Collaboration Through Technology Integration | always learning - 0 views

    • Rob Reynolds
      Hard to get away from this "reality"  Even providing for technologist requires finances.
  • Too often the discussions about technology in schools are driven by finances and the technology itself.
  • Once a school begins to build this culture of collaboration, it soon becomes second nature for teachers to work in partnership with the technology facilitator, bringing new and innovative ideas into the classroom, learning new ways to meet the needs of all students, and exploring the possibilities to connect, communicate and create on a global scal
Rob Reynolds

isb21 - home - 0 views

    Example Technology Planning wiki. Models a great way to collaboratively plan out and describe the vision, essential questions, and implementation strategies for a Technology plan.
Rob Reynolds

Information Systems: HC-TSAT - 0 views

    This self-assessment instrument has been designed to:Provide individual reflection and evaluation on your personal skill level/stage with regard to integration of technology into your teaching and learningProvide information to help you develop your professional development plans (PDP) as designed by you and your department supervisorProvide input to guide improvements to our professional development program in order to help teachers become proficient in the integration of technology in classroom instruction
Rob Reynolds

Acer Technology in Education, Student Computer and SMART Technology solutions... - 2 views

  • Agenda: Tips to creatively fund a long term school or district technology plan by eliminating current overlooked and underutilized expenses from a school budget.
    STOP what you are doing...and watch this webinar.  
Jennifer Arns

Your Brain on Computers - 3 views

    (Addiction) Attached to Technology and Paying a Price -
    Thought provoking. Will be a good discussion piece with students.
Matt Clausen

The Answer Sheet - Why technology scares (some of) us -- and what to do about it - 1 views

    We don't have to learn it all at once. Reminds me of the zen concept of coming to a situation with a beginner's mind.
Nancy Marks

Implementing Technology in the Classroom - 5 views

    Nice visual about use of technology in the classroom uaing
Diane Woodard

Scott McLeod: If We Were Really Serious About Educational Technology - 6 views

    If we are really serious about "technology education" we must consider Scott's advice!
Jennifer Arns

Northwest Educational Technology Consortium - 1 views

    Resources on Technology in the Curriculum, Evaluation and Assessment
Rob Reynolds

pencil-metaphor.png (580×400) - 2 views

    The Technology Pencil Metaphor where are you??
Nancy Marks

Free Technology for Teachers: Print This, Share This: Moodle Tool Guide for Teachers - 3 views

    Great poster on Moodle tool guide for teachers-- when to use what tools when building your moodle
Matt Clausen

Everything you need to know about the internet | Technology | The Observer - 1 views

    Interesting read that tries to unpack some core ideas about how the internet works today and implies some potential impacts (while stating up front that there is no way to really know).
Matt Clausen

50 Excellent Open Courses on Teaching With Technology - 3 views

    "Courses are free, self-directed, and accessible over the internet." Includes courses from MIT, Utah State, Univ of Michigan, and Weber State.
Rob Reynolds

8 Ways Technology Is Improving Education - 2 views

  • The Concord Consortium, a non-profit organization that develops technologies for math, science and engineering education, has been a leader in developing free, open source software that teachers can use to model concepts.
Matt Clausen

Technology Integration Matrix - Florida - 5 views

    Fantastic tool Jennifer! This could be really helpful in so many ways for tech planning, professional development plans and evaluation or assessment of progress. Thanks for posting it!
    Has some great video examples of some very simple, but profound integrations of technology.
Diane Woodard

14 Technologies Educators Should Watch in 2010 -- THE Journal - 0 views

    This is incredibly interesting, especially the last entry, the "epson bright-link" has anyone considered this technology? Jenn, is Epson going to be at the conference? I would love to see this in action, releases in March!
Stacy Dolderer

iLearn Technology - 1 views

    This is one of my favorite resources for technology integration tools.
Rob Reynolds

You mean the teacher still matters? | The Thinking Stick - 2 views

  • No longer is online learning just reading a module and answering questions — it can now include synchronous or asynchronous discussions and peer-to-peer learning exercises.
  • you can’t take the old model and apply it to a new medium….you need a whole new model of learning
  • “On average, students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction.”
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Maybe it’s the best teachers taking the best approach, which incorporates the use of online tools to enhance the learning. In the end a good teacher is still needed.
    Four great articles have come to light lately that point to research being done and what many of us in the Ed Tech community have been saying for a long time might just be on the horizon. That is that this technology stuff can improve education.
Rob Reynolds

isb21 - Roles & Responsibilities - 0 views

    Common Agreements of Roles, Responsibilities, and Process. An example of using a Wiki to create a collaborative, published document for Technology planning. This site develops the roles of individuals.
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