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Cheryl Smith

God of Wonders | PaulPoints Blog - 0 views

    I was just listening to this song the other day while painting, and it reminded me of the story of the astronaut who requested the song be played on a space shuttle flight. Imagine - God of wonders, beyond our galaxy - and seeing beyond! Welcome to The High Calling!
Cheryl Smith

My Journey: Feeling, Healing, and Kneeling My Way to a Better Life: What's In a Room? - 0 views

    Kristin, I see you're an avid reader! I have two other books that I would highly recommend. The first is "Sink Reflections" written by Flylady (Marla Cilley) and is a wonderful book that practically addresses clutter in a way that is not overwhelming. There's even a Facebook page for Flylady. The second is 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp. It's a wonderful book about practicing the discipline of gratitude, written by someone who struggles with agoraphobia. Powerful! And welcome to The High Calling!
Dena Dyer

6 Surefire Ways to Accomplish Nothing | {Un}Common: - 0 views

    This is great stuff! I am so gld you joined High Calling Blogs and hope that you find it as wonderful a network as I have.
Dena Dyer

Philip Faustin's Thoughts: Somewhere More Holy - 0 views

    The book sounds wonderful. Thanks so much for recommending it. I'm glad you're joining High Calling Blogs--and look forward to seeing your name, posts, and comments around the network!
Dena Dyer

The Light that Shineth in Darkness… « Stacey's Blog - 0 views

    Thanks for sharing those vulnerable and hopefuly thoughts, Stacey. God has been so faithful to heal and restore me, too. I'm glad you've joined High Calling Blogs. I think you'll be a wonderful addition to the network
Dena Dyer

Blogger: vivid just like you - Post a Comment - 0 views

    This is such a beautiful snapshot, Denise. Thanks for sharing it. I'm so glad you've joined THC! I know you'll be a wonderful addition to the network and I hope you feel encouraged there. I know I do!
Dena Dyer

Delicate Fortress Creations: The Enterprising Kitchen (TEK) Closes - 2 views

    "How sad. I work at a non-profit and we recently had to close an afterschool program for youth in the poor part of town. Funders have lost so much money in the recession, and it's a trickle-down effect. I pray this wonderful organization finds the funds and spirit to re-start, or that the women who were being benefits from it can receive help and encouragement elsewhere. Thanks for joining the High Calling Network. I love what you're doing with your business and blog! "
Dena Dyer

Digging Deeper: A perfect love story - 0 views

    Wonderful post! Thanks for sharing your journey, and for joining the High Calling network. I pray you'll find it a warm, encouraging, and challenging place to be.
Dena Dyer

Small Moments of Great Reward - 1 views

    April, You write with great skill and great vulnerability. You're a welcome addition to The High Calling community! It's great to "meet" you. (No badge, no category yet)
    I'm so, so glad you've joined The High Calling network. I've read several of your posts and really enjoyed them. You're a wonderful writer! I look forward to getting to know you better as you have time to participate.
Dena Dyer

Welcoming Spirit - 0 views

    Your retreat sounds wonderful. I'm with Liz, above. I miss the days of front porch swings and real, meaningful conversation. (A few of us are like-minded there!) I think so many people just partake of technology mindlessly, letting it consume them. It really irks me when someone lets a tweet or ring interrupt a deep (or even shallow conversation). BTW, welcome to the High Calling community--I think you'll find some kindred spirits there. I'm really glad you've joined and look forward to getting to "know" you better.
Dena Dyer

The Upright Project - 0 views

    Glad to hear that you've found something to use your passion and background. And I'm glad that you've joined The High Calling. It's a great tribe and I encourage you to dig in and find some wonderful fellow Christian bloggers there. :) Welcome!
Dena Dyer

Purely Exposed: To Be, Or Not To BE - 0 views

    Good for you on going for your writing dreams. I think that's commendable! We are glad to have you in the High Calling Blogs network, too. Thanks for joining--and be sure and let me or any of the other editors know if we can help you in any way as you get connected with our wonderful community.
Dena Dyer

3 Blogs I Read | As the Deer - 0 views

    You're right-Ann's pictures are stunning, and she's the real deal! I'll have to check out the other two blogs. They sound wonderful. :) Speaking of blogging, we're glad to have YOU aboard the High Calling network. I'm one of the welcome editors. Let me know if you have any questions! :)
Dena Dyer

Amber Robinson » Book Club - Fall - 0 views

    Amber, this is lovely! I'm really, really glad you've joined the HC blogs network and hope you'll have time to participate. Your blog is wonderful and your books looks really interesting and encouraging. Welcome aboard!
Dena Dyer

Parenting Comparison Trap - Beholding Glory - 0 views

    We must have been thinking alike this week--I posted on MY blog about raising strong-willed kids. It's terrifying, frustrating, exhilarating, and exhausting. Thanks for being real about it. I read a few of "those" books when my oldest was young, and just about threw one in particular (the one you quoted) in the trash. Instead, I gave it back to the person who gave it to me--sweetly saying, "Thanks." And then I did what worked for us...after finding out what it was. (LOL) God is right there with us when we struggle as parents, and I'm glad you're reminding our fellow moms-in-the-trenches of that. Welcome to THC! I can't wait to read more of your blog. And congrats on your Bible study, too. It looks wonderful!
Cheryl Smith

Wisdom in Ecclesiastes: Without Him Nothing - 0 views

    I often wonder what my life would look like if I really grasped the totality of who God is. His love for me, for all. His power...we see through a glass dimly. By the way, glad you've joined The High Calling!
Cheryl Smith

Blogger: Wonders Never Cease - Post a Comment - 0 views

  • Cheryl Smith said... I saw this video this week. My favorite part, "I love my Allisons." :)
    New "faith" blog
Cheryl Smith

Life in Texas | Wonder Walking - 0 views

    New "faith" blog
Cheryl Smith

My Calling IQ » The True Path to Joy - 0 views

    The quote about Kirk Cameron made me laugh out loud. Thanks for that! :) And thanks for your insights on this subject. I heartily agree that Christians can (and should) do better. I did like Soul Surfer, however. The fact that it was based on a true story helped the believability to me. But I did think that they glossed over the struggle that the surfer-girl went through. It was more a dark minute of the soul. :) Welcome to The High Calling. I can't wait for you to dig in and become acquainted with our wonderful community. I hope you'll do that soon.
    Haven't heard it put just this way before, but it makes so much sense! Can't wait to read more of your posts. We're glad to have you as a new member of The High Calling!
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