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Dena Dyer

Being Offended is a Choice - 0 views

    This is timely for me. :) First, welcome to the High Calling blogs community. We're really glad you've joined us. I had someone that was offended by something I said recently. I was too flippant about a touchy subject, and apologized. But this person would not let it go without attacking me, and making sure I knew just HOW offended she was, etc. I do think she's not a happy person, and tried to not let it affect me too badly. I like what you said in the first part of the post-if we're all flawed, then why should be so upset when someone (and that includes ourselves!) says something dumb? I'm just thankful for grace. Again, welcome to The High Calling. I look forward to interacting with you.
Dena Dyer

Personal Mission Statement « Jarold L Welker's Blog - 0 views

    I love this! Thanks for sharing it. Our family has a mission statement and it's been so helpful. Welcome to THC! We look forward to getting to know you better.
Dena Dyer

What Does Successful Christianity Look Like? | - 0 views

    Yes, Carla! I love it: "In the supernatural realm, however, personal obedience to God is what produces success." So often we as Christians get swept away by what the WORLD says is success. It's easy to do, isn't it? I pray that we as believers can see the difference between worldly and godly success and follow our Lord into whatever realm He asks us to go. We're glad YOU felt led to join us in the High Calling blog network. Welcome!
Cheryl Smith

Time to wake up « Healing Leaf - 0 views

    Generally speaking, I'm a morning person. I seem to hit a slump in mid-afternoon and can be found by 8PM, half asleep on the sofa if we're all watching TV.  Love the post here. I was just reading Matthew 24 this week, as I prepared for a women's ministry meeting on Disaster Preparedness. By the way, welcome to The High Calling!
Dena Dyer

5 ways to leverage sensitivity, a strength & trap for the creative | Rich Kirkpatrick's Weblog - 1 views

    Rich, This is great advice and very timely for me. Sometimes I think it's harder to live as a creative person, who feels more deeply and is more sensitive. But the joys DO outweigh the struggles--esp. the joy of creating something meaningful out of pain. Thanks for this post, and for joining the High Calling network! show more show less
Cheryl Smith

Insecurity is not your personality | Inspirational - 0 views

    While I do believe that some people are born naturally introverted or naturally extraverted, I think you're correct in your assessment of how the enemy often works in the lives of others by using fear. I'm sure this post will be a blessing to many! So glad to have you as a new member at The High Calling!
Dena Dyer

Just Another Ragamuffin - 0 views

    Carolyn, I'm so glad that you're coming to Laity and I look forward to meeting you in person! :)
Dena Dyer

Parenting Comparison Trap - Beholding Glory - 0 views

    We must have been thinking alike this week--I posted on MY blog about raising strong-willed kids. It's terrifying, frustrating, exhilarating, and exhausting. Thanks for being real about it. I read a few of "those" books when my oldest was young, and just about threw one in particular (the one you quoted) in the trash. Instead, I gave it back to the person who gave it to me--sweetly saying, "Thanks." And then I did what worked for us...after finding out what it was. (LOL) God is right there with us when we struggle as parents, and I'm glad you're reminding our fellow moms-in-the-trenches of that. Welcome to THC! I can't wait to read more of your blog. And congrats on your Bible study, too. It looks wonderful!
Cheryl Smith

As I Am...: # 13: Long time, no update! - 0 views

    t's great to find your blog via The High Calling. Welcome! So glad to hear that the email exchange with the former best friend went well. Friendships, in person or online like those made through THC, can be such blessings!
Dena Dyer

#c8310694808834616679 - 0 views

    Wow. These images are gorgeous. You're very talented! I'm glad you've joined High Calling Blogs. I hope you'll find many like-minded bloggers and photographers in the network. :)
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