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Dena Dyer

Island Time | Elizabeth Marchman - 0 views

    I love your description of flying and the way you found God in the thunderstorm. I found God this week in the way our community rallied to meet needs of the less fortunate. I love how God shows us in so many different ways-and usually just when we least expect it! BTW, we're very thankful that you've joined our HC network, and look forward to getting to know you better.
Cheryl Smith

God of Wonders | PaulPoints Blog - 0 views

    I was just listening to this song the other day while painting, and it reminded me of the story of the astronaut who requested the song be played on a space shuttle flight. Imagine - God of wonders, beyond our galaxy - and seeing beyond! Welcome to The High Calling!
Dena Dyer

Powerless Preacher, Powerful Word | Steven Hovater's Blog#comment-924 - 0 views

    Isn't it just like God to use us most when we feel the most weak? That's been the case for me too many times than I can count! I do think that we get caught up in trying to impress people with the way we've "massaged" the message, instead of just relating what we feel God is trying to say through His word. I'm so glad you've joined High Calling Blogs and look forward to reading more of your thoughts in the months to come.
Cheryl Smith

Teeter Tottering: The Day God Hid in a Tootsie Roll - 0 views

    This made me smile and God's goodness, in the small things. And chocolate, at that! It almost confirms my belief that on the 8th day, God created chocolate. :)
Dena Dyer

The Alabaster Jar: Sleeping in the Boat with Jesus - 0 views

    I'm so glad you're sharing the ways God is working in the midst of your storm. My family and I have been through many trials over the past years, but God has been faithful. As another blogger wrote lately, we've been the grateful recipients of His absurd grace. :) Welcome to the High Calling blogs network--we're really grateful that you chose to join us.
Dena Dyer

Housewife in town...: One Thousand Gifts - 0 views

    Laura, your blog, photos, and writing are all lovely, and I wanted to tell you that we at The High Calling are really thrilled you've joined the network. I'm a mom of boys with an extroverted hubby (and I'm an introvert), so I can relate to the struggles you so honestly depict. I pray that as you honestly with others--and God--how you're struggling, you'll find community, encouragement, and peace. God bless you today and every day!
Dena Dyer

I am not the Pioneer Woman - « The Upside Down World - 1 views

    I'm so sorry for what you've been through. And I know how insecure women can feel when we look at the "perfect" (who aren't really) bloggers. I've been there! I'm thankful you are still holding on to God, and grateful that you've chosen to link up with us at The High Calling. May God continue to carry you in His arms of grace.
Dena Dyer

Taking the Next Step « Julie Sunne - 0 views

    You're right-God asks us to be faithful and take the next step. I've often said that our walk of faith is a "flashlight, not floodlight" existence. Many days, I'd love to see God's floodlight instead of His flashlight-but He's God and I'm not. :) Thanks for joining our High Calling blog network. I look forward to reading more of your posts and getting to know you better.
Dena Dyer

A View From Serenity Acres - 0 views

    Such a wise post! I've been there, and God met me at my lowest point. I am so glad you're sharing the comfort you've received--God is redeeming what you went through, for His glory! Welcome to High Calling Blogs, too. :) We're very glad to have you as a part of the network
Cheryl Smith

Faith That Sticks: How to discover your divine pathway to God - 1 views

    New "faith" blog. My comment, awaiting moderation: Reminds me very much of that song, "There's a God shaped hole in all of us, and a restless heart (or is it soul?) is searching..." Great to connect via High Calling Blogs!
Cheryl Smith

religiocity » Blog Archive » Questioning our Worship (X): why so much repetition? - 0 views

  • I think worship is one of the places where we are often tempted to make it about us, instead of about God. I love how you’re having meaningful conversations with people about worship and what a great analogy about familiarity and liturgy. Welcome to The High Calling!
    I think worship is one of the places where we are often tempted to make it about us, instead of about God.  I love how you're having meaningful conversations with people about worship and what a great analogy about familiarity and liturgy.  Welcome to The High Calling!
Cheryl Smith

StrawberryRoan: Living Waters - 0 views

  • I'm a suburb girl who visited a dairy farm this summer. I didn't get to see the cows finding water sources but we did get to see them being milked by a giant milking machine. :) I think your cows make for a good parallel. This post reminds me of a song I was singing today about being thirsty for Living Water. I love how God does that - confirms His word in us in a variety of ways. Thanks for being part of His living word today. And welcome to The High Calling!
    I'm a suburb girl who visited a dairy farm this summer. I didn't get to see the cows finding water sources but we did get to see them being milked by a giant milking machine. :) I think your cows make for a good parallel. This post reminds me of a song I was singing today about being thirsty for Living Water. I love how God does that - confirms His word in us in a variety of ways. Thanks for being part of His living word today. And welcome to The High Calling!
Dena Dyer

Worry - The Overrated Luxury | Gary L. Ellis - 0 views

    Gary, I appreciate your thoughts on this, and the excellent quote. Worry is something that had been a stronghold in my life, and this last year I sensed God wanted to remove it. It was not easy, and I can't say I'll never deal with it again, but through His power and grace, I am much less likely to sin in this way than I was before. Praise be to Him! Welcome to High Calling Blogs. We look forward to seeing you around the network. Your comment is awaiting moderation Reply
Dena Dyer

A Hope and a Future | FaithTakers - 0 views

    So true, so true. I've been on much the same journey this year and God has proved Himself faithful time and time again. It's so easy to listen to the enemy instead of our Best Friend…and His Word. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and how God's been teaching you. Many people are hurting and in distress right now and it's great to find a ministry that's dedicated to showing them Jesus' light. Oh, and welcome to HCB-I look forward to seeing more of your excellent writing there.
Dena Dyer

September Days, September Angst | May 1st Everlasting#comment-121 - 0 views

    I so relate to this post! I have always, always loved Fall and the start of a new school year-for me or my boys. I still long to go "back to school" and finish my masters' degree, and then spent the rest of my years on a college campus teaching English, writing, and reading…maybe God will make a way. If not, I can continue learning from life and the Lord. Thanks for this walk down memory lane, and for joining HCB. You have a lovely blog!
Dena Dyer

Matthew update « Matthew Nicholas Vawter - 0 views

    I'm so glad you've joined High Calling Blogs! The chronicle of your journey will be a real blessing to our members. You have some beautiful boys and such a neat testimony! Thanks for being open about the ups and downs of the path your family has chosen. God bless you!
Dena Dyer

The Light that Shineth in Darkness… « Stacey's Blog - 0 views

    Thanks for sharing those vulnerable and hopefuly thoughts, Stacey. God has been so faithful to heal and restore me, too. I'm glad you've joined High Calling Blogs. I think you'll be a wonderful addition to the network
Dena Dyer

Unconformed: Transformed: Fickleness, Faith, and Art - 0 views

    I think God is honored when we seek Him, even (or, maybe, ESPECIALLY) if we do so while being honest with our questions and doubts. I think you'll find a community of honest, excellence-seeking believers who aren't afraid to ask the hard questions (and encourage one another in the process) at High Calling Blogs. I'm glad you've joined the network and look forward to seeing you there!
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