StrawberryRoan: Living Waters - 0 views
I'm a suburb girl who visited a dairy farm this summer. I didn't get to see the cows finding water sources but we did get to see them being milked by a giant milking machine. :) I think your cows make for a good parallel. This post reminds me of a song I was singing today about being thirsty for Living Water. I love how God does that - confirms His word in us in a variety of ways. Thanks for being part of His living word today. And welcome to The High Calling!
I'm a suburb girl who visited a dairy farm this summer. I didn't get to see the cows finding water sources but we did get to see them being milked by a giant milking machine. :) I think your cows make for a good parallel. This post reminds me of a song I was singing today about being thirsty for Living Water. I love how God does that - confirms His word in us in a variety of ways. Thanks for being part of His living word today. And welcome to The High Calling!