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Dena Dyer

breathing - 0 views

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Dena Dyer

Just Call Me Rie... - 0 views

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Dena Dyer

Phero Photos & Poetry - 0 views

    welcome message added
Dena Dyer

Broken Purple Crayon | Relevant Brokenness - 0 views

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Dena Dyer

Parenting Comparison Trap - Beholding Glory - 0 views

    We must have been thinking alike this week--I posted on MY blog about raising strong-willed kids. It's terrifying, frustrating, exhilarating, and exhausting. Thanks for being real about it. I read a few of "those" books when my oldest was young, and just about threw one in particular (the one you quoted) in the trash. Instead, I gave it back to the person who gave it to me--sweetly saying, "Thanks." And then I did what worked for us...after finding out what it was. (LOL) God is right there with us when we struggle as parents, and I'm glad you're reminding our fellow moms-in-the-trenches of that. Welcome to THC! I can't wait to read more of your blog. And congrats on your Bible study, too. It looks wonderful!
Dena Dyer

Three Parts Blessed - 0 views

    Krista, How awesome to see you in the new member feeds at THC! I love that you're being so honest about the grief, depression and anxiety you felt after a devastating loss. I've been there-not about diabetes, but about other things. God is truly the strength and source of my life, and I couldn't have crawled out of that pit without Him. Thanks for your transparency. I can't wait to see your future posts! Let us know how we can help you grow your readership, okay? (I know you have a pro at your house-fistbump to the hubby!)
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