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The effect of blogging and electronic journaling on writing skills development in high ... - 1 views

    PhD thesis reporting on the impact of blogs on student writing and seeking to offer advice to help "teachers understand the potential benefits of blogging and journaling to increase the content and voice writing skills of their students"

AJET 26(3) Drexler (2010) - The networked student model for construction of personal le... - 7 views

  • Students engaging in networked learning research must be more self-directed
    • Anne Trethewey
      Raises the question - what about those students who do not possess these skills?
    • paul_size
      I agree, if they do not possess these skills then what?  And is that necessarily a bad thing?  How do we support those with the skills at the same time as those without the skills?
  • balance between structure and learner autonomy
    • Anne Trethewey
      Recognises that particular skills are require and may need to explicitly taught.
  • take an active role in the learning process by making decisions
    • Anne Trethewey
      Active participation = decision making
  • ...39 more annotations...
  • If the learner has primary control, the teacher must consider alternative assessments (Pedersen & Liu, 2003)
  • The role of a teacher within a student-centered approach to instruction is that of a facilitator or coach (Wang, 2006)
  • The students in this study are in effect, networked learners in training.
    • Anne Trethewey
      Love this view of students working to acquire NGL skills - "networked learners in training"
  • A teacher is better equipped to facilitate networked learning if he or she has experienced the construction of such a model first hand
    • Anne Trethewey
      Just as well we are all taking this course! :)
  • Figure 2: The Networked Student
    • Anne Trethewey
      A model of the networked student.  Like how it incorporates all aspects of a students life, not just online!
  • He or she constructs knowledge based on experiences and social interactions (Jonassen et al., 2003)
  • He asserts that learning and knowledge rest in diversity of opinions, and learning is a process of connecting nodes or information sources (Siemens, 2004).
    • Anne Trethewey
      Constructivism influences.
    • paul_size
      This is a really nice line.  I like the idea that through collaboration we can leverage off diversity.  
  • Technology supports this appropriation as a collection of tools that promote knowledge construction, an information vehicle for exploring knowledge, an active learning tool, a social medium to promote conversing, and an intellectual partner to facilitate reflection (Jonassen et al., 2003). Each of these components is present in the
    • Anne Trethewey
      Technology SUPPORTS the learning.
  • The networked student constructs a personal learning environment one node at a time. Once these connections are formed, they must be revisited and built upon to facilitate further learning. The personal learning environment lives beyond time spent in a classroom, especially if the learner chooses to activate it. Yet even in the situation where one learner abandons the personal learning environment, if created as an open resource, it becomes a strong node from which others can learn.
    • Anne Trethewey
      A nice example of how constructivism works in students construction of knowledge both inside and outside the confines of the classroom.
  • The teacher is necessary to help the students navigate the breadth of content, apply the tools properly, and offer support in the form of digital literacy skills and subject matter expertise.
    • Anne Trethewey
      To achieve depth of understanding, students still require teacher assistance and guidance. 
    • paul_size
      I guess this links in nicely with assignment 1 and our posts on how NGL can inform our roles as teachers.
  • Teacher beliefs about the value of technology as a teaching tool may determine effective integration more than traditional forms of professional development (Mueller et al., 2008).
    • Anne Trethewey
      Teacher beliefs about the value of technology = successful integration.
    • paul_size
      I agree.  The teacher plays such an important role in all of this.
  • Table 1: Patterns for networked learning (Goodyear, 2005, p. 1
  • The personal learning environment can take the place of a traditional textbook
    • Anne Trethewey
      Interesting concept given Brendon's current textbook debate!
    • paul_size
      I like the idea of empowering networked students and by enabling them to transcend the traditional concept of the classroom by user friendly web applications.  What about the implications for the work environment?  As David talked about earlier in once of his posts about his experience and finding, I think it was, USQs tools not as useful as the ones outside of work.  How do we empower ourselves in a limited environment?
  • Traditional, lecture-based classrooms are designed as passive learning environments in which the teacher conveys knowledge and the student responds (Chen, 2009).
    • paul_size
      I liked this line - for me it really sums up my work environment at present. It's a passive, top down culture where you are lucky if you are the recipient of knowledge rather than a partaker in the journey.
    • paul_size
      I think that using Diigo for me is a great example of were learning moves beyond the passive to an integrated environment.  
  • "He or she supports the students in their search and supply of relevant material, coordinates the students' presentations of individual milestones of their projects, moderates discussions, consults in all kinds of problem-solving and seeking for solutions, lectures on topics that are selected in plenary discussions with the students and conforms to the curriculum" (Motschnig-Pitrik & Holzinger, 2002, p. 166).
  • scaffold the learning process
  • Examples of emerging web applications for each of these categories are highlighted. The Networked Student Model establishes a baseline that begins to address what level of structure is needed to facilitate networked learning while providing a foundation for greater student control over the personal learning environment.
    • paul_size
      scaffold the learning process... what level of structure is needed to facilitate networked learning while providing a foundation of learner control. For me this is the reality at the moment with NGL. What structure do I need to support my knowledge development? It's about my PKM as well and already that has changed since my initial blog.
  • Networked learning, constructivism, and principles of connectivism inform the instructional design and provide a foundation on which future studies can explore the impact of networked learning on K-12 students and teachers.
  • It is the combination of these connections, especially in concert with human to human contact, that provide the most powerful learning potential (Goodyear, 2005).
  • The significant connections in Couros' view of the network include colleagues, popular media, print and digital resources, the local community, blogs, wikis, video conferencing, chat/IRC, social networking services, online communities, social bookmarking, digital photo sharing, and content development communities (Couros, 2008).
  • The networked student follows a constructivist approach to learning.
  • The Networked Student Model of constructing personal learning environments is reflected in many connectivist principles.
  • Conversely, in the networked learning environment, blogging is a key component of the personal learning environment through which students respond to and collect the opinions of others. Students identify blogs that target a specific unit of study, and they have the option to respond with opinions of their own. They are taught to discern between fact and opinion and appreciate the value of both.
    • paul_size
      I think the key here is being able to discern between fact and opinion.  How is this taught to kids today?  I am not a teacher, on the ground with students so any thoughts on this would be great. 
  • The networked student constructs knowledge that can be built upon in other contexts. That knowledge resides within the network to be activated by the learner at any time in the future. There is always the capacity to add nodes to the network (Siemens, 2009).
    • paul_size
      I think this links in nicely with Communities of Practice the construction of knowledge.  The knowledge is held within the community and it is by participation that one moves towards mastery (Wenger, 1988).
  • Ultimately, meaningful learning occurs with knowledge construction, not reproduction; conversation, not reception; articulation, not repetition; collaboration, not competition; and reflection, not prescription (Jonassen et al., 2003).
    • paul_size
      So meaningful learning comes through knowledge construction.  Not cutting and pasting.  It's about getting out there and into the real world and feeling the experience.
  • Learning potential exists in what the student does with the compilation of content and how it is synthesised.
  • exploring problems, asking questions, making discoveries, achieving new understanding and fulfilling personal curiosity" (National Science Foundation, as quoted by Chang & Wang, 2009, p. 169)
  • The networked student test case follows a single iteration, design based research process (Ma & Harmon, 2009) for analysing a problem, developing a solution, testing a prototype, and reflecting on the results.
  • The students had never participated in networked learning, so a significant amount of time was allotted at the beginning of the project to address digital literacy as well as task and organisational skills that would be required in the online environment.
  • The process and tools are overwhelming to students if presented all at once.
    • paul_size
      Here here!
  • Achieving the delicate balance between teacher control and student autonomy is an ongoing challenge when facilitating student use of new technologies for self-regulated learning
  • While the Networked Student Model affords the learner more control and responsibility, the teacher must continually balance this freedom with enough structure to keep students on task and engaged in the learning process.
  • Adopting a networked learning approach would require considerable teacher professional development and a philosophy different from that of most current educators. The implications of the latter on the potential of networked learning are far reaching. They extend to school policy, hiring practice, and pre-service teacher education.
    • paul_size
      Makes you think about the future of NGL and implications.
  • cognitive apprenticeship model
  • The Networked Student Model is a work in progress. As web technologies evolve and personal learning management becomes easier, students will gain even greater access to knowledge and more learning control. The construction of personal learning environments has potential; however, extensive research is needed to document best practices, explore the changing role of teacher and student, apply evolving innovations, refine instructional design, and consider pedagogical implications. Social networking and sharing of personal learning environments between students holds further promise as more students participate in networked learning and post their results in an open forum.
    Journal paper from author also involved in the "networked student" video that appears in this list. "Principles of networked learning, constructivism, and connectivism inform the design of a test case through which secondary students construct personal learning environments for the purpose of independent inquiry. Emerging web applications and open educational resources are integrated to support a Networked Student Model that promotes inquiry-based learning and digital literacy, empowers the learner, and offers flexibility as new technologies emerge. The Networked Student Model and a test case are described in detail along with implications and considerations for additional research. The article is meant to facilitate further discussion about K-12 student construction of personal learning environments and offer the practitioner a foundation on which to facilitate a networked learning experience. It seeks to determine how a teacher can scaffold a networked learning approach while providing a foundation on which students take more control of the learning process. "

Beyond Institutions - Personal Learning in a Networked World ~ Stephen's Web - 1 views

shared by djplaner on 28 Aug 14 - No Cached
    Another presentation from Downes - perhaps giving a more extreme view of what NGL might do to education. There is a video of the presentation available. "In this presentation I look at the needs and demands of people seeking learning with the models and designs offered by traditional institutions, and in the spirit of reclaiming learning describe a new network-based sysyetm of education with the learner managing his or her education."

Beyond Assessment - Recognizing Achievement in a Networked World ~ Stephen's Web - 1 views

shared by djplaner on 28 Aug 14 - No Cached
    Presentation from Stephen Downes - abstract follows ePortfolios and Open Badges are only the first wave in what will emerge as a wider network-based form of assessment that makes tests and reviews unnecessary. In this talk I discuss work being done in network-based automated competency development and recognition, the challenges it presents to traditional institutions, and the opportunities created for genuinely autonomous open learning.

Emergent learning and interactive media artworks: Parameters of interaction for novice ... - 0 views

  • Emergent learning describes learning that occurs when participants interact and distribute knowledge, where learning is self-directed, and where the learning destination of the participants is largely unpredictable (Williams, Karousou, & Mackness, 2011).
  • However, the question remains whether institutional frameworks can accommodate the opposing notion of “cooperative systems” (Shirky, 2005),
  • We build upon Williams et al.’s framework of emergent learning, where “content will not be delivered to learners but co-constructed with them” (De Freitas & Conole, as cited in Williams et al., 2011, p. 40), and the notion that in constructing emergent learning environments “considerable effort is required to ensure an effective balance between openness and constraint” (Williams et al., 2011, p. 39)
    Builds on an extends the previous article on emergent learning and applies it to analysing an assessment item within a first-year media arts education course. It uses/develops a matrix that is proposed as being useful for figuring out how to design emergent learning.

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Connectivism in the Classroom - 0 views

    A 2007 description of implementing connectivism in a classroom.

Emergent learning and learning ecologies in Web 2.0 | Williams | The International Revi... - 1 views

    Draws on a range of theoretical perspectives to develop a framework for emergent learning ecologies that compares/contrasts prescriptive learning systems (standard education systems) with emergent learning networks (a more NGL approach). Argues that Web 2.0 and other technological advances make emergent learning much more possible. Draws on the work of Snowden, the gent from the Birthday Party story video from earlier on. Uses the framework to analyse various NGL type courses.

Networked Student - YouTube - 2 views

shared by djplaner on 23 Aug 14 - No Cached
    One concept of how a "networked student" would work in a connectivist setting.

Rhizomatic Education : Community as Curriculum | Dave's Educational Blog - 0 views

  • The increasingly transitory nature of what is lauded as current or accurate in new and developing fields, as well as the pace of change in Western culture more broadly, has made it difficult for society in general and education in particular to define what counts as knowledge
    A 2008 article introducing the idea of Rhizomatic Education

What is Networked Learning? - 0 views

  • Another colleague was explaining how they had found that holding tutorials in Second Life helped students to express themselves. If education is fundamentally conversational then conversations are useful to that end. However if education is fundamentally about collaboration (I think Andy Blunden makes this point but need to read more!) then evidently you need to be building something together, a conversation can certainly be supportive of that, wherever/however it happens but talking will only get you so far.
    • paul_size
      I like this about collaboration vs conversation and the notion of building something together.  This links nicely with communities of practice.
  • Where the academic practices of the given discipline or field are primarily text-based, that is really where the focus should be, around developing confidence, style and sophistication (even epistemic fluency!) with that mode of communication. When 'voice-to-voice', it is easy to enter into almost a therapeutic relationship with students and talk with them and to them for hours, whereby they may indeed reveal all manner of interesting details and walk away having had a lovely time.
    • paul_size
      Text based to develop confidence....voice-to-voice to develop therapeutic relationship with students.  Goes onto say how writing is very difficult and limiting students to writing may not be glamorous but cuts to heart of an apprenticeship in knowledge work.
Brendon Willocks

The Characteristics of a Digitally Competent Teacher (Infographic) - 1 views

    This infographic featured on eLearning Infographics was created by Daily Genius, and shows 7 vital characteristics of the digital_savvy teacher." Being a proper digitally competent teacher is not as simple as one may think. The Characteristics of a Digitally Competent Teacher InfographicIn clarifies and explains some of the most important characteristics that a digitally competent teacher must have.

Google Reader Alternatives and Similar Software - - 0 views

    Found this useful site on alternatives to Google Reader.  Hope is of use.

Share your #TeacherSelfie with the world! - Daily Genius - 0 views

    The #TeacherSelfie project is encouraging teachers to "show off yourself, your classroom, or any of your passions in life to the rest of the teachers around the world.

Voices of Youth - 0 views

shared by andrewdroney on 27 Aug 14 - No Cached

How to Use Diigo - YouTube - 1 views

    Hi guys, a really useful video to help with using Diigo. It helped me ;)

Magellan Lyric Video Contest: Circumnavigation as Crowdsourcing | AmusED - 0 views

    History teacher outlining a project to crowd source video submissions for a popular song with lyrics re-written to be about Magellan. Looking to get video submissions from around the world.
Anne Trethewey

How Teens Are Really Using Social Media - Edudemic - 0 views

    Includes a great inforgraphic!
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