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Invited Topics - L@S: Fourth Annual ACM Conference on Learning at Scale - 1 views

  • Large-scale learning environments are incredibly diverse: massive open online courses, intelligent tutoring systems, open learning courseware, learning games, citizen science communities, collaborative programming communities, community tutorial systems, and the countless informal communities of learners are all examples of learning at scale.
    • djplaner
      An example of "NGL" learning environments that are not necessarily based on formal education. Good example for looking beyond MOOCs and other formal education to what you might do "as learner"
    Call for papers for the "Learning @ Scale" conference, which focuses on one type of NGL (large-scale environments). It offers some interesting concrete examples of different types of large-scale environments - moving beyond the traditional formal education conception.

Learning and Knowledge Analytics - Analyzing what can be connected - 1 views

shared by ollie1 on 14 Aug 16 - No Cached
ollie1 liked it
    George Siemen's Introduction to his Blog: Learning analytics is hardly new. It has roots in various fields, including business intelligence, HCI, assessment/evaluation, and research models in general. What is new, however, is the rise of quantity and quality of data being capture as learners engage in learning processes. As a consequence of better and more data, analytics have gained attention in education.
    Learning analytics may have its limitations, but it is an existing tool that can be used to analyse activity in networked learning.

The Most Intolerant Wins: The Dictatorship of the Small Minority - Medium - 1 views

  • The interactions matter more than the nature of the units.
    • djplaner
      Interactions == connections. What are the interactions in a NGL situation? Who interacts with what? How? To what end?
  • This is called an “emergent” property of the whole, by which parts and whole differ because what matters is the interactions between such parts.
  • The rule we discuss in this chapter is the minority rule
    • djplaner
      What are other rules that apply? Can these be usefully applied to NGL? The minority rule can be a negative influence, does it exist in NGL?

The reusability paradox - WTF? | Damo's World - 4 views

  • Learners construct new knowledge, upon their own existing knowledge.  This is very individualised, and based on each learner’s past experiences, and ways of thinking.
    • djplaner
      From a NGL perspective, I'd say that what people know is a network of connections - both internally in their brain and with the tools and artifacts they use. To learn is to make a new connection with that existing network. It's easier to make that connection when what you are learning is closer to where you are. The more it has in common with you.
  • Learning designers have some tricks to help deal with such diversity, such as researching your cohort, conducting a needs analysis, and ultimately categorising learners and focusing on the majority.
    • djplaner
      A major flaw in this approach is that it assumes that people fall into these categories. You are this type of person, you have this learning style which ignores the true variety of people. By spending a lot of time categorising you feel like you're trying to understand complexity, but never do. The book "The End of Average" touches on some of the problems with this. This type of approach doesn't work if you see the world as "complex, dynamic, and consists of interdependent assemblages of diverse actors (human and not) connected via complex networks"
  • three approaches
    • djplaner
      Damien misses two additional possibilities here - Personalised learning - the use of Artifical Intelligence so that the unit of study is smart enough to respond to the individual student. But the problem with this approach is that it can generally only do this within a pre-defined body of knowledge. It doesn't work well with motivation and other forms of context - Personal learning - you put the agency back into the learner and allow them to be in charge of their progress through. The issue with this is that it assumes that the learner has the skill, knowlege and motivation to do this. It is also not a model that fits well with standard educational institutions. This links to the dual-layer pathways design aproach - And perhaps choral explanations and federation.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • meaningful for everyone
    • djplaner
      Or another option, help each learner make it individual to them.
  • These technologies become so complicated to use, that people simply don’t use them.
    • djplaner
      While I agree with this trend, I wonder whether there is anything that can be done about it. e.g. I think part of the problem here is the opaque nature of digital technology - Perhaps the problem with the workshop activity is that it's model is not readily apparent to the people who use it. The abstraction that has been made isn't communicated to the people using it, so they have to go through trial and error and generally fail. -- The Ben-Ari and Yeshno (2006) quote on the above link is good for this.
  • “the system does this, but I want to do that.”
    • djplaner
      I really like Kay & Goldberg's (1977) - that's right 1977 - 40 years - quote any attempt to specifically anticipate their needs in the design of the Dynabook would end in a disastrous feature-laden hodgepodge which would not be really suitable for anyone Reference on this page
    • djplaner
      Perhaps that quote explains what students see when they see a course that relies on material that's been shared amongst various different STEM contexts When you can't connect something directly into your understanding and context, it becomes a feature-laden hodge podge that you just can't figure out how to connect to your practice and understanding.
  • What if a technology is so specific, it’s designed for just one person – yourself?
    • djplaner
      Which comes back to the option of providing the individual with the agency to make the learning personal to them. Giving them the agency to make connections into their networks. Of course, this approach isn't just some pancea. It has it's own challenges (especially when trying to concieve of it within existing mindsets/institutions) and also it's own weaknesses. The question is how to overcome those weaknesses and challenges in meaningful ways that addresses the resuability paradox.
    Damien is a ed developer at CQU. In this post he struggles with some of the common problems faced by that type of position and tries to understand them in the context of the reusability paradox. Some of this is inspired by my own thinking, hence it resonates with me. It also resonates with me because I see the possibility of a network perspective offering a useful way to look at these problems. I'm hoping to illustrate some of this via annotations. Whether this will be useful to you is another matter entirely. A lot of this is thinking out loud by both Damien and myself.

The Power of networks: Knowledge in an age of infinite interconnectedness - 1 views

shared by ollie1 on 20 Aug 16 - No Cached
    A fascinating and original look at networks, and how networking has become almost a movement, which is helping the world re-examine and understand science and art.

Analysing the structuring of knowledge in learning networks - 4 views

    Good summary of Siemen's ideas

Design-based research methods LINKS AND RESOURCES - 6 views

    Collection of links and resources related to Design-Based Research. The templates might be useful.

A Design-Based Approach To Teachers' Professional Learning | Canadian Education Associa... - 1 views

  • Yet school leaders and classroom teachers often fail to see a connection between educational theory and research conducted in universities and the real-world, complex and contextually rich teaching, learning and leading contexts in schools.
  • “Best practice, evidence-based practice, and reflective practice all refer to ways of making optimum use of know-how”[3]; however, while necessary, these are insufficient for creating new insights into practice, or “know-why” directed towards advancing practice
  • Design-based professional learning, which builds upon design-based research findings and theories, provides the bridge for teachers to advance practice in a principled, practical way.
    Article arguing/explaining the value of design-based research to classroom teachers. The link with NGL is that the course uses DBR as the method by which you consider how to apply NGL principles to interventions in your role "as Teacher".

Identifying Connected Learning Course Designs - 1 views

    PhD student sharing thoughts and work around connected learning

Some questions to guide your DBR - 1 views

  • What is the problem/challenge/focus? Why is it a problem? Who says, or, who agrees and doesn’t agree? What has been done so far to deal with this? Who tried it and what were their results? In light of all this, what else could be done, and what will be best for this particular problem? What makes this idea viable? What process of implementation will work best, and why?
    A post from Charm that explains DBR - including link to a video of Barab - and ending with a collection of 8 questions to ask about a problem. I recommend applying these to your problem.

Mindful or mindless? - Cognitive Edge - 1 views

  • A second problem is an over focus on the individual and insufficient focus on their interactions and the need to engage in those interactions
  • Focusing on the individual in isolation from the community is a form of neo-liberal disenfranchisement
    The topic of this post is not directly related to NGL. What I think is relevant/important is the quote an over focus on the individual and insufficient focus on their interactions and the need to engage in those interactions Which I think is a perspective/problem that resonates with NGL. NGL at some level is about encouraging, enabling, and thinking about the interactions - the connections. As you are thinking about your DBR projects, consider how, if, and what your project is doing about the interactions between the people and objects within your particular context. For a concrete example, I'll turn to a particular bandwagon of mine. A couple of people have "as teacher" roles that involve helping teachers use digital technologies effectively. Often the problem here is framed as digital literacy. The individual teacher doesn't know enough about technology to fix the problem. The common solution is to do some form of Professional Development so that the individual can develop the knowledge. Which for me, brings back the quote. - "focus on the individual and insufficient focus on their interactions" A NGL solution to this problem would - I think - focus more (but not entirely) on the interactions.

Building digital capability | Jisc - 2 views

    Project from the UK looking at building "digital capability" links to the "as teacher" interests of some.

Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator: #TLTechLive - What Worked + Conference Takeaways - 0 views

  • Teachers before students. When you roll out tech, ensure you give teachers an opportunity to learn about and use the tech, before you provide it to the students.  Don't require. Inspire. Do not require all teachers to accept and use the technology. Start with the teachers who are most excited. Ask teachers to write short and sensible proposals about how they want to use the tech. Empower those teachers to help guide others along.  If you deploy to grade levels, start with the older students. If you start with lower grades the upper grades will resent that they never had the opportunity to have access to the tech. If you start with the upper grades, the lower grades will be excited about what they have to look forward to. 
  • Follow him at @Mr_Casal to get great ideas about how social media can be used to build and strengthen the school community. For those concerned about getting administrators on board, he shared information on how to explain how social media meets the standards
    • Charmian LORD
      Lauren, you may like this part about social media being used to build and strengthen the school community :)

9 Powerful Android Apps to Boost Your Teaching Productivity ~ Educational Technology an... - 0 views

    Had to share this. Not just because some of these may be helpful but also because of the final app. So many teachers and schools are insisting that students keep their phones off or silent and well away from them during class. This app works best if the student has it with them. What do you think Bec?

Learning by Design: TPACK in Action - EdITLib Digital Library - 0 views

shared by thaleia66 on 03 Nov 15 - No Cached
  • To help teachers develop TPACK, Learning by Design (LBD) is one promising instructional model for creating such a learning environment, addressing the situated nature and complex interplay of technology, pedagogy and content.
    "One criticism of skill-focused technology training, a common practice in teacher preparation, is that these experiences develop teachers' technological knowledge and skills, but fail to challenge their underlying beliefs about teaching and learning, which are more fundamental barriers to technology integration (Ertmer 1999). This criticism stems from the argument that technology knowledge and skills alone are insufficient for teachers to utilize technology and initiate educational change."
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