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David Goodrich - 0 views

    In this video, Dr. Curt Bonk from the School of Education at Indiana University brings up ideas and things to consider for those who are looking to implement blended learning. Dr. Bonk is a very engaging educator who shares his findings and teachings with the world to help educators connect on the topics of online and blended learning strategies.
David Goodrich

Four Essential Principles of Blended Learning | MindShift - 0 views

    "Here are four crucial factors to keep in mind as schools plunge in."
David Goodrich

iNACOL Quality Standards Video #3: Differentiation on Vimeo - 1 views

    "The third in an eight-part series highlighting the International Association for K-12 Online Learning's standards for quality courses and teaching as put into practice by educators in online and blended learning learning environments. The focus of this module is: Differentiation (Learn more at "
David Goodrich

When technology makes it easier for mistakes to become learning opportunities | expandi... - 0 views

    "In this video, Molly, one of our amazing blended learning teachers, and I are co-teaching a class during which we use socrative to collect student feedback on the spot."

Digital Citizenship for the m-generation (K-6 edition) | - 0 views

  • we need to advise, help and manage our younger techies who have the savvy to use the technology but are still developing the judgment and ethical guidance to protect themselves and others. Open and transparent communication about digital citizenship and careful and considered access to technology from the early primary years and up (“sandboxing”) will help to build trust and aid students to make better choices when using a variety of devices in a variety of situations.
David Goodrich

I asked and they answered: Results from Semester 1 Survey - Math with McCarthy - 0 views

  • 1)  Now, students take a lesson quiz when they come in for their own personal assessment.   I then provide them with the correct answers and we go over any problems they want to see.  Students are then free to decide whether they want to work on a Reteach worksheet (A), a Practice worksheet (B), or a Problem Solving worksheet (C) and write that letter on the top of their lesson quiz.  I come around and collect their lesson quiz and give them the desired sheet so that they are working to their own ability on any given day.  This is an idea that I picked up from a middle school math teacher when I attended her session at the MACUL conference in March and it has helped, tremendously, with keeping students focused during class and being able to complete their practice problems.
  • 2)  Some students felt as if they were not getting their questions answered so I have encouraged them to post questions and comments beneath the YouTube videos and I go on and answer them relatively quickly because I get email notifications on my phone. 
  • 3)  The length of the majority of the videos is now kept to 15 minutes or less.
David Goodrich

How DO my students learn from video? - Math with McCarthy - 0 views

    I appreciate how Missy McCarthy has gone through the process of flipping her Math classroom and reflecting on the things she has learned. Missy teaches math at Okemos High School in Okemos, Michigan. In this post, in particular, she recounts how she took one class period to observe her students while they watched her screencasted instructional video to learn about their viewing habits of the content she has been creating. Her findings were interesting as they relate to the common concern of the flipped classroom regarding if the students are actually watching the videos or not, their note taking habits, if they are doing the practice problems or diving right into the required homework, and the ability for students to transfer what they are learning in the videos to problems that were not in the exact form as the examples provided. This, in turn, is now guiding how Missy is structuring her content, providing required note taking guides to evaluate if conceptual understanding improves, and even guide some of the questions she poses and instruction she delivers in the classroom together so that she can help students through the process of transferring the knowledge to new contexts.
David Goodrich

chemicalsams: Pedagogy Must Drive Technology - 0 views

  • the pedagogy behind the "traditional" Flipped Class model (homework becomes classwork, classwork becomes homework) is not novel or new, and also show that the Flipped Class is not a pedagogy or methodology in and of itself, it is a tool in the toolbox of educators.
  •  giving students something to do prior to coming to class is not new or novel. For centuries, students read, researched, studied at home and came to class to discuss, question and explore.
  • 1. Ron Houtman @ronhoutman: Teacher of Teachers in Michigan.  Ron has been utilizing screencasting technology since around 2000.  As far as I know, he was one of the first educators to leverage screencasts as an instructional tool.  As you can see from the conversation above, he began screencasting to help his students who missed class stay caught up.  Ron didn't screencast to use a novel new technology, he did so to meet an educational need of his students.
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  • 2. April Gudenrath @agudteach: Teacher of Literature and English in Colorado Springs, CO.  April found that giving her students meaningful feedback on papers was difficult with only a pen and paper.  She began to screencast her grading sessions so students could hear her voice and follow her thought process as she annotated the student paper.  April didn't begin screencasting to "go paperless," she did so to meet an educational need of her students.
  • 3. Greg Green @flippedschool: Principal in Michigan.  Greg is known for using the Flipped Classroom model of pre-recording lessons to free up time in class in his entire high school.  He found that too many students were disengaged and failing, and that most students did not have the support network at home necessary to complete assignments at home.  So, he decided to bridge this gap by making all work done in class where an expert was available to assist the students.  In order to avoid creating a digital divide by delivering instruction at home he has made sure that all students have adequate technological access to the institutional screencasts.  Greg didn't screencast to try to create a high-tech high school, he did so to meet the educational needs of his students.
  • 4. Brian Bennett @bennettscience: Science Teacher in Indiana.  Brian taught in South Korea and recently moved back to the US and teaches in Indiana.  He was using a Flipped Classroom model in Korea with great success, but noticed that his students in the US were not as successful under the same model.  So, Brian changed the role of the screencasts in his class.  Instead of using them to front-load instruction, he used them as remediation and re-teaching tools with greater success.  I regularly read his blog and follow his thoughts on Twitter and have noticed that Brian continually tries new ideas, reflects on his practices, and strives to daily meet the needs of his students.  Brian did not create screencasts for his students and blindly continue to use them when they weren't effective instructional tools.  He recognized the limitations of the screencasts in his new educational setting and modified his practice accordingly to meet the educational needs of his students.
  • 5. Kevin Byers @kevinbyers: From his Twitter profile: "I used to teach science, technology, AVID, and then math. Now I am working to bring anywhere, anytime learning to our district." Kevin works in a school district in the Denver, CO area in which the entire district has adopted a Standards Based Grading system in which students learn at a level that is appropriate for that individual.  All classes are heterogeneous with students at different levels, and each student is likely at a different level in each subject.  This district has decided that screencasts will be an effective tool to deliver asynchronous instruction to their students.  Kevin helps oversee and coordinate the screencasting project.  Kevin and his district did not decide to use screencasts as a novel way to deliver content, he/they saw a need and leveraged the appropriate technology to meet the needs of students.

Student-Centered & Blended Learning: The Evolution of a Model…and Teacher | B... - 0 views

  • in a true SCL classroom, the teacher has, in a sense, relinquished her power.  Most vets, myself included, relish in giving an Oscar-worthy performance in front of a class.  Teachers are performers, after all.  SCL threatened that.  The teacher was now to be a facilitator of learning, with the students dictating the style in which they learned and the pace which they learned at.  Yikes.
David Goodrich

Meta-Analysis: Is Blended Learning Most Effective? -- THE Journal - 0 views

  • The United States Department of Education reported recently that it's found some evidence to support the notion that blended learning is more effective than either face to face or online learning by themselves. Further, between online and face to face instruction, online is at least as good and may even have the advantage in terms of improving student achievement and potentially expanding the amount of time (and quality time) students spend learning.
David Goodrich

Organize Your Classroom Like the Apple Store-Big Learning, Big Fun! | Instructional Des... - 1 views

  • When you walk into an Apple Store, you are immediately caught up in the energy and excitement.
    • David Goodrich
      This was an interesting idea to me for having a conceptual model help frame the concept of an active learning classroom focused on customized, individualized and personalized instruction. The author takes what many already know about the exciting energy one can palpably sense when remembering an Apple Store experience and then uses it as a way to encourage a live classroom to be restructured to include a theatre, a studio, a play space and a genius bar. There are descriptions for each of these areas that are in line with a typical "Station Rotation Model" of blended learning. This post reflects very positively on the experience of trying this model with adult learners where the instructor reportedly received the best satisfaction ratings they have ever seen for a professional development workshop. Washor, E., Mojkowski, C., & Newsom, L. (2009). At the core of the Apple Store: Images of next generation learning. Phi Delta Kappan, 91(2), 60-63.
  • In 2009, I was introduced to a brilliant article Next Generation Learning Environment that posed the question-can the student instructional experience replicate the Apple Store experience? We put the model to the test with adult learners and they, in turn, tried the strategies in their classrooms. Our resulting feedback showed the highest satisfaction ratings I have ever seen for professional development. Learners appreciated choice and the ability to follow an individual learning path.
  • The environment was organized around four main learning areas: Theatre, studio, play and genius bar.
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  • We often used it for a 15 minute introduction or to provide an opportunity for the entire group to dialogue about a topic.
    • David Goodrich
      I do like that the Theater aspect of preserving the value of direct instruction while emphasizing the value is directly proportional to the limited and and intentionally chunked dosage prescribed.
  • Theatre
  • Studio
  • Usually ten or less learners interacting with content for 15-30 minutes.
  • Students can choose studio sessions to attend or the teacher can assign them based on specific student needs.
  • These should be interactive and not full lecture format, often the teacher shares a strategy and the students practice while interacting and sharing their explorations.
  • Genius Bar-This is the time when the student works one-on-one with the teacher or facilitator to learn a specific skill or work on a difficult concept.
  • The teacher may act as the “genius” however other students may assume this role too.
  • Play-This is an area of “designed” exploration. An area with a variety of resources focused on the lesson content is created an students move in and out of the play area as they have time, interest or need.
  • This is self directed, exploratory learning yet it should still be focused on the specific learning objectives for the lesson.  
  • We feared that students who were not directed to one of the other areas would camp out in the play area all of the time. To the contrary, we had to stop and have a brief theatre that gave permission and demonstrated how to “play” with learning.
    • David Goodrich
      It is helpful that the author addresses their initial apprehensions to implementing a play area that will resonate with many common fears regarding students veering off course into domains not related to the intended learning outcomes of the course. They recommend to provide guidance with the learning objectives in these spaces while letting the learners explore options within those parameters which makes good sense. It is also important to note that although they were pleasantly surprised by the amount of enthusiastic findings from this particular station to the point of highlighting them in the theater, these were adult learners they were working with. Personally, I am confident that young students can also reap the benefits of this more autonomous learning posture when wisely shepherded by an expert teacher.
  • here are a few tips… 1-Field Trip- Visit an Apple Store as an observer. Look for the different types of learning and experience them for yourself before you implement them.
    • David Goodrich
      The author concludes the post by leaving the reader with a few tips. They recommend to take a trip to an Apple store to get a renewed lay of the experience there. They also recommend to use the resources and curricula at one's fingertips without feeling like they need to be done away with to fit this model. Instead, the recommendation is to find activities that naturally come alongside the curriculum and that could be used in this type of learning environment. Lastly, they encourage teachers to start small by testing it out with just one unit or even just one lesson, just trying it and then to share what they learn in the process. Sounds like an enticing invitation to me.
  • 2-Use the resources you already have- It is not necessary to throw out your lessons and recreate new. Instead take a fresh look at your lessons and find activities that naturally fit into one of the learning structures. You also might consider making short video lessons that can be used in studios or the play area.
  • 3-Start small- Do not revamp your entire classroom, instead try it for one lesson or unit and do a couple studios and a play area. This way you can learn and improve as you go.
  • The bottom line is- just try it…and let us know how it goes!
  • Nathan January 17, 2013 It would also be great to have the employee to customer ratio of an Apple store. I’ve seen stores with 20 employee (front & back if house) serving maybe 100-150 people. Piquant idea though about organizing physical & mental spaces.
    • David Goodrich
      This was an insightful comment, but it may have failed to recognize the power of cultivating self-directed learners who can be viewed as both teacher and learner interchangeably. In fact, I seem to even recall this happening in an Apple store where I was able to help out a customer and even a few Apple employees. I have also been helped by other costumers in the Apple Store.
David Goodrich

Simple technique that helps your students to remember more | The Edynco blog - 0 views

  • The educator’s role has changed – that’s the fact. Students don’t need educators to produce/present new information – they can find them everywhere. And they are good in browsing, searching and collecting different information sources. The problem is that they don’t know how to connect them in a meaningful way.
  • The challenge I’ve faced was how to incorporate everything I read about cognitive overload in today’s fast changing digital environment.
  • Bite – sized information in a relation with curation
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  • Use everything you already have, filter out irrelevant information, include your own thoughts and connect everything in a new and coherent whole that is digestible and meaningful.
  • 5 benefits of this technique: Students take control of learning pace and maintain interest. This kind of a structure facilitates reusability and easier updating. Presenting from general to specific helps students to use, store and recall information much easier. In spite of different learning resource types, Learning Map gives students a consistent graphic outlook. Supports changing of reading behaviour – 4.4 seconds for every 100 words, non-linear reading.
David Goodrich

Socrates Meets Edtech: 51 Questions that Teach: NewSchools Venture Fund - 0 views

    Peter J ArashiroMODERATOR MyBlend - 5:42 AM #Socrates Are these questions we should be prepared to answer about MyBlend? I think so :-)
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