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in title, tags, annotations or urlSecond Life - 2 views
I read a number of articles from MIT and was interested in trying it out. I was all excited until I realized that the articles were from 2008, and I did not see much from academics. Did it just not...
7 Ways Teachers Use Social Media in the Classroom - 2 views
Millennials live and breathe on social media, so teachers are learning how to incorporate the medium into the classroom successfully. In doing so, teachers not only encourage students to engage actively in the material, but they also provide online communities for students that might not exist for them in real life.
Suggestions include: having students use Twitter, Facebook and Flickr to share work, using hashtags to live tweet, requiring students to blog, using LinkedIn to reach out to experts, using Google Hangouts for virtual office hours, post assignments and messages in Edmondo, conducting class in Second Life.
Mobius the Movie - 0 views - 0 views
"Web 2.0" has become a catch-all buzzword that people use to describe a wide range of online activities and applications, some of which the Pew Internet & American Life Project has been tracking for years. As researchers, we instinctively reach for our spreadsheets to see if there is evidence to inform the hype about any online trend. What follows is a short history of the phrase, along with some data to help frame the discussion.
A Don's Life - 1 views
Mary Beard writes "A Don's Life" reporting on both the modern and the ancient world. Subscribe to a feed of this Times Online blog at Cambridge Professor of Classics Mary Beard:
3 Ways Tech Can Help Expand Creativity in Higher Ed - 1 views
Teenagers and social networking - it might actually be good for them - 4 views
Given the harsh criticisms that social networks commonly face when it comes to their use by teenagers, I thought it would be useful to post this newspaper piece that presents the opposite argument: Social media might be usually considered to be just places of the lurking danger of real-life social isolation (among more gruesome dangers in this context), but they could also be seen as places where a teenager can be inventive, discover aptitudes and of course develop his/her social skills. Also, it discusses research which shows that teenagers are more often than not well aware of the dangers that lie behind the (ab)use of social media.
Hmmm, should I share this with my teenage son?
Good article, though I am still sceptical!
Second Life - Great Places to Visit - 2 views
Social Bookmarking - 0 views
Dropbox - Log in - Simplify your life - 0 views
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!
Love Dropbox! This has been so helpful to me when I was working on my dissertation and also for preparation for courses and sharing them to students and colleagues.