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Pakistan, Corruption or Siyasat - 0 views

    Corruption hamaray masharay ka aik aham hissa ban gaya hai. Es nay apni jarain hamaray masharay mai mazboot kar li hai. Yeh sirf hakumat k ghalat faislo aur ikhtyaraat k ghalat istemaal aur hakumat k kamzor policies ki wajah say huwa hai. Agencies ka kaam hai kay corruption kay malsay ko hal karain aur es ko khatam karay magaer bad kismati say who es mission mai kamyab nai hu sakin.
Muslim Academy

Hajj aur Namaz Islam ki roshni mai: - 0 views

    Deen e Islam kay 5 bunyaadi rukan hain, Hajj, Namaz, Roza, Zakat, Tauheed. Musalmaan honay kay lye ye shart lazim hai kay en bunyaadi arkaan par imaan laya jaye, aur enki pabandi ki jaye. Tauheed ALLAH Kareem ki wahdaaniyat par imaan hai, Namaz dil kay sukoon aur rooh ki paakizgi kay lye zaroori hai kay ALLAH Kareem kay samnay sajda e raiz hona afzal tareen ibadat hai, Roza farz ibadat hai, Zakat maal ki lalach duur karta hai, aur Hajj sahib e Istataat kay lye hai. ALLAH Kareem nay Hajj aur Zakat unhe logon par farz ki jnki istataat ho takay wo ALLAH ki raah mai kharch karein aur Khuda kay ghar ki ziyaarat krein. Magar Namaz,
Muslim Academy

America's War on Terror - 0 views

    The history of War on terror goes back to September 11, 2001, when two hijacked planes flew directly towards the World Trade Center and crumbled the tower. This action, taken by the followers of Al-Qaeda under the command of Osama bin Laden led to a loss of 3031 lives along with several devastating impacts on America's economy and the major change brought by the incident was the world's transition from a time to peace to a declaration of war. As a response to this incident, the Bush's Government declared a war with an aim to protect autonomy and bring
Muslim Academy

Al Jazeera Cameraman Released from Guantanamo Bay after Six Years Gives Interview - 0 views

    Sami al-Hajj, released from Guantanamo Bay in 2008 after being held there for six years without charge, recently sat down for an interview with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now. He was arrested in Pakistan in 2001 while traveling to Afghanistan on a work assignment, and then transferred to U.S. custody. While in U.S. custody he claims he was beaten and tortured, being attacked by dogs, hung from the ceiling, waterboarded, and sleep deprived. He now heads Al Jazeera's Human Rights and Public Liberties section, a position specially created for him.
Muslim Academy

Muslim Architecture Contributions - 0 views

    From the beginning of Islam Muslims were very interested and devoted in the field of architecture. They were best in both types of designs like religious architectures and secular buildings. Present styles of constructing huge buildings are also donation of Muslims. Basically Muslims designed four types of buildings like Mosques, historical Forts, different palaces of different kings, and Tomb of different important personalities.
Muslim Academy

توحد المعارضة فى صالح مصر والمصريين - 0 views

    صد بالمعارضة هنا هى المعارضة التى تتركز على العقل و التخطيط أو المعارضة الموالية للتقاليد الديمقراطية التى يعرفها العالم هذة المعارضة التى تعارض السلطة ولا تعارض الدولة وهى التى تحترم نتيجة صندوق الانتخابات ولكن فى نف الوقت هى التى تراقب أداء من وصلوا الى السلطة نتيجة هذة الانتخابات هى تعارض بقدر ما يصلح النظام وليس معارضة للتخلص منه لان الخروج عن قواعد الديمقراطية مرة يمكن يعد ذلك الخروج عنها لعدة مرات وبالتالى تصبح البلاد فى حالة فوضى مستمرة فى أمريكا كانت هناك منافسة بين تمواس جيفرسون الذى فاز بمنصب الرئاسة فى النهاية و ألكسندر هاميلتون الذى كان يقود المعارضة ضده كان هذا الرجل يلعب دور المعارضة بذكاء شديد و يمتلك من الفطنة التى تجعله يقوم بدور المعارضة الجيدة وكان يحرص على عدم الاخلال بثلاث شروط أولا:ألا يدعم أى من القوى الخارجية ضد حكومة بلاده الشرعية،ثانيا:الا يسمح بأى خطر يهدد اتحاد الولايات المتحدة الامريكية من أى نوع كان،ثالثا:الا يقوم بأى فعل يؤدى الى فقد الثقة من الشعب للحكومة الأمريكية و التقاليد
Muslim Academy

Urdu Language - 0 views

    Urdu is one of the most popular languages of Asia. It was developed in sub-continent, before the partition and is very much like Hindi language. Currently, it is national language of Pakistan and is used by all the Pakistanis in the World.
Muslim Academy

Kuwaiti Arabic Dialect - 0 views

    Kuwait, officially the State of Kuwait is a sovereign Arab state situated in the north-east of the Arabian Peninsula in Western Asia. It is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the south border and Iraq to the north at Basra. It lies on the north-western shore of the Persian Gulf. The name Kuwait is derived from the Arabic, meaning a fortress built near water. The country covers an area of 17,820 square kilometers (6,880 sq mi) and has a population of about 3.5 million. Historically, the region was the site of Characin, a major Parthian port for trade between Mesopotamia and India. The Bani Utbah tribe was the first permanent Arab settlers in the region, and laid the foundation of the modern emirate. By the 19th century Kuwait came under the influence of the Ottoman Empire, and after World War I, it emerged as an independent sheikhdom under the protection of the British Empire. Kuwait's large oil fields were discovered in the late 1930s. After Kuwait gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1961, the state's oil industry saw
Muslim Academy

Turkish Language - 0 views

    Turkish language is one of the members of the Altaic group of languages which were originated about a thousand years ago in the Altay mountain range of Northern Siberia. It is a prominent language of the Altaic group and was spread south westwards due to the expansion of Nomadic Turkish tribes. After it was made the official language by the Ottoman Empire, it also spread to North Africa, Middle East and Europe. Nowadays, 70 million natives of Turkey and Cyprus speak Turkish. Turkish is also spoken by the minorities belong to Bulgaria, Germany, Greece and Iraq.
Muslim Academy

Moroccan Arabic - 0 views

    Moroccan Arabic is one of the dialects of Arabic spoken in the areas of Morocco. In most Arabic-speaking countries, Modern Standard Arabic is used as the official language. A mixture of French and Moroccan Arabic is used in business meetings and conversations. It belongs to the Maghrebi Arabic dialect continuum.
Muslim Academy

Egypt's Army Insists that Sinai is Under Control - 0 views

    Sinai is a very valuable part of Egypt, and it has a unique place in the hearts of all Egyptians and Muslims because of its history with Prophets and history with wars. Egyptian young men died to get Sinai back after Israel's occupation in 1973; however, after the January 25, revolution, Sinai witnessed a number of terrorist attacks, which caused worries to spread all over Egypt and Israel. The Egyptian army spokesman said that Sinai is under control and the army is working to end the militants or Jihadi groups working in Sinai, while Israel insists that Sinai is full of Jihadi groups that work to attack the boarders of Israel, like the attack took place in August 2012.
Muslim Academy

Mengapa Alkohol Dilarang Dalam Islam - 0 views

    "Mereka bertanya kepadamu (Muhammad SAW) tentang minuman beralkohol (khamar) dan perjudian. Katakanlah: "Pada keduanya itu terdapat dosa besar dan (beberapa) manfaat bagi manusia, tetapi dosa keduanya lebih besar dari manfaatnya." Dan mereka bertanya kepadamu apa yang mereka nafkahkan. Katakanlah: "Yang lebih dari keperluan."
Muslim Academy

Muslims Are Diverting Away From Islam - 0 views

    Islam is a great religion that teaches an individual how to live their life. There are new followers of this religion every single day. However, Islam is losing its true meaning in the minds of many people. People go around calling themselves Muslims, but they do things that totally go against Islam. The Islamic values are deteriorating because people have become so disillusioned by Western ideas. There are so many things exposed on television, songs, and through life experiences that it becomes difficult for a person to discern between right or wrong. Individuals in Muslim countries and even in the West are exposed to so much that it is hard for the Muslim to actually live their life according to the teachings of Islam.
Muslim Academy

Perempuan Dalam Perspektif Islam #4: Kedudukan Perempuan (Penutup) - 0 views

    Islam memandang perkawinan jauh lebih bermakna daripada sekadar sarana untuk memuaskan dorongan seksual. Perkawinan adalah sebuah kontrak sosial untuk menjalani hidup bersama dimana kedua belah pihak dapat menjalin hubungan persahabatan dan mendapatkan perlindungan dari berbagai ujian dan kesulitan hidup
Muslim Academy

Young Muslim Girl Murdered By Her Parents Because She Was Dating Western Boys - 0 views

    A girl that was only 17 years old was murdered by her Pakistani born mother and father because she was bringing "shame" to the family. Who was she? What was she doing that was bringing her parents shame? Her name was Shafilea Ahmed and she was a young girl who was murdered on September 11, 2003 by her parents for dating boys. Shafilea was trying to lead a Western life like everyone else in the West and she was trying to get dates with boys her age.
Muslim Academy

Arabic Language Dialects - 0 views

    Being the part of Semitic Language family Arabic Language has its own history and background. As formal language Modern Standard Arabic is used; which has its own grammar rules and collection of vocabulary. For informal language there are many spoken varieties. They have their own terminologies and full system of grammar, rules and regulations.
Muslim Academy

Shiite and Sunni Muslims Conflict II - 0 views

    The majority of the world's billion-odd Muslims are Sunnis. Approximately 10 to 15 percent of all Muslims follow the Shiite branch (pronounced Shiite, Shiites or Shia). Beyond that, it gets slightly complicated. Both of them live in different parts of the world. Sunnis form the overwhelming majority in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen, Pakistan, Indonesia, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. Shiites form the majority only in Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, and Azerbaijan, but they constitute sizable minorities in Afghanistan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Yemen. Now the question arises, where the both sect differs? There are many reasons,
Muslim Academy

Arabic Language in the World - 0 views

    The Arabic Language is one of the world's ancient tongues. It is a language, which covered the major part of the world and is spoken earlier than the 6th century. In Today's world, Arabic is considered one of the world's major languages as it is the 5th most spoken language on the Earth. Arabic is an official language of many countries of Middle East, which includes Iraq, Egypt, Morocco, Israel and Saudi Arabia. If you are to study the ancient Middle East history, then learning Arabic will help you a lot. Arabic Language can be learnt, written and spoken in different ways.
Muslim Academy

Shiite and Sunni Muslims - 0 views

    The reason of conflicts between the two sects goes back to the seventh century. Sunni refers to the Sunnah, or oral traditions and interpretations of the Koran - a body of work similar to the Jewish Talmud. Sunnis believe that the position of Caliph should be a position to which one is elected by the religious leaders of the Islamic community, and not dependent on direct lineage from Mohammed (PBUH). Shiite comes from the word shia, which means "the party (of Ali). Most Shiites believe that the 12th Imam will reemerge someday as the Mahdi or Messiah, and reassert his leadership of the Islamic world. In the meantime, ayatollahs are elected to serve as caretakers of the faith.
Muslim Academy

Benefits of the U.S. in Afghanistan - 0 views

    The United States has selflessly provided assistance to Afghanistan for nearly a decade to help it overcome some grave problems. Afghanis are encompassed with miserable circumstances as the Taliban influenced the minds of locals who feel reluctant in coping with rest of the world. Afghanis fail to achieve their goals and aims of their lives since they are oppressed by the extremists.
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