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Folksinger Michael Johnathon Releases 19th Studio Album AFTERBURN - 0 views

    Folksinger Michael Johnathon is not exactly a "normal" folksinger, as he proves once again on his 19th studio album, AFTERBURN, out now by way of PoetMan Records & The Orchard [] and at PlayMPE for radio programmers. AFTERBURN Afterburn by Michael Johnathon on The Table Read Afterburn AFTERBURN is the word used when something truly rattles the cages and leaves people with a startled, surprised reaction.....

Revered Canadian Singer-Songwriter Suzie Ungerleider Announced 2022 UK Tour - 0 views

    Following the release of her acclaimed album 'My Name is Suzie Ungerleider', three-time Canadian Juno Award nominee Suzie Ungerleider has announced a string of 2022 UK shows in an extension to her North American tour. Beginning on 1st June at London's The Water Rats, the tour marks Suzie's first performances in the UK of her new music. see more ...
Greg G

Do I Need a Home Studio Mixer For Recording? - 1 views

    (When) Do I Need an Audio Recording Mixer for My Home Studio? An early thrill of walking into a recording studio was, for me, the sight of the big studio mixer board. A huge table filled with knobs, faders, meters, it got me stirred up just looking, even before I knew what the heck it

SoundGale: #1 Independent Music Production Source - 1 views

    SoundGale is an independent source for musicians, sound producers, artists and content creators. Discover music instruments, studio equipment, guides, news and more.
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