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Claude Almansi

Ecologia dei siti E' nato "webmultimediale" - Maurizio Boscarol - 03.10.07 - 0 views

    ...importante luogo di informazione su come rendere accessibili i contenuti multimediali, [propone] riflessioni sui codici comunicativi dei contenuti multimediali, superando così le questioni meramente tecniche e sostenendo una piena integrazione del mul
Claude Almansi

Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA W3C - Alternatives to Visual Turing Tests on the Web W3C Wor... - 0 views

    A common method of limiting access to services made available over the Web is visual verification of a bitmapped image. This presents a major problem to users who are blind, have low vision, or have a learning disability such as dyslexia.
Claude Almansi

Web Design References - University of Minnesota Duluth - 0 views

    Web Design Quote for 7/1/2007 ... This means that the interface design must not only organize the content for easy access, but must incorporate the right combination of technologies and interaction techniques to allow the user to work in their own style.
Claude Almansi

Calatrava Bridge in Venice inaccessible in wheelchair: petition - Aug 29, 08 - 0 views

    The bridge was meant to be very solemnly inaugurated on Sept. 18, 2008, with the President of the Italian Republic attending. However, this ceremony was cancelled due to the protests of associations of people with disabilities, in particular of the Un ponte per tutti petition, because the bridge violates national accessibility norms, as it includes glass-covered stairs that exclude people in wheelchairs.
Claude Almansi

Internet Archive: Details: Behind The Mike 1940+ - 0 views

    Behind_The_Mike_40-09-29_ep03_Babys_Cries.mp3 also about blind children learning to make and use radio sets (towards the end)
Claude Almansi

Don't Provide an Accessibility Statement- Standards Schmandards - Peter Krantz - Octobe... - 0 views

    This article will try to make two points: 1. accessibility statements are often pointless and 2. you are better off with a "site help" if you think your target audience need it.
Claude Almansi

Quick Color Class | - Adrian Rosselli (Aardvark) - orig. pub. December 2002 i... - 0 views

    This article addresses both the technical limitations and usability considerations of color on the web. It is by no means exhaustive, but it should get you thinking about appropriate color use when bringing your brand to the web.
Claude Almansi

Statement From the Office of Santiago Calatrava: Quarto Ponte sul Canal Grande May 10, 08 - 0 views

    Finally, the absence of accommodation for persons with disabilities has been falsely attributed to Santiago Calatrava's supposed desire for a more pure design. This is simply not true. A number of designs were proposed that would have accommodated the needs of persons with disabilities. The decision to eliminate these accessibility options was made by the Comune di Venezia, which considered its existing system of transport for persons with disabilities to be entirely adequate, requiring that no special provisions for access were needed on this bridge.
Claude Almansi

Ponte di Calatrava Bridge on the Grand Canal - Venice for Visitors Jan. 28.08 - 0 views

    The bridge has provoked its share of controversies, including concerns about the bridge's accessibility to locals and tourists in wheelchairs. (The city has promised to install "egg-shaped lifts" for the disabled, but whether they'll be more reliable than Venice's existing platform lifts is unknown.)
Claude Almansi

Scuola Secondaria di I grado Dante Alighieri dell'Aquila - Nuove tecnologie e... - 0 views

    La Scuola Secondaria di I Grado "Dante Alighieri" dell'Aquila è sede del Centro Territoriale di Supporto per le Nuove Tecnologie e Disabilità, istituito con Decreto DGR Abruzzo prot. n. AOODRAB-2239 del 25.06.2007.
Claude Almansi

USI - Università della Svizzera italiana - Paolo Paolini: pubblicazioni - 0 views

    Di B., Paolini P., Speroni M. (2004 (to appear)). Web Accessibility for Blind Users Towards Advanced Guidelines. UI4ALL Conference (User Interfaces for All), Vien [sic]
Claude Almansi

TEC-Lab - Technology-Enhanced Communication Laboratory - University of Lugano - Thesis ... - 0 views

    Accessibility Study of Museum Websites in Italy and in Switzerland Wide analytical survey on a significant numbeer of museum websites in Italy and in Switzerland to verify their current level of accessibility (especially for visually-impaired users). The accessibility validation will be based on the W3C international standards of accessibility and on other advanced guidelines.
Claude Almansi

Accessibility_sig Info Page (mailing-list) - 0 views

    "This list was created following Accessibility University 2005 to allow those who participated in the conference and others who are interested in accessibility to join in discussions of topics related to accessible web and software development." - link f
Claude Almansi

Video Captions : Adding / Editing captions - YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. - 0 views

    To add captions or subtitles to one of your videos, you'll need to have files with the captions/subtitles in them. (...) We currently support a simple subtitle format that is compatible with the formats known as SubViewer (*.SUB) and SubRip (*.SRT).
Claude Almansi

Tutorial Accessible PDF Forms- Acrobat - 0 views

    To be accessible the PDF form must be created as a tagged document. The goal of the form design is to ensure that all the field elements are placed in the logical structure within the tag tree and have appropriate text descriptors using tool tips or captions.
Claude Almansi

Zenbox project Linux-based environment for blind users - 0 views

    The Zenbox Project's main objective is to provide easy access to a Linux-based graphical desktop environment to blind users of notebooks.
Claude Almansi

Editorial: Official opening of Calatrava bridge stalled as tempers rise Sept 3 08 - 0 views

    An on-line petition called "a bridge for everyone" organized by Roberto Scano, an Italian accessibility expert, urges the postponement of the inauguration of the bridge until the structure will be accessible by all citizens. Mr. Scano remarks: "How can the Government inaugurate a publicly funded structure that does not allow the possibility for everyone to use? As it stands now the bridge is limp."
Claude Almansi

Planet PDF - What is Tagged PDF? - 0 views

    A PDF file equipped with well-formed tags may be "reflowed" to fit different page or screen widths, and will display well on handheld devices. Tagged PDF files also work better with the screen-reader devices used by many blind and other disabled users. In most cases, tags are necessary in order to make a PDF file comply with Section 508.
Claude Almansi

The alt and title attributes | 456 Berea Street - Roger Johansson - 2004 - 0 views

  • Use the alt attribute to provide text for visitors who, for whatever reason, can’t see the images in your document. This includes visitors using browsers that cannot display images or have image display disabled, visually impaired visitors, and screen reader users. Alt text is to be used instead of an image, not as additional information.
  • And don’t use the alt attribute for text that you want to appear as a tool tip. It’s not the way it was meant to be used, and as far as I know, it only works like that in Internet Explorer for Windows and in Windows versions of the ancient Netscape 4.*. No Mac browsers display alt text as a tool tip.
  • The title attribute can be used with all elements except for base, basefont, head, html, meta, param, script, and title, but it isn’t required for any. Maybe that’s why it’s less clear when to use it. Use this to provide additional information that is not essential. Most visual browsers display title text as a tool tip when the element is hovered over, however it is up to the browser manufacturer to decide how the title text is rendered. Some will display the text in the status bar instead. Early versions of Safari did this, for instance.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • longdesc attribute
  • D links
    Alternate text is not meant to be used as a tool tip, or more specifically, to provide additional information about an image. The title attribute, on the other hand, is meant to provide additional information about an element. That information is displayed as a tooltip by most graphical browsers, though manufacturers are free to render title text in other ways. Thanks to Alexis Antonelli for the reference
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