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in title, tags, annotations or url

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Claude Almansi

The alt and title attributes | 456 Berea Street - Roger Johansson - 2004 - 0 views

  • Use the alt attribute to provide text for visitors who, for whatever reason, can’t see the images in your document. This includes visitors using browsers that cannot display images or have image display disabled, visually impaired visitors, and screen reader users. Alt text is to be used instead of an image, not as additional information.
  • And don’t use the alt attribute for text that you want to appear as a tool tip. It’s not the way it was meant to be used, and as far as I know, it only works like that in Internet Explorer for Windows and in Windows versions of the ancient Netscape 4.*. No Mac browsers display alt text as a tool tip.
  • The title attribute can be used with all elements except for base, basefont, head, html, meta, param, script, and title, but it isn’t required for any. Maybe that’s why it’s less clear when to use it. Use this to provide additional information that is not essential. Most visual browsers display title text as a tool tip when the element is hovered over, however it is up to the browser manufacturer to decide how the title text is rendered. Some will display the text in the status bar instead. Early versions of Safari did this, for instance.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • longdesc attribute
  • D links
    Alternate text is not meant to be used as a tool tip, or more specifically, to provide additional information about an image. The title attribute, on the other hand, is meant to provide additional information about an element. That information is displayed as a tooltip by most graphical browsers, though manufacturers are free to render title text in other ways. Thanks to Alexis Antonelli for the reference
Claude Almansi

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 - 1.1 Provide text alternatives - 0 views

    Guideline 1.1 Text Alternatives: Provide Text alternatives for any non-Text content so that it can be changed into other forms people need, such as large print, braille, speech, symbols or simpler language.
Claude Almansi

Cory Doctorow: Authors have lost the plot in Amazon Kindle battle | Technology | March 31 09 - 0 views

    But while we were all running our mouths about the plausibility of the singularity emerging from Amazon's text-to-speech R&D, a much juicier issue was escaping our notice: it is technically possible for Amazon to switch off the text-to-speech feature for some or all books. That's a hell of a thing, isn't it? Now that Amazon has agreed with the Authors Guild that text-to-speech will only be switched on for authors who sign a contract permitting it, we should all be goggling in amazement at the idea that this can be accomplished. Neither of these should inspire confidence in the Kindle as a long-term device. Dropping $359 (£251) on a device whose features are subject to the outcomes of ongoing negotiations to which you are not a party is, frankly, nuts.
Claude Almansi

Section 508 [Of Americans with Disabilities Act] Standards - § 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications. - 0 views

    (a) A text equivalent for every non-text element shall be provided (e.g., via "alt", "longdesc", or in element content).\n\n(b) Equivalent alternatives for any multimedia presentation shall be synchronized with the presentation. ...
Claude Almansi

Tortoise and the Hare - 0 views

  • The Tortoise and the Hare
    • Claude Almansi
      prova annotazione diigo
Claude Almansi

Past Issues - UI Design Newsletter - Reading Text Online by Susan Weinschenk - 0 views

    Reading Text Online Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D., Chief of Advanced Studies and Projects for HFI, discusses reading Text online. Are we really ready to make research based decisions?
Claude Almansi

Amara Support Center : How do I download subtitles from Amara and upload them to my YouTube video? - 0 views

  • YouTube
    • Claude Almansi
      Why only YouTube? subs made with Amara can be added to videos on other platforms too.
  • At present, YouTube uses Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for English videos and transcripts, with plans to roll out this service for other languages
    • Claude Almansi
      Obsolete: YT has already added Japanese and Spanish, at least.
  • Click the down-facing arrow that is to the right of the Edit button.  
    • Claude Almansi
      The screenshot is obsolete.
Claude Almansi

Allow Everyone Access to E-books - Reading Rights Coalition's petition - 0 views

    Amazon has announced that it will give authors and publishers the ability to disable the text-to-speech function on any or all of their e-books available for the Kindle 2. The Reading Rights Coalition, which represents people who cannot read print, will protest the threatened removal of the text-to-speech function from e-books for the Amazon Kindle 2 outside the Authors Guild headquarters in New York City at 31 East 32nd
Claude Almansi

Knowledge Ecology Notes » Growing Opposition to the Authors' Guild Request to Remove Text-to-Speech on Kindle2 - M. Ress, Mar 31 09 - 0 views

    And here is a powerful statement from Carrie Russel, Director Program on Public Access to Information, ALA Office for Information Technology Policy "It is hard to know what is worse - Amazon cowtowing to the Authors Guild's request to remove the text to speech function or the Authors Guild seeking to squeeze every penny they can from the visually impaired who are already paying for the Kindle books. Amazon did not have to cave - there was no license they had agreed to with the Authors Guild to remove the speech function that would have expanded rights to private reading. Shame on the Authors Guild for being greedy and downright mean to the visually impaired."
Claude Almansi

Amara Support Center : Setting up your account - 0 views

  • Go to
    • Claude Almansi
      So Amara has acquired since May 2012, according to a whois. Yet the link still redirects to
  • You can either create an account directly through Amara, or if you can access Amara with any of your twitter, OpenID, Google, facebook, or TED logins.
    • Claude Almansi
      It should read: "... or you can access Amara..." (without "if")
  • hover over the “me” link in the upper righthand corner of any page in Amara
    • Claude Almansi
      The link is not called "me" but people's usernames.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Was this article useful? Yes or No
    • Claude Almansi
      If you click "No", you are invited to submit a ticket. And Amara has now decided to close all tickets and ask users to use the forum instead. So something must be changed: either this forum-only policy, or the link on "No" in the feedback dialogue.
  • You can add multiple languages
    • Claude Almansi
      "You can add further languages" would be clearer.
    "Solutions → Amara FAQ and How-to Articles → Getting Started as a Team Member"
Claude Almansi

Amara Support Center : What's a "Task" and why does it matter? - 0 views

  • in order for a subtitle to become published
    • Claude Almansi
      ... for a set of subtitles...
  • on a team
    • Claude Almansi
      Not only "to be published on a team": to be published at all.
  • The types of tasks required for publishing varies among teams.
    • Claude Almansi
      Either "The types... vary" or "The type... varies".
    • Claude Almansi
      "... varies from team to team" rather than "varies among teams".
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • There are four different types of tasks:
    • Claude Almansi
      This list should be reworded in better, simpler English.
  • You’re going to want to find an unassigned task, which means that no one else is working on it at the moment.
    • Claude Almansi
      The Tasks tab links to the /tasks/?assignee=none page anyway, which only shows unassigned tasks
    • Claude Almansi
      This also means that once someone has started working on a task, it doesn't appear anymore in the page linked to by the Tasks tab.
  • which can vary by team
    • Claude Almansi
      What should be done when a team hasn't configured a due date, and thus tasks remain assigned indefinitely to the person who started it?
    "Solutions → Amara FAQ and How-to Articles → Getting Started as a Team Member"
Claude Almansi

NAD Files Comments on Copyright Exemption for Captions | National Association of the Deaf - 0 views

    "On February 10, 2012, the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) took the lead, and was joined by several other consumer groups, in submitting comments in support of a petition filed by Telecommunications for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Inc., Gallaudet University, and Participatory Culture Foundation requesting an exemption for certain classes of work from the anti-circumvention provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Two of these exemption requests relate to closed captioning - one for IP based media and the other for fixed-disc based media. These exemptions will allow third parties to add or improve closed captioning on video programs without having to get permission from the copyright owner. ...." (with link to the text of the exemption)
    The linked-to text of the exemption request is remarkavly clear and could bevery useful model in similar cases in other countries.
Claude Almansi

The Authors Guild - 2/25/09 - Kindle 2 Audio: How Does It Sound? - 0 views

    Listening to the examples demonstrates that nobody non-blind and non-masochistic would use the Kindle 2 text-to-speech feature. And as blind people can't use the Kindle 2, what is the point of that feature - and of the Authors' Guild ruckus about it?
    February 25, 2009. Text-to-speech (TTS) programs have been in use for a number of years, and they're improving. As Roy Blount says in an op-ed in today's New York Times, Kindle 2's TTS isn't Jim Dale reading "Harry Potter," but it's listenable. There's no need to take our word for it; have a listen to the sample below.
Claude Almansi

Open Letter to Authors | Reading Rights - Mar 29 09 - 0 views

    Sadly, the Authors Guild does not support equal access for us. The Guild has told us that to read your books with text-to-speech we must either submit to a burdensome special registration system and prove our disabilities -- or pay extra. The Guild's position is outrageous and discriminates against the millions of people with print disabilities who are eager to be your readers and customers.
Claude Almansi

Tools for DIY Captioning | Collaborative for Communication Access via Captioning - 0 views

  • is another online captioning tool
    • Claude Almansi
      Overstream does not work anymore.
  • A question that often comes up is how to “replace” the original YouTube video (without cc) with the newly cc’d version one creates with Universal Subtitles
    • Claude Almansi
      1. It's not a matter of "replacing" the original video, but of adding the CC captions to it. 2. It does not only work with YouTube videos, but with videos hosted on any platform that supports CC (Internet Archive e.g.) 3. This does not only work with CC captions created on Universal Subtitles - well, Amara now - but with any CC captions
  • Universal
    • Claude Almansi
      See above: this works with any CC captions, no matter what application you create them with.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • you can NOT download a fully captioned video at this time
    • Claude Almansi
      But you can download the video separately, and then play both the video and the captions on your computer with a desktop application.
  • You may have garbage content to remove near the beginning or end of the file if there is extra content in your transcript file, music, or other notations
    • Claude Almansi
      No: the garbage content is produced by saving the Word file as .doc or as .rtf. Save as UTF-8 encoded plain text, with the original .sbv extension if Word lets you. Otherwise, with the .txt extension, and change the extension from .txt to .sbv afterwards.
  • Make changes to the .sbv file by opening in Word
    • Claude Almansi
      Editing an .sbv file in Word is tricky: you might accidently delete some time codes. Much easier NOT to make the video private, and create a captioning page from it in an online app like Amara or DotSUB, add the caption file there and edit it there. Then download the edited captions and add them to YT. If you mind having the rough YT-produced captions showing, just write in the decription that they are still in progress.
  • Save as the same file type.
    • Claude Almansi
      Actually: save with the same file extension - .sbv in your example - but be careful to save as UTF-8 encoded simple text file
  • on the native Word file
    • Claude Almansi
      See above: it's quicker and easier if you use an online captioning platform. And you don't have to delete the automaticly synchronized captions until you're ready to upload the edited version.
  • Upload the new .sbv file “with timing” from the selection option. This is very quick. Click the video and see how it looks. Download the .sbv file again and repeat steps 8 through 12 until you are happy with the video.
    • Claude Almansi
      Again, if you create a page from the YT video on a captioning platform, it's much simpler, as you can do the whole adjusting there without having to download and reupload each time you edit the captions.
  • We received this comment from Claude A: “These instructions concern adding a transcript to a YouTube video to have it timecoded into subtitles by the YouTube automatic synchronization feature.”
    • Claude Almansi
      This could be cut: what I meant was that the title for this section could be changed to "Use the YouTube automatic synchronization to make captions from a transcript".
Claude Almansi

Amara Support Center : Joining Teams - 0 views

  • The three processes for joining a team is
    • Claude Almansi
      ... are
  • one of the team members will need to invite you first
    • Claude Almansi
      A team where joining is by invitation only is hardly likely to let any member invite other people. So an explanation on how to use the filter to find the team's admins might be useful, especially in large teams that often have totally inactive admins.
    "Solutions → Amara FAQ and How-to Articles → Getting Started as a Team Member"
Claude Almansi

"Watch President Obama's Remarks on New Immigration Policy" with English subtitles | Amara - 0 views

    "Draft only Showing Revision 0, created Today by Claude Almansi . " Today= June 16, 2012 - 0:52 The draft banner was added even though I completed the subs and marked them complete. After making this bookmark, I downloaded the taskblocked subs and uploaded them again. This removed the draft banner. Now there is a normal notice saying: "Showing Revision 1, created Today by Claude Almansi ."
    See : Revision 1 - Today by Claude Almansi Uploaded Timing: 100% Text: 100% Revision 0 - Today (draft) by Claude Almansi Timing: 100% Text: 100
Claude Almansi

Tutorial Accessible PDF Forms- Acrobat - 0 views

    To be accessible the PDF form must be created as a tagged document. The goal of the form design is to ensure that all the field elements are placed in the logical structure within the tag tree and have appropriate text descriptors using tool tips or captions.
Claude Almansi

Ultimate Drop Down Menu: Accessible Javascript Menu 4.5 by Brothercake - List-based Semantic DHTML Menu - 0 views

    Accessible Javascript Menu 4.5 by Brothercake UDM is a fully-featured and accessible DHTML menu, that provides useable content to all browsers - including screenreaders, search-engines and text-only browsers.
Claude Almansi

Accessible Twitter - 0 views

    Items Implemented\n * All links are keyboard accessible.\n * Simple, consistent layout and navigation.\n * Works with or without JavaScript.\n * Large default text size and high color contrast.\n * Looks great in high or low resolution.\n * Forms are marked up for optimal accessibility.\n * Code is semantic, light, and adheres to best practices in Web Standards.
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