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Lisa Spiro

Social Networking Now More Popular on Mobile than Desktop - 1 views

    A recent study from Ruder Finn revealed that Americans are spending nearly three hours per day on their mobile phones. And what are they doing there? Educating themselves, conducting business, managing finances, instant messaging, emailing? All of the above, as it turns out, and then some. But perhaps the most interesting finding from the new data is the fact that more people are using the mobile web to socialize (91%) compared to the 79% of desktop users who do the same. It appears that the mobile phone is actually a better platform for social networking than the PC.
Lisa Spiro

Mobile Access 2010 | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project - 1 views

    "Cell phone and wireless laptop internet use have each grown more prevalent over the last year. Nearly half of all adults (47%) go online with a laptop using a Wi-Fi connection or mobile broadband card (up from the 39% who did so as of April 2009) while 40% of adults use the internet, email or instant messaging on a mobile phone (up from the 32% of Americans who did this in 2009). This means that 59% of adults now access the internet wirelessly using a laptop or cell phone-that is, they answered "yes" to at least one of these wireless access pathways. That adds up to an increase from the 51% who used a laptop or cell phone wirelessly in April 2009."
Debra Kolah

On the Move with the Mobile Web: Libraries and Mobile Technologies (Ellyssa Kroski) - 0 views

    This is a very useful whitepaper on the mobile web, and how libraries can teach in the mobileweb. Some good practical exercises.
Lisa Spiro

Thingology (LibraryThing's ideas blog): Library Anywhere, a mobile catalog for everyone - 2 views

    Announcing Library Anywhere! Check it out on our ALA handout (available here). * A mobile catalog for any library, up and running in minutes. * Mobile web and apps for iPhone, Blackberry and Android. * Cheaper than you'd guess. * Search, place holds, and more. * Showcase hours, branches, and events. * No installation process. * Works with 90% of current OPACs. * Comes with an "accessible version" that provides a fully Section 508-compliant version of your existing catalog.
Lisa Spiro

The Power of Mobile | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project - 2 views

    "If your organization's information is not available on a small screen, it's not available at all to people who rely on their mobile phones for access. That's likely to be young people, people with lower household incomes, and recent immigrants - arguably important target audiences for public health messages."
Debra Kolah

Mobile phones/devices | Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age - 0 views

    list of links, mainly directed for primary and high school policies regarding mobile phones; does have some links for ideas on using iPhone and iTouch in classroom settings

2009 Mobile Web Trends Report - 5 views

    - North American mobile web share up 110% in 2009 (Dec '09 vs. Dec '08) - Global mobile web consumption share up 148% in 2009 - Apple continues to dominate, though market share has declined as increased competition emerges
Lisa Spiro

Mobile Technology and Libraries - 1 views

    new book by Jason Griffey on mobiles
Debra Kolah

Musings about librarianship: What are mobile friendly library sites offering? A survey. - 2 views

    Brief analysis of 40 library mobile sites.
Lisa Spiro

hhlibkeynote - 1 views

    joe murphy on mobile tech in libraries
Debra Kolah

Mobile Learning | Extended Learning | mLearning - 0 views

    A free tool to create mobile education assets. Flashcards, study guides, quizzes etc.
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