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Shawn Holloway - 0 views

    multiple online textbooks for a variety of subjects
Shawn Holloway

Poll Everywhere - 0 views

    Poll Everywhere replaces expensive proprietary audience response hardware with standard web technology. It's the easiest way to gather live responses in any venue: conferences, presentations, classrooms, radio, tv, print - anywhere. It can help you to raise money by letting people pledge via text messaging. And because it works internationally with texting, web, or Twitter, its simplicity and flexibility are earning rave reviews. with standard web technology. It's the easiest way to gather live responses in any venue: conferences, presentations, classrooms, radio, tv, print - anywhere. It can help you to raise money by letting people pledge via text messaging. And because it works internationally with texting , web, or Twitter , its simplicity and flexibility are earning rave reviews ."
Shawn Holloway

Social Media Revolution 2 (Refresh) - The Educator's PLN - 0 views

    The latest facts and figures on the effect of Social Media on our society. Set to the blaring soundtrack stating RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.
Shawn Holloway

Free Technology for Teachers: 11 Techy Things for Teachers to Try This Year - 0 views

  • 1. Build a Blog or Build a Better BlogBlogs can serve many purposes for teachers. You can use a blog to communicate information to parents and students. You can use a blog to create a running journal of classroom activities and lessons throughout the year. Blogs can be used by students to record and reflect on their own learning. Make your students contributing authors on a class blog and have them write a weekly reflection on their own learning.Three good platforms for classroom blogging are Blogger, Edublogs, and Kid Blog. All three of those platforms are very easy to start as they don't require any technical knowledge on your part. All three of those platforms allow you to control your blog's visibility settings. Get directions for creating Blogger and Edublogs blogs here. (Disclosure: Edublogs is an advertiser on Free Technology for Teachers.)
  • 2. Build a Wiki With Your Students
  • Building pages on a wiki is a great way for students to record and share knowledge about topics they've researched. Last year one of my classes created a wiki about 1920's culture in the United States. When everyone was done contributing one of my students made the observation that the wiki had more information than the textbook, he was right.Teachers and students can also use wikis to create digital portfolios. Students can create and edit their own pages to show-off the work they're most proud of.Wikispaces, PB Works, and Wet Paint provide free wiki hosting. I prefer Wikispaces because they provide free advertising-free wiki hosting to teachers. Learn how to use Wikispaces here.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Build a WebsiteSo a blog doesn't provide quite what you're looking for and a wiki doesn't either? Try building your own website. On your website you can include calendars of assignment due dates (try Google Calendar), post reference videos and documents for students and parents, and even collect assignments.Building a website used to be a difficult, technical process. That is not the case anymore. There are many free website creation and hosting services available on the web. Google Sites can be used to create a website containing blog and wiki elements. Learn how to use Google Sites in my publication Google for Teachers II. Some other website creation and hosting services you might want to try are Weebly, Webs, and Yola.
  • 4. Create Videos Without Purchasing any EquipmentVideo is a powerful form of communication. It wasn't that long ago that classroom video projects required possession of expensive editing software and other equipment. That is no longer the case. Today, anyone with access to the web can make a high-quality video production. Two of my favorite web-based video creation services are Animoto and JayCut. Of the two Animoto is the easiest to use while JayCut offers the most editing options. Learn how to use Animoto in my free publication Making Videos on the Web.
  • Create Maps to Tell a StoryMaps are obviously useful for Social Studies teachers, but did you know that you can also use multimedia maps to tell a story? Google Maps and Google Earth can both be used to create a multimedia story. Try having your students write the biography of a famous person by plotting points on a map and adding text, images, and videos about that person to each placemark. Visit Jerome Burg's Google Lit Trips to learn more about using Google Earth in a literature course. Visit Tom Barrett's Maths Maps to get ideas for using maps in mathematics lessons. Need some general directions for using Google Maps or Google Earth please consult my free publications Google for Teachers and Google Earth Across the Curriculum.
  • Try Backchanneling in Your ClassroomAs staffing cuts create larger class sizes, it is becoming more difficult for some teachers to hear every student's question and or comment. Some students are reluctant to verbally share their thoughts in the classroom. And some students just have to blurt-out every thought or question they have as soon as they have it. Creating a backchannel for your students can address all three of those problems.A backchannel is another name for a chat room in which your students type their questions and comments whenever they have them. You can then address those questions and comments immediately, have students reply to each other, or address the questions when time permits. Learn more about the uses of backchannels in my presentation about using backchannels in the classroom.Here are some school-friendly services that can be used to host backchannels: Today's Meet, Chatzy, Edmodo, and
  • 10. Have Your Students Create PodcastsCreating podcasts is a great way for students to preserve oral histories or to hear themselves practicing a foreign language. Open source program Audacity and Apple's Garage Band are excellent platforms for recording podcasts. You can also record podcasts without installing software by using Aviary's Myna service or's voicemail service. If you need a free place to host podcasts check out PodBean or Blubrry.
    The new school year is here for many teachers. For those who haven't started school yet, the new school year will be here soon. If you've set the goal of trying something new in your classroom this year (shouldn't that always be one of our goals), here are eleven techy things teachers should try this year.
Shawn Holloway

50 Really Cool Online Tools for Science Teachers | Online Degree - 0 views

    A 21st-century education revolves around the Internet for everything from collaboration, tools, lessons, and even earning degrees online. If you are looking for ways to integrate online learning into your science class, then take a look at these cool online tools that are just perfect for both teachers and students
Shawn Holloway

City Creator - 0 views

    create a city simulator
Shawn Holloway

Flisti - Create free online polls without signing-up - 0 views

shared by Shawn Holloway on 09 Aug 10 - Cached
    create fee online polls without signing up
Shawn Holloway - 0 views

    genetics simulation website science site
Shawn Holloway

newtoolsworkshop - home - 0 views

    Social networking tools
    100's of web 2.0 resources on this wiki. very useful
Shawn Holloway

Iowa 1:1 Schools - Google Maps - 0 views

    map of iowa 1:1 schools
Shawn Holloway

Deron Durflinger (derondurflinger)'s Public Profile in the Diigo Community - 0 views

    Deron's diigo site with many great links
Shawn Holloway

Twitterfall - 0 views

    track twitter conversations live with this website.
Shawn Holloway

Mathtrain.TV - 0 views

    Mathtrain.TV is a free educational "kids teaching kids" project from Mr. Marcos & his students at Lincoln Middle School in Santa Monica, CA.
Shawn Holloway

Khan Academy - 0 views

    The Khan Academy is a not-for-profit organization with the mission of providing a high quality education to anyone, anywhere. We have 1600+ videos on YouTube covering everything from basic arithmetic and algebra to differential equations, physics, chemistry, biology and finance which have been recorded by Salman Khan. To keep abreast of new videos as we add them, subscribe to the Khan Academy channel on YouTube. The entire video library is shown below. Just click on a category or video title to start learning from the Khan Academy!
Shawn Holloway

Heartland Online Professional Development System - 0 views

    "This online professional development student portfolio system has been developed by Heartland AEA 11 to meet the needs of educators and school personnel in the state of Iowa. Various regulations mandate employers to provide training to employees on a variety of subjects."
Shawn Holloway

YouTellYou Magazine - 0 views

    Become a photo-reporter! Create and publish your own stories on YouTellYou Magazine It's easy, fun and free!
Laura horan

Lists for Leaders - 0 views

    resources via Angela Maiers
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