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Mr Brooke

BBC News - MP calls for pornography 'opt-in' to protect children - 2 views

    • Mr Brooke
      Please comment on this highlighted quote
Mr Brooke

YouTube - Guy Kawasaki 10-20-30 Presentation Rule - 2 views

shared by Mr Brooke on 22 Nov 10 - Cached
    short extract from Kawasaki speech. Some more tips on presentations.
The Zhan

Bosses switch on antisocial network - 2 views

  • 'It's about informing you where you stand in relation to other people rather than a manager having to come over and talk to you about it
  • Some companies are introducing internal social networks to try to encourage staff to talk to their colleagues rather than escape into the ether
    Rather than blocking access to Facebook and Twitter, a growing of employers are monitoring what proportion of the working day individuals spend on them.
    State and Describe the main Social and Ethical issues that relates to this article: The main social and ethical issue that relates to this article is surveillance. In this article, it is suggested that workers in an office space would have the time they spend on a social network being monitored and controlled. This survaillence of how the workers spend their time on the computer seems somewhat appropriate in my opinion. What this is doing is it's reaching a compromise for the workers, by still letting them access these social networks, while limiting how long they can access it for daily so as to ensure that they focus as much on their work. Although it could be question whether it's ethical to monitor people's computer, what this is doing is avoiding measures such as a boss visually monitoring everyone's computer behind their backs,which raises a much bigger surveillance issue. The second suggestion of an internal and local social network that would only include people in the workplace is also a good option that attempts to keep the workers focused on the workplace and to ecourage communication between workers, rather than getting distracted with life outside the workplace. This is also, in my opinion an excellent suggestion as it offers an alternative to simply blocking social networks, which raises an issue in terms of how ethical it is to simply restrict someone from visiting a website, which could be seen as censorship.
Mr Brooke

Unfortunately named websites - Boing Boing - 2 views

Fiche Galinha

HowStuffWorks "How Baggage Handling Works" - 2 views

  • How Baggage Handling Works
    "How Baggage Handling Works"
benjon hamal

Press Releases: February, 2006 | Electronic Frontier Foundation - 2 views

     If a consumer chooses to use it, the new "Search Across Computers" feature will store copies of the user's Word documents, PDFs, spreadsheets and other text- based documents on Google's own servers, to enable searching from any one of the user's computers.
Mr Brooke

Did the Internet Kill Privacy? - CBS Sunday Morning - CBS News - 2 views

    "The pictures were exactly what you'd expect from a European summer vacation: Cafes in Italy and Spain, the Guinness brewery in Ireland. So 24-year-old Ashley Payne, a public high school English teacher in Georgia, was not prepared for what happened when her principal asked to see her in August 2009. "
The Zhan

Device Tracks Blood Flow in the Brain - 2 views

  • A headset ultrasound monitor could make it easier to detect the dangerous aftereffects of brain injuries.
  • The company's monitor consists of a headset that directs an array of ultrasound beams through the head and uses a proprietary algorithm to automatically detect the mid-cerebral artery, one of the major arteries supplying blood to the brain. The device then locks the relevant beam onto the artery and measures its blood flow. A machine attached to the headset gives an index of flow and peak velocity.
    "A new ultrasound device could make it easier to detect a potentially life-threatening condition". An excellent example of data-logging applied to a practical real-life situation.
    The invention of this device will drastically improve the monitoring of brain related injuries and in particular the one mentioned in the article - vasospasm. The fact that nearly 50% of soldiers who sustain blast injuries can potentially develop vasospasm is more than enough reason for there to be plenty of funding towards the development of this device. It says in the article that "the company plans to make a more rugged version of its commercial device for the battle field." If the company manages to actually develop this, the amount of soldier deaths in the battle field will decrease as the soldiers will be able to get treatment sooner. Within this development the company could have the data be live streamed to the doctors so that they can analyze the data to see if there is any problem. The data can then be stored so that the patient's development can be recorded. As the device is measuring the blood flow in the brain this could also be used to analyze the soldiers brain whilst on the field. This could contribute to developments in other studies of the brain like post-traumatic stress.
The Game

Now the New York Times says EMS computers are dangerous [distracted driving] | Free Ref... - 2 views

benjon hamal

Razer Launches Mechanical Gaming Keyboard | Hardware Canucks - 2 views

    Cool this will allow me to use Ebon Blade Banner, Darkmender's Tincture, Hodir's Horn, Essence of Ice, and Raelorasz's Spear, 2 nano seconds quicker than the other n00bs. LEEEEROY!!!111!!!
    oh yeh and please use the correct tags.
    sir you got every single thing right there. It's scary.
Mr Brooke

YouTube - The daVinci Surgical System at Riverside Medical Center - 2 views

    "The daVinci Surgical System at Riverside Medical Center "
    Would you be happy about having a surgeon operate on you like this?
Mr Brooke

EarthCam - Webcam Network - 2 views

    Where the World Watches the world.
Fiche Galinha

Kaspersky Warns of New Facebook Chat Phishing Attack - eSecurity Planet - 2 views

  • Kaspersky Warns of New Facebook Chat Phishing Attack
joey <3

Chinese Hackers Blamed for Huge South Korean Database Theft - CSO Online - Security and... - 2 views

  • the main worry is that the data theft will fuel a rise in spamming, phishing and social engineering attacks.
    "Hackers have stolen the personal data of 35 million users of the South Korean social network Cyworld and search engine Nate, the company that runs them SK Communications has admitted."
    This article talks about the theft of personal details such as email addresses, phone numbers and passwords, despite having been encrypted. This article brings up the ethical issues of privacy, reliability and security, showing that even though precautions such as encryption were taken to avoid such incidents, private and confidential information was still hacked. It questions the reliability and the security of online systems which store private data in databases, and will no doubt discourage people from using or providing personal information to such websites. Though the incident can be overcome by asking users to "reset those credentials", the theft presents the possibility of increased amounts of spamming and phishing, therefore actions should be taken to inform and protect users from becoming victims of such scams. The following website gives suggestions on how to protect yourself against phishing:
Mr Brooke

X-RAY: Tokujin Yoshioka's Transparent Cell Phone - Core77 - 2 views

    You don't have to buy an iPhone you know...
Mr Brooke

3quarksdaily: All About PIPA and SOPA, the Bills That Want to Censor Your Internet - 2 views

    Nice video explaining the current issues
  • ...4 more comments...
    In my opinion, the main objective is purely to protect the entertainment industry by blocking infringing domain names however, as stated in the video these industries do not contribute so much to the US economy. Furthermore, theses bills will put the stability of new search engines at risk as the US government will be able to sue them if they advertise any infringing website.
    If you're looking to understand the debate from the perspective of copyright holders, then watch Follow the Money: Who Profits from Piracy?,( ) a video that tracks the theft of one movie, making it a microcosm of a larger problem.
    Although protecting the entertainment industry from piracy and blocking certain websites containing disturbing and innappropriate material (paedophilia) is a good idea, the way SOPA and PIPA have been written/proposed makes it very easy for people enforcing both acts to abuse their power. Once we censor one thing, other will decide that other things must also be censored, therefore destroying any sembelence of free-speech Internet users have. I also find it worrying how the American Senate decided by itself that these two acts should be made law, in the process crippling the Internet, a resource used by billions of people all around the world and not just the population of the US.
    Criterion B . Describe, step by step, how the IT system works. How unauthorised sites outside usa jurisdiction is censored within american borders: A little bit like the great firewall of China, this kind of censorship takes place at a router level. 1. The American ISPs enter the domain names of the unauthorised sites and directories, blogs and forums that contain related links into the Internet routers. These enable data to flow back and forth between ISPs in the USA and Internet servers around the world. 2. The user types in the domain name of an unauthorised website. 3. The request is sent to the web server at the ISP, and the domain name is looked up on the database of addresses in the router 4. The router denies the request from the web server 5. An error message appears in the user's browser how chinese censorship works - how internet works -
    The SOPA is mainly adresses the protection of intellectual property of content creators. Obviously this is the one of the biggest advantages being proposed by the act as artists and entertainers will be able to profit more from the content they make. Nowadays much of their content is illegally downloaded from the internet, such as music. However SOPA will have a severe impact on online freedom of speech as numerous websites would be affected by the act and blacklisted as a result. The internet is makes frequent use of copyrighted material not necessarily in a legal way. Doing streaming of such content after the act could lead to a maximum penalty of five years in prison. However the US congress states that protecting intellectual property is not the same as censorship The image above provides more detail about SOPA including how it will take effect and the impact it would have on businesses. It shows the major supporters of SOPA as well as the major opposers, one of them being Google.
    Apparently there are multiple ways of circumventing the SOPA: 1. Using a VPN Service 2. Using Your HOSTs File 3. Using TOR 4. Using a Web DNS Tool 5. Changing Your DNS Server 6. Using Command Prompt 7. Using Foxy Proxy 8. Using MAFIAAFire Source:
benjon hamal

BBC News - Chemicals and defence firms targeted by hacking attack - 2 views

    This article presents intellectual property theft of various companies that work for governments. the article raises many ethical issues.
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