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Mitosis game - 8 views

    First person shooter/ mitosis true-false quiz.
  • ...7 more comments...
    This was a fun game! However, I would have liked it better if the site gave you information about mitosis before you play the game/quiz to test what you learned. Also, it makes you start ovr if you get merely one question wrong, which gets a bit frustrating. A great way to learn about mitosis nevertheless.
    This game is amazingly awesome. The only downside of this game is many questions are repeated, but if you get the question wrong, you will know all of the answers before it. The facts are good though, they are easy ways to help remember the different phases.
    This was a fun and good way to review Mitosis and Meiosis. Although it only has true and false questions, it was helpful to test your knowledge on Mitosis and Meiosis.
    Great game, although i wish if you got it wrong then it would tell you why, and if you got it right, it would go into more detail.
    This game is decent. It is a great thing to do if you are bored but it is ver repetative. Also at first it is very confusing because the aliens throw a grenade at you. There is actually a cheat to beat it easily but that is too easy. It is ok if you are sick of just book work.
    This game is good. It doesn't give you alot of information, and it gets boring fast. The overall concept is thought and it has good questions. Hint if you want to beat it really fast press the space bar 6 times.
    This game was fantastic although it should include more visuals in order to link the answers to a diagram. The true false set up also is not very helpful since it does make you think. One other thing is it should be longer and actually relate to the specific stages and not what mitosis is for.
    how do 7 other people comment if theres only 6 views? I find that very suspicious.
    thank you!

Mitosis (again) - 3 views

shared by Kelly Devenny on 16 Dec 10 - No Cached
    This video goes into the cell and shows part of the cell while showing you the process of mitosis. Goes in-depth and labels the phases as it goes through the cycle.
    This was a very well done animation that went through each step but it definitely could have used some audio.
    The animation was very defined but the steps themselves could have used more elaboration, and audio could have been added.

3D Animation on Mitosis - 2 views

    Really cool animation! It actually feels like your in the cell during each stage. Good visual :)
    that was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha it was very virtual and slow and easy to understand.
    That was awesome like Emily said, it was easy to understand. It was very clear, provides a good understanding of mitosis, and is great for more visual learners like myself ( =

Mitosis - 1 views

shared by Brian Zeoli on 16 Dec 10 - Cached
    Detailed images of each step of the Cell Cycle. Does not have audio, but it has a real life image of each step on the upper left hand corner. This allows you to take it at your own pace.
    I would have preferred audio explanations, but the fact that it also explained each stage under the animation helped me out. You are absolutely right that you can take it at your own pace. The animations were good at displaying how mitosis is one connected cycle.
    Good animation showing how mitosis looks like all in all. I agree with Lavinia that it would be nice if it had audio, but it does let you go at your own pace. I remember this from 7th grade

Mitosis - 1 views

    Has a narration of Mitosis, a step through, and a short quiz you can take after watching the video.
    this is a good animation it gives great detail about each stage of Mitosis. the narrator helped me understand better what happens during each stage but i wish the quiz at the end was harder and longer.

Mitosis-Cell Division - 0 views

    This is a detailed video with a full animation and audio that guides you through the process.

Mitosis - Cell Division - 1 views

    this is a good video about mitosis, that goes slow and clearly labels each phase.
    Very easy to understand. Explains each step of mitosis. Animation takes you inside the cell.

Mitosis - 2 views

    This shows the mitosis in an parent cell.. This animation is a slow video that labels every part of the cell. It also shows you each stage
    This video shows mitosis happening slowly and gives you a summary of mitosis on the side of the page. It also gives describtions of the phases as they are being shown.
    This video depicts each step slowly and some information that we haven't learned yet. The grammar isn't perfect but the information is shown clearly.

Mitosis-Cell Division - 2 views

    Mitosis in an animal cell. Small captions in upper left hand corner describing each phase. Each step is detailed.
    This animation shows you the phases of mitosis and labels them on the side. At the end of the video it gives a summary, and gives you the option to compare mitosis to miosis. Enjoy!
    I liked this, but there were some parts i didnt like. I liked how it went really slow, on the side iit showed which stage was happening on the side. I also liked how there was a direct link to the meiosis videoo. But, there were no captions, or narration.

Mitosis Video - 1 views

    This is a great video of mitosis that is very easy to follow.
    I really like this video! It goes slow enough to understand, and the diagrams and pictures are really informative. I especilly liked how there was a review at the end of the video, and there were also cell diagrams to identify after the review.

Mitosis Animation 2D Flash - 4 views

    This is a great step-by-step narrative/animation on mitosis. It is very simple and easy to understand.
  • ...5 more comments...
    Its amazing
    Good comment, nice video. Good choice of an animation. Simple.
    Its very detailed, and yet easy enough to understand, I like it.
    Good video I like how it goes through each stage throughly and step by step. Thanks for posting!
    I really like how it is easy to follow, and goes into depth. Thanks.
    AWESOME! it really showes simply the division of the cell and the steps are really defined.
    This animation is really good and is easy to understand. It helps me understand what is going on and a slow steady pace. The animation is very very helpful.

Stages of Mitosis - 2 views

    Very detailed overall view of mitosis. Goes through each stage completely, and is a very good animation.
    This is a really good video. It easily explains what happens in mitosis. However, the video doesn't stop to say which stage of mitosis the cell is enterting. It just describes the process, without categorizing it into steps. However, it explains it easily and it is simple to follow. I also like that it is mostly in 3D.

mitosis animation - 2 views

    This shows clear picture for each step of mitosis making it easier to comprehend.

Pictures - 1 views

    very good pictures

Mitosis Quiz - 1 views

    Very easy and straight foward. Only ten questions

Cancer cells spreading - 1 views

    This viedo is a really good easy simple way to show and expalne how cancer spreads through the body. The immages go allong great with the explaniation.

Mitosis video - 0 views

    I would say that this is a good video of mitosis. It is narrated rather than using any words on screen, which would be helpful. However, it is not difficult to understand and covers what we looked at. The music is kind of creepy, though.

Mitosis - 0 views

    this is a really good "animation" you can click on things and it shows you and lists information on each step. i also really really like this because you are able to slow things down or speed things up.

Mitosis Video. Actual Animation - 1 views

shared by Brian Zeoli on 16 Dec 10 - No Cached
    Actual, hands on video. Woman's voice is a little annoying, provides an actual image of all of it. The video is a hands-on, and easy/great visual.

Mitosis - 1 views

    I liked how this animation had a video and a detailed explanation for each stage, with pictures of real cells. It also has meiosis animations.
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