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Des de dins! | Bernat Ferrer i Frigola - Participem al Media140! - anoiadiari... - 0 views

    "Avui participo com a coeditor d'anoiadiari·cat al certamen de periodisme Media140, concretament a la taula El futur del Periodisme Local, que tractarà sobre 'com accedirem a la informació local, a través del boca orella i els social media, o hi ha altres possibilitat pels mitjans de comunicació locals? Els mitjans locals estan substituint l'administració en algunes tasques?'. Compartiré taula amb Karma Peiró, responsable de participació de 3cat24, Pablo Muiño, dinamitzador digital de ciutats, i Gabi Barragán, Director d'Acció Local i de la Xarxa Audiovisual Local."

media140 Frontiers - 0 views

    "En el marc del media140 a Barcelona, una trobada on s'expolrarà l'impacte de la tecnologia digital en el periodisme i la comunicació, la Casa Àsia participarà amb l'organització d'una taula rodona: "El terratrèmol al Japó: tractament informatiu i xarxes socials". Taula rodona: "El terratrèmol al Japó: tractament informatiu i xarxes socials""

#media140 - Top tips on managing your online identity - 0 views

    Throughout the session plenty of useful tips and pieces of advice were imparted by the speakers - Ricard Espelt, co-founder of and Gemma Urgell, journalist, blogger and consultant for - and delegates alike. Here's a collection of some of the thoughts shared...

#media140 - Get messy with mobile journalism, says Adam Westbrook - 0 views

    Quantity over quality - that needs to be the mindset for mobile journalists, UK online video journalist Adam Westbrook said today at the #media140 conference in Barcelona.

#media140 - El Pais writer Joseba Elola 'witnessing history' with WikiLeaks - 0 views

    "I've never lived something like that and I don't think I will live something again like that," - these are the words of El Pais staff writer Joseba Elola, reflecting on his work on the diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks.

Kuyu Project to steer social change - 0 views

    An innovative Kenyan social network project, which combines crowd sourced stories and citizen reporting, is set to be rolled out in a few weeks. The Kuyu Project is aimed to enrich local content and empower the youth through story sharing. It's a digital literacy initiative, which aims to use the Web to revolutionise East African social media through the networking site - StorySpaces. StorySpaces was demonstrated at the Media 140 conference in Barcelona. It is a mobile-based social networking site where youth can share stories and search for important news logged on other young people's accounts.

InaGlobal - Numérique - Article - Journalisme et Web temps réel : l'avis des ... - 0 views

    "Créée en février 2009 par Andrew Gregson, Media140 est une organisation de professionnels des médias, indépendante, dont l'objectif est de réfléchir à l'impact que peut avoir ce que l'on appelle le Web temps réel sur les métiers traditionnels du journalisme, du marketing, de la publicité, de l'éducation, de la politique ou encore de l'industrie des services. Le chiffre 140 fait d'ailleurs référence aux 140 caractères autorisés pour publier une information sur Twitter."

Japan Social Media - 0 views

    Spotlight: media140 Frontiers: Barcelona

Jay Rosen, The Great Horizontal: 8 key ideas #media140 - 0 views

    Tumblelog of Paul Higgins and Sandy Teagle - Futurists from Melbourne and Brisbane in Australia.

The SNP and the Greens should start to build bridges, not burn them - 0 views

    Pat Kane's 'Notes from everywhere' in the Caladonian Mercury

#media140 - Al Jazeera's early start reporting revolutions - 0 views

    Speaking at the media140 conference in Barcelona via video link Riyaad Minty said a key strategy for Al Jazeera was to get in early and make contact with key bloggers and sources in countries to act as citizen reporters for the news outlet.

#media140: Full coverage from media140 2011 | Editors' Blog - 0 views

    "Last week I attended the media140 conference in Barcelona, which focused on the use of social technologies in journalism. The two-day event was filled with presentations, debates and demonstrations, and I've collected together my coverage from our blog and news pages below."

#media140 - Big Society solution for supporting citizen journalism - 0 views

    Charities, non-governmental organisations and bodies which fund the arts should do more to financially support citizen journalism, according to writer and activist Pat Kane.

Online Journalism News feed | newsletter | widget #media140 - Human stor... - 0 views

    European journalists reporting on the Japanese earthquake had their coverage "contaminated" by their own domestic policies, Catalan journalist and academic Dani Madrid said today.

#media140 - Amnesty International launches news service - 0 views

    Amnesty International is introducing its own news unit in a bid to produce its own stories. Speaking at media140 in Barcelona, Amnesty International head of news Rob Winder said the organisation would like to continue working with news outlets, but also play a larger role in the production of news based on the information it has access to.

#media140 - Choice of multiple business models as traditional press 'dies off' - 0 views

    Throughout media140 so far, when it has come to a discussion of business models for journalism, most speakers seem to be in agreement that there is no single solution, rather the path is multi-directional and a mix is best.

#media140 - Carlos Alonso's favourite tools to finds stories behind the data - 0 views

    Here at we understand data is one of the buzzwords in journalism at the moment, it is why we have built our news:rewired conference around the topic, and its popularity was certainly clear from the packed room at Media140 today, where journalist and online communications specialist Carlos Alonso spoke on the topic.

eContenidos » Entre Wikileaks y códigos QR, un fantástico primer Media140 - 0 views

    "Ayer estuve en el Media140 Futures, la avanzadilla de lo que será un evento mucho mayor en la primavera de 2011. Bajo el amplio paraguas de las nuevas tecnologías y el periodismo, nos juntamos varias personas para hablar de ello desde diferentes perspectivas: los muy amigos Karma Peiró y Narcís Vives, la editora adjunta del Sunday Times Online, Serena Kutchinsky y la que sin duda fue la estrella de la tarde: Simon Rogers, responsable del Datablog y Datastore de The Guardian"

Els mitjans suspenen informativament en la cobertura de la catàstrofe al Japó - 0 views

    Noticia de Karma Peiró que resume las principales cuestiones que abordamos en la mesa redonda de media140 "Periodismo en una crisis: tratamiento informativo y redes sociales en la catástrofe de Japón". "Aquesta ha estat la primera catàstrofe al Japó que ha comptat amb una cobertura sobredimensionada. Al congrés Media 140 s'ha analitzat el tractament informatiu i alarmista dels mitjans occidentals i el minimalisme dels japonesos. El punt realista l'han aportat els milers de ciutadans a través de les xarxes socials, el "crowdmapping" i canals de televisió per internet en directe. El ritme de les dades ha deixat menys temps per a la reflexió i per a un periodisme en profunditat."

Barcelona & Evento Media 140 Europe - Noticias - - 0 views

    "Este mes tendrá lugar en Barcelona el evento Media 140 Europe con el objetivo de debatir entre profesionales y empresarios TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación) el impacto de las tecnologías de la comunicación durante el 13 y el 14 de Abril. En este artículo se puede encontrar más información sobre este acontecimiento."
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