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multimedia production for newspapers - tools, formats and examples - 1 views

    @eirikwfossan's presentation from day two at media140 bcn

Hand-written Japanese newspaper from the tsunami to be displayed in a museum - 1 views

    Backing away from the more humanitarian-based issues this paper focused on, many papers worldwide having been sensationalizing reports. Journalist Dani Madrid criticized this tendency at the media140 conference in Barcelona, saying, "We have turned a country into an object for our own profession... We have transformed Japan as something distant instead of remembering that there are 25,000 casualties and devastation to a country to be rebuilt."

Jay Rosen - The Great Horizontal media140 - 0 views

    Summary of 8 key ideas Jay Rosen presented to the @media140 conference, collected by @hakantee

#media140 Jay Rosen on a 'golden age' of press freedom - 0 views

    We are in a "golden age of press freedom" where anyone can own the press, professor Jay Rosen told the media140 conference today.

Online Journalism News feed | newsletter | widget #media140 - Human stor... - 0 views

    European journalists reporting on the Japanese earthquake had their coverage "contaminated" by their own domestic policies, Catalan journalist and academic Dani Madrid said today.

#media140 - Al Jazeera's early start reporting revolutions - 0 views

    Speaking at the media140 conference in Barcelona via video link Riyaad Minty said a key strategy for Al Jazeera was to get in early and make contact with key bloggers and sources in countries to act as citizen reporters for the news outlet.

#media140 - Amnesty International launches news service - 0 views

    Amnesty International is introducing its own news unit in a bid to produce its own stories. Speaking at media140 in Barcelona, Amnesty International head of news Rob Winder said the organisation would like to continue working with news outlets, but also play a larger role in the production of news based on the information it has access to.

#media140 - Choice of multiple business models as traditional press 'dies off' - 0 views

    Throughout media140 so far, when it has come to a discussion of business models for journalism, most speakers seem to be in agreement that there is no single solution, rather the path is multi-directional and a mix is best.

#media140 - Carlos Alonso's favourite tools to finds stories behind the data - 0 views

    Here at we understand data is one of the buzzwords in journalism at the moment, it is why we have built our news:rewired conference around the topic, and its popularity was certainly clear from the packed room at Media140 today, where journalist and online communications specialist Carlos Alonso spoke on the topic.

#media140 - El Pais writer Joseba Elola 'witnessing history' with WikiLeaks - 0 views

    "I've never lived something like that and I don't think I will live something again like that," - these are the words of El Pais staff writer Joseba Elola, reflecting on his work on the diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks.

#media140 - Get messy with mobile journalism, says Adam Westbrook - 0 views

    Quantity over quality - that needs to be the mindset for mobile journalists, UK online video journalist Adam Westbrook said today at the #media140 conference in Barcelona.

#media140 - Top tips on managing your online identity - 0 views

    Throughout the session plenty of useful tips and pieces of advice were imparted by the speakers - Ricard Espelt, co-founder of and Gemma Urgell, journalist, blogger and consultant for - and delegates alike. Here's a collection of some of the thoughts shared...

#media140 #jpod - Day one round-up with speaker interviews - 0 views

    There are interviews with writer, musician and activist Pat Kane; El Pais journalist Joseba Elola on how the WikiLeaks cables were "something really good for journalism"; and with head of news for Amnesty International Rob Winder who talks about developments in reporting human rights news.

#media140 #jpod - Day two round-up with interviews - 0 views

    The podcast below features interviews with Catalan journalist and academic Dani Madrid about the media coverage of the Japanese earthquake and media140 founder Ande Gregson, reflecting on the two-day conference.

#media140: Follow the event with - 0 views

    "Today and tomorrow will be attending the Media140 event in Barcelona. You can see the full agenda for the event here."
    From live coverage

El periodisme es debat en la cruïlla de l'activisme enxarxat i la tecnologia - 0 views

    Durant dos dies, el 13 i el 14 d'abril, el Cibernàrium de Barcelona, a l'emblemàtic edifici MediaTic del Districte 22@, s'ha convertit en la meca del periodisme 2.0, dos dies d'intens intercanvi i d'exploració entre dos centenars de participants per parlar i interactuar sobre les noves possibilitats i l'impacte que les noves tecnologies tenen i tindran sobre el periodisme. Andew Gregson i Mònica Garriga han estat les ànimes i impulsors del congrés sota el lema "Explorem l'impacte de la teconologia digital en el periodisme i la comunicació". Gregson, en la presentació, va remarcar que la seva visió per al Media140 de 2011 era la de construir un pont entre el nou i el vell per ajudar a connectar-nos, a entendre millor com poden beneficiar-nos de les tecnologies. Garriga, l'organitzadora de Media140 Barcelona, va afegir que "durant la immersió d'aquests dos dies volem aprendre possibilitats tecnològiques, que compartiu entre vosaltres el que us interessa, el que és viable, per entendre els canvis que ens afecten en periodisme".

Media140 organitza un congrés sobre noves tecnologies i periodisme | Comunica... - 0 views

    "L'edifici MediaTIC de Barcelona acull aquest dimecres i dijous el congrés sobre noves tecnologies i periodisme organitzat per l'organització independent Media140. Durant dos dies, acadèmics, professionals i pensadors de tot el món relacionats amb el sector del periodisme i la comunicació reflexionaran i exploraran com utilitzar les noves tecnologies per millor la professió."

Media 140, foro del periodismo y la comunicación | AST Comunicación | Barcelo... - 0 views

    "El evento 'Media 140' reunirá en Barcelona, durante los días 13 y 14 de abril, a profesionales del periodismo y la comunicación corporativa para debatir -en el marco de conferencias, talleres, mesas redondas y sesiones individuales-, sobre cómo utilizar de forma eficaz las nuevas herramientas tecnológicas para aproximarse a la excelencia en estas actividades profesionales."
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