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Home/ media140 Barcelona 2011/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kate Pickering

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kate Pickering

Kate Pickering

#media140 - Top tips on managing your online identity - 0 views

    Throughout the session plenty of useful tips and pieces of advice were imparted by the speakers - Ricard Espelt, co-founder of and Gemma Urgell, journalist, blogger and consultant for - and delegates alike. Here's a collection of some of the thoughts shared...
Kate Pickering

#media140 #jpod - Day one round-up with speaker interviews - 0 views

    There are interviews with writer, musician and activist Pat Kane; El Pais journalist Joseba Elola on how the WikiLeaks cables were "something really good for journalism"; and with head of news for Amnesty International Rob Winder who talks about developments in reporting human rights news.
Kate Pickering

#media140 #jpod - Day two round-up with interviews - 0 views

    The podcast below features interviews with Catalan journalist and academic Dani Madrid about the media coverage of the Japanese earthquake and media140 founder Ande Gregson, reflecting on the two-day conference.
Kate Pickering

#media140: Follow the event with - 0 views

    From live coverage
Kate Pickering

#media140 Jay Rosen on a 'golden age' of press freedom - 0 views

    We are in a "golden age of press freedom" where anyone can own the press, professor Jay Rosen told the media140 conference today.
Kate Pickering

Jay Rosen - The Great Horizontal media140 - 0 views

    Summary of 8 key ideas Jay Rosen presented to the @media140 conference, collected by @hakantee
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