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JP Bosman

Web 2 - The power of the technology behind the hype - 2 views

    "The speed and ease at which these new applications were built is what is getting us very excited about the potential of the Web 2.0 world. Evocative of Dr. Frankenstein building a monster in his attic laboratory using body pieces he found lying around his neighborhood, people with a little skill can create new applications using common elements found lying around the Web in almost no time at all. As the skill requirements for building these applications are decreasing, we think this opens a whole new world of possibilities. Web 2.0 isn't a 'thing', but a collection of approaches, which are all converging on the development world at a rapid pace. These approaches, including APIs, RSS, Folksonomies, and Social Networking, suddenly give application developers a new way to approach hard problems with surprisingly effective results." ** Written in Aug 2007 - provides a good overview of where it all started.
Steve Walsh

Web 2.0 for Designers - 1 views

    Some of the implications that creators of Web2 content need to bear in mind.

Course Technology - 1 views

    A site for texts and electronic learning solutions to help educators teach, students learn, and individuals expand their interest in and understanding of emergent and current technologies. Some of these learning opportunities can be incorporated into Blackboard.

'But I Don't Want to Teach My Students How to Use Technology' - 1 views

    Teacher's resistance to and fears about using technology
Steve Walsh

Web 2.0 in Medicine: Googling for a diagnosis - 1 views

shared by Steve Walsh on 27 Oct 09 - Cached
    google, medicine, web 2

e-learning 2.0 - how Web technologies are shaping education - 1 views

    Introduction and overview of e-learning with brief descriptions of various e-learning tools, namely, blogging, podcasting, mediasharing and social networks.
    Social network software for education
Steve Walsh

Zotero - 1 views

    A browser based link collection tool with a Word add-in that creates references.

Web 2.0 in Education (UK) Home - 1 views

    The site is designed to provide teachers with free tools for use in the classroom. Useful site for applying Web 2 technology in a pedagogical setting.
Francois Cilliers

101 Web 2.0 Teaching Tools - 0 views

    A list filled with tools that will make a teacher's life easier. The categories are listed in alphabetical order and the links to each tool are also listed alphabetically within those categories. Online tools and resources have made it easier for teachers to instruct students, and for students to collaborate with those teachers and with other students and parents. Some of these applications are Web-based, which means that they can be accessed from any computer.

The Future of Education - 0 views

    "Education in its current state is the equivalent of Roman numerals, a system that is preventing us from achieving great things." A thought-provoking article which is the result of futurist research done at the DaVinci Institute.
Zahn Munch

Web 2.0 and E-Learning: The Indian Perspective - 0 views

    The nature of human interaction with information has implications for education. Web 2.0 technologies can enable better analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.E-learning 2.0 resources has enabled scientists and students of different fields, particularly those from the developing world, to develop lifelong learning skills. This paper takes a look at the awareness of the various learning paradigms of the Web 2.0, e-learning 2.0, and the Library 2.0 environment with a focus on the geoscience education in India.
Steve Walsh

JabRef - 0 views

    JabRef is an open source bibliography reference manager that also integrates with Word using an add-in. You can download all your searches from places like PubMed, Hubmed, etc and store them on you hard drive in JabRef.

2nd language learning + web2 - 0 views

    How web2 is changing second language learning

Web 2.0 teaching resources made easy - 0 views

    Good examples

American academy of paediatrics - 0 views

    Authoritative guidelines for common diseases in children

Elsenburg Info - 0 views

    This sites provides some information on the Cape Institute for Agricultural Training (CIAT) and the programmes being offered at CIAT.
    This is a very good instutute to get agricultural training.
Steve Walsh

Critical Essays on Web 2.0 - 0 views

shared by Steve Walsh on 27 Oct 09 - Cached
    dangers, uses, web 2, privacy, collaboration
Francois Cilliers - 0 views

  • provides free, customisable flash templates to embed into blogs, wikis and websites. allows you to create free educational games, activities and diagrams in a Flash! Host them on your own blog, website or intranet! No signup, no passwords, no charge!

Roughtype - 0 views

    Nicholas Carr's blog -- a stimulating take on the use and abuse of technology. His article "Is Google making us stupid?" sparked vehement online discussion.
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