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Matthew Leingang

finalreport.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    A systematic search of the research literature from 1996 through July 2008 identified more than a thousand empirical studies of online learning. Analysts screened these studies to find those that (a) contrasted an online to a face-to-face condition, (b) measured student learning outcomes, (c) used a rigorous research design, and (d) provided adequate information to calculate an effect size. As a result of this screening, 51 independent effects were identified that could be subjected to meta-analysis. The meta-analysis found that, on average, students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction. The difference between student outcomes for online and face-to-face classes-measured as the difference between treatment and control means, divided by the pooled standard deviation-was larger in those studies contrasting conditions that blended elements of online and face-to-face instruction with conditions taught entirely face-to-face. Analysts noted that these blended conditions often included additional learning time and instructional elements not received by students in control conditions. This finding suggests that the positive effects associated with blended learning should not be attributed to the media, per se. An unexpected finding was the small number of rigorous published studies contrasting online and face-to-face learning conditions for K-12 students. In light of this small corpus, caution is required in generalizing to the K-12 population because the results are derived for the most part from studies in other settings (e.g., medical training, higher education). ix
    A systematic search of the research literature from 1996 through July 2008 identified more than a thousand empirical studies of online learning. Analysts screened these studies to find those that (a) contrasted an online to a face-to-face condition, (b) measured student learning outcomes, (c) used a rigorous research design, and (d) provided adequate information to calculate an effect size. As a result of this screening, 51 independent effects were identified that could be subjected to meta-analysis. ***The meta-analysis found that, on average, students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction.*** The difference between student outcomes for online and face-to-face classes-measured as the difference between treatment and control means, divided by the pooled standard deviation-was larger in those studies contrasting conditions that blended elements of online and face-to-face instruction with conditions taught entirely face-to-face. Analysts noted that these blended conditions often included additional learning time and instructional elements not received by students in control conditions. This finding suggests that the positive effects associated with blended learning should not be attributed to the media, per se. An unexpected finding was the small number of rigorous published studies contrasting online and face-to-face learning conditions for K-12 students. In light of this small corpus, caution is required in generalizing to the K-12 population because the results are derived for the most part from studies in other settings (e.g., medical training, higher education). ix
Garrett Eastman

Development of Web based Learning System for Pre-K to Middle School Math Students: Optimization Strategies for Online Learning - 7 views

    Abstract: This research paper has been designed to develop an online tutoring system for pre - K to middle school Math students. The research methodology applied in this study has used both qualitative and quantitative research methods in terms of external and internal Web or software metrics to obtain the usable parameters to design an effective tutoring system to learn Math. Today online hypermedia applications are increasingly becoming more feature rich, important and also the most popular means for communication among school students for e - learning. This paper is divided into four parts: part 'I' presents the introduction of Kumon based after school education; part 'II' describes the research proposal to identify measures, model, and methodology to develop the Web - based online learning system for Pre - K to middle school math students ; part 'III' elaborates the role of using static analysis, dynamic, and comparative analysis that can be applied to check the characteristics and authenticity of data obtained for each student separately; and finally part 'IV' investigates the behaviour of online tutoring system to find the failure points and to calculate reliability aspects using Web page trace algorithms and We b page replacement policies. In this paper, an attempt has been made to systematically explain the state of the art and their practices to design, analyze, and test the functionality of online learning systems for pre - K to middle school Math students
David Wetzel

What Does the Online Digital Footprint in Your Classroom Look Like? - 16 views

    In contrast to the digital footprint you use for your personal learning network, this focus is on the online digital footprint students' use in your science or math classroom. The power of a well designed digital footprint brings the capacity to transform a classroom into an online learning community. Within this community your students use digital tools to create and develop a personal learning network.
David Wetzel

6 Online Project Based Learning Resources for Science and Math - 14 views

    When students are engaged in learning science or math which is personal to them (real world problem solving), they become more engaged in the learning process. Project based learning situations in science and math increase opportunity for students to internalize and make connections.
David Wetzel

Top 10 Online Tools for Teaching Science and Math - 17 views

    Why use Web 2.0 tools in science and math classes? The primary reason is they facilitate access to input and interaction with content through reading, writing, listening, and speaking. These tools offer enormous advantages for science and math teachers, in terms of helping their students learn using Web 2.0 tools. For example: * Most of these tools can be edited from any computer connected to the Internet. Teachers can add, edit and delete information even during class time. * Students learn how to use these tools for academic purposes and, at the same time, can transfer their use to their personal lives and future professional careers. * RSS feeds allow students to access all the desired research information on one page. * Students learn to be autonomous in their learning process.
David Wetzel

Wiki or Blog: Which is Better? - 4 views

    Both wikis and blogs provide teachers with a a dynamic process for integrating Web 2.0 technology in their science and math classes. These two types of online tools offer students a more engaging process for learning. Both are relatively easy tools which do not require teachers or students to learn any special program tools or computer skills. Their uses and applications are only limited by the vision and purpose for helping students learn.
Garrett Eastman

Adaptive Interaction Design for Online Mathematics Education: The Way of the Game - 8 views

    Abstract: "Together, brain science and learning design inform Adaptive Interaction Design (AID), a technique for curriculum planning and development. Mathematics is a particular case in which AID can help. The Way of the Game is vital to learning design. There are many definitions of "game." Here, we mean game to be the means by which spontaneous play becomes responsible learning. That innovative games figure as the centerpiece of many 21st century curricula is no accident. Games are a critical element in modern theories of learning design especially when related to insights from neuroscience and online learning/teaching methods. But beyond simple gamification, can games provide the disruptive transformation to mathematics education that is required to effect substantive and sustainable improvement? Can we game the educational system to ensure students' success in mathematics? To find out, we will look at the AID process and two sample products for the development of mathematical thinking and practice based on the Way of the Game."
Maggie Verster

A numeracy in context site to support teachers with materials - 12 views

    InBalance has been been developed by a team of European research and learning institutions.The purpose of the project is to support and develop adult tutors of numeracy and provide structured and engaging materials for learners of several abilities. InBalance is a realistic & systematic methodology based on the needs of individual learners & their practical everyday experiences.The InBalance website presents you with a European Numeracy Framework. It describes in detail European levels of competence in numeracy relating to real life situations. There is also a bank of learning materials & an assessment tool for you to use with your own learners; and an exercise maker which will assist you to create your own learning materials.

Join John Mason Wednesday, February 22, 2pm ET at Math Future online - 2 views

    LOG IN February 22, 2012 at 2pm Eastern US time: During the event, John Mason will lead a conversation about multiplication as scaling, and answer questions about his books, projects and communities. All events in the Math Future weekly series: The recording will be at: Your time zone: Event challenge! What good multiplication tasks about scaling do you know? Share links and thoughts! John writes about elastic multiplication: "It is often said that 'multiplication is repeated addition' when what is meant is that 'repeated addition is an instance of multiplication'. I have been developing some tasks which present 'scaling as multiplication' based around familiarity with elastic bands. Participants would benefit from having an elastic (rubber) band to hand which they have cut so as to make a strip; wider is better than thinner if you have a choice." About John Mason John Mason has been teaching mathematics ever since he was asked to tutor a fellow student when he was fifteen. In college he was at first unofficial tutor, then later an official tutor for mathematics students in the years behind him, while tutoring school students as well. After a BSc at Trinity College, Toronto in Mathematics, and an MSc at Massey College, Toronto, he went to Madison Wisconsin where he encountered Polya's film 'Let Us Teach Guessing', and completed a PhD in Combinatorial Geometry. The film released a style of teaching he had experienced at high school from his mathematics teacher Geoff Steel, and his teaching changed overnight. His first appointment was at the Open University, which involved among other things the design and implementation of the first mathematics summer school (5000 students over 11 weeks on three sites in parallel). He called upon his experience of being taught, to institute active-problem-solving sessions, w
Ustudy Hall

Ustudyhall - Fort Wayne - Online Math Learning Center - 0 views

    Ustudyhall - Fort Wayne - Online Math Learning Center - View more information on
David Wetzel

Three Project Based Learning Resources: Free Online Resources for Student Collaboration and Problem Solving - 1 views

    Project based learning using all or any of the three online resources offers a dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges.
Ustudy Hall

Learn 5th Grade Math Problems at ustudyhall - 0 views

    At fun and easy way you will solve 5th grade math problems and improve your math grade in school with ustudyhall online math learning tool. We have lots of math topics of 5th grade with tricks to solve, visit ustudyhall and learn how to solve math problems in a easy way.
Martin Burrett

Learn your tables - 0 views

    A great resource for learning times tables. Use on a whiteboard or set as online home/class work to learn times tables.
Dan Sherman

Online Summer Math Programs - proven to reverse summer learning loss - 2 views

Research shows that most students lose more than 2 months of math skills over the summer. TenMarks summer math programs for grades 3-high school are a great way to reverse the summer learning loss...

TenMarks Summer Math Programs Learning Loss Online Web 2.0 Interactive Slide Worksheet Structured Review Master Learn

started by Dan Sherman on 02 Jul 11 no follow-up yet
Judy Hagemann

Gizmos! Online simulations that power inquiry and understanding. | ExploreLearning - 10 views

    World's largest and most advanced online repository of math and science simulations for grades 3-12. Research-proven, inquiry-based learning tools for teachers and students. Web-based for anytime, anywhere learning.
Roland O'Daniel

Area & Perimeter - 18 views

    Online binder of activities created by Kelly Hines for her students. She uses this site ( to organize her online learning for her students. This is just a good example of what an online binder might look like. 
Garrett Eastman

Mapping a Personalized Learning Journey - K-­‐12 Students and Parents Connect the Dots with Digital Learning - 6 views

    See in particular, Digital Learning Dot #3, Personalized Learning in Math Class
Garrett Eastman

Why Learn It? Informing, Engaging, and Inspiring the next generation of students through relevant learning - 7 views

    "Why Learn It (WLI) aims to address the issue of motivation around learning math by helping students explore the beauty and relevance of what they would otherwise dismiss as inconsequential in school. Targeting late middle-school and early high-school students, WLI takes a hybrid approach to cultivat- ing motivation. It leverages the engagement value of short (approximately three-minute long) videos depicting real people talking about how math and computational thinking are critical to their successes in a number of professional areas. Students then complete a series of interactive exercises that help students explore an application area discussed in the video in more detail. These exercises, however, are not simply drill problems aimed at making students experts in a particular content area. Instead, they are multi-step assignments that require the students to draw upon both detailed mathematical knowledge and a big picture view of how this knowledge can be used to draw useful, meaningful conclusions. The exercises are focused on bridging the worlds of number, images, and sounds in or- der to help students build intuition around a particular topic. Therefore, while some questions have objectively correct responses, others require students to gather knowledge they have built through answering previous questions within the packet to draw new inferences. Hints are provided along the 1 way to ensure students receive assistance when necessary. Finally, WLI is housed online and is oered for free, signifying minimal barriers to usage by educators and students."
Andrew Williamson

Norfar Logic / Weekly Outlook - 0 views

    Algebra Maths wiki Project Based learning online classroom: Logic Inc is a fictitious consulting company created by Mrs. Norfar, a mathematics instructor. The company was created to enable students to develop real-world skills while learning Algebra I, Algebra II, Algebra III, Statistics and Geometry principals. This site is designed to keep parents and students up to date on what is occurring in the classroom. 
Maggie Verster

FREE Online Math Calculator, Converter. Mathematics Calculater Web Site - 0 views

    Your Math (mathematics) is made easy here. Calculate things online with just mouse moves. This free online math web site will help you learn mathematics in a easier way. EasyCalculation will also help you to solve difficult problems too.
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