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in title, tags, annotations or urlMath Publications - Middle School Portal - 0 views
The Middle School Portal 2: Math and Science Pathways project (MSP2) is a component of the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) that supports middle school educators and youth by offering contextualized, high-quality resources and promotes interactivity, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing among its users. Educators can access MSP2 to increase content knowledge in the areas of science, mathematics, and technology, and to build knowledge on developmentally appropriate pedagogy for youth aged 10 to 15. MSP2 also connects middle school youth to fun and engaging information on math, science, and technology, as well as health, safety, and career exploration. Web tools such as blogs, wikis, podcasts, RSS feeds, and social networking services are being used in the continued development of MSP2 to transform passive, text-based information into a dynamic, collaborative experience that promotes the creation, modification, and sharing of resources, and facilitates professional development. MSP2 is a project of The Ohio State University, National Middle School Association, and Education Development Center, Inc., and is funded by the National Science Foundation.
Digital Accessible Math Images: A DIAGRAM Center Webinar - 4 views
"The first webinar is July 17, 2012 at 3pm eastern/12noon pacific and will focus on creating accessible math images, giving participants a clear understanding of the end-to-end process of converting conventional math display into digital formats that can be accessed by students with print disabilities. Special attention will be given to the tools being created by the OSEP-funded DIAGRAM Center to facilitate image description. "
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