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Jeremy Jones

Online mathematics assignment help 2014 : homework maths help online - 1 views

    We specialize in Mathematics Assignments that are complex enough, such as the Law of Probability or Differential and Integral Calculus, Science, Algebra, Geometry and topology, Combinatorics, Logic, Number theory etc Question Can a linear equation and a non linear inequality be solved in the same way? Explain Why. What makes them different?
Garrett Eastman

Measurement - Paul Lockhart | Harvard University Press - 5 views

    "Measurement explains how math should be done. With plain English and pictures, [Lockhart] makes complex ideas about shape and motion intuitive and graspable, and offers a solution to math phobia by introducing us to math as an artful way of thinking and living."

Math, Metric Conversions Calculator for Free - 0 views

    Math calculators are very helpful for students in solving their math problems. From algebra to geometry, trigonometry to statistics, these calculators are very helpful. Teachers and Parents also get much help from these calculators if they don't find the solution to some difficult math problems.
Garrett Eastman

Computational Complexity: Math- Old School - 17 views

    Discusses a story in Genesis counting down (through negotiation) and asks for antecedents
    If Abraham used multiplicative reasoning from 20 on, making the switch unnoticed because 20 to 10 is both additive and multiplicative, he could get down to 1 in just a few more steps!
Garrett Eastman

Flexible DNA Computer Finds Square Roots - Science News - 5 views

    "turning molecules into calculators"
Garrett Eastman

Mathematics Teacher Noticing: Seeing Through Teachers' Eyes (Paperback) - Routledge - 8 views

    Mathematics Teacher Noticing is the first book to examine research on the particular type of noticing done by teachers---how teachers pay attention to and make sense of what happens in the complexity of instructional situations. In the midst of all that is happening in a classroom, where do mathematics teachers look, what do they see, and what sense do they make of it?
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