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Through one of Tony Vincent's Tweets I learned about a wonderful free iPad app from Read Write Think. Read Write Think Trading Cards allows students to create trading cards about people, places, and events both real and fictional. I used the app to create a trading card about Winston Churchill. To create my Winston Churchill trading card I simply selected "real person" from the list of trading card options, uploaded a picture of Winston Churchill that I found on the web, and then filled in the details that the trading card template asked for. My completed trading card can be shared via email, printed, or saved to my iPad's camera roll
top 3 tips:
1. keep 3-5 min, longer= lose interest; call out students names in videos, allude to class secret or secret word used during next school day
3. Storyboard plan your video
5. Hold students accountable: can't participate in class experiment/activity if haven't watch video. Give quiz at beginning of class. Use unlimited attempt online quiz to complete to 100% after watching quiz.
6. Create forum where kids can discuss video, ask questions...then assign kid to be teacher assistant to answer questions, cont discussion