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in title, tags, annotations or urljQuery---加载URL的妙用。 - 0 views
jQuery MultiSelect - 0 views
In it's simplest form, you can create a MultiSelect form control using the following code: $(document).ready( function() { $("#control_id").multiSelect(); } where #control_id is the ID of the select element that exists on your page. You can use any valid jQuery selector as the ID, but make sure you only use select elements with the multiple="multiple" attribute to get the expected results.
InfoQ: 跟ASP.NET MVC一起使用jQuery - 1 views
timeago: a jQuery plugin - 0 views
jQuery Impromptu - 0 views
jQuery UI - ThemeRoller - 0 views
37 More Shocking jQuery Plugins - 0 views
New jQuery plugin: 'imgPreview' - James Padolsey - 0 views
The 'imgPreview' plugin allows your users to preview an image before clicking on it and, out of necessity, will preload the image so when a user does click through to it there is no waiting time! The image preview shows up in a tooltip-like box appearing alongside the user's cursor when hovering over a link. The plugin is entirely unobtrusive; it does not require any hooks to target specific links (no non-semantic classes); it will automatically detect the anchors that are linking to images and will only apply the preview effect to them.