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Claude Almansi

Suspect Nation - YouTube - 0 views

    Published on Jun 2, 2012 on YouTube Since Tony Blair's New Labour government came to power in 1997, the UK civil liberties landscape has changed dramatically. ASBOs were introduced by Section 1 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and first used in 1999. The right to remain silent is no longer universal. Our right to privacy, free from interception of communications has been severely curtailed. The ability to travel without surveillance (or those details of our journeys being retained) has disappeared. Indeed, as Henry Porter (the Observer journalist famous for his recent email clash with Tony Blair over the paring down of civil liberties) reveals in this unsettling film, our movements are being watched, and recorded, more than ever before. (narrato da Henry Porter, realizzato da Neil Ferguson, trasmesso originalmente nel 2006)
Claude Almansi

#ltis13: copia del diario "fuori blog" 2013-04-14 - 0 views

    "April 14, 2013 by Claude Almansi Questo post risponde alla richiesta di Andreas Formiconi in Apriamo il blog #ltis13: Cose da fare… : (…) Iniziate a trasferire il diario che avete scritto sino ad ora nel blog, strutturandolo come preferite in uno a più post. | 5 aprile 2013 | | 7 aprile, mattina | | 7 aprile sera | | 11 aprile pomeriggio (Non solo luci)| | 12 aprile 2013 (Coursera/Amara - Non solo luci ) | | 13 aprile 2013 ( Blog - Digital Divide Network - RSS ) |"
Francesco Valotto

Hackmeeting 0x10 | Home - 1 views

    Un incontro apotropaico per allontanare la iattura del controllo. Cosenza 7-8-9 giugno 2013: sedicesima edizione dell'Hack-meeting
Claude Almansi

One Planet, One Internet: A Call To the International Community to Fight Against Mass S... - 0 views

    January 22, 2014 | By Katitza Rodriguez "We aren't going to let the NSA and its allies ruin the Internet. Inspired by the memory of Aaron Swartz, fueled by our victory against SOPA and ACTA, the global digital rights community are uniting to fight back. On February 11, on the Day We Fight Back, the world will demand an end to mass surveillance in every country, by every state, regardless of boundaries or politics. The SOPA and ACTA protests were successful because we all took part, as a community. As Aaron Swartz put it, everybody "made themselves the hero of their own story." We can set a date, but we need everyone, all the users of the Global Internet, to make this a movement. Here's part of our plan (but it's just the beginning). Last year, before Ed Snowden had spoken to the world, digital rights activists united on 13 Principles. The Principles spelled out just why mass surveillance was a violation of human rights, and gave sympathetic lawmakers and judges a list of fixes they could apply to the lawless Internet spooks. On the day we fight back, we want the world to sign onto those principles. We want politicians to pledge to uphold them. We want the world to see we care. Here's how you can join the effort: Send an email to rights (AT) confirming your interest in participating in this action and receiving updates. Let us know what you would like to do in your own country so we can send you more information and amplify your voice. Visit and Take Action. Join your fellow global citizens and, sign the 13 Necessary and Proportionate Principles here: Use social media tools to announce your participation. Develop memes, tools, websites, and do whatever else you can to encourage others to participate. Be creative -- plan your own actions and pledge. Go to the streets. Promote the Principles in your own country. Then, let us know what your plan is, s
    11 febbraio: giornata di azione contro la sorveglianza globale tipo PRISM della NSA. Vedi anche i 13 "Princìpi internazionali in materia di applicazione dei diritti umani alla sorveglianza delle comunicazioni" . Tra i firmatari, in Italia: Agorà Digitale, Electronic Frontiers Italy - ALCEI, Hermes Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights,
Patrizia Brion

Catch the Royal Rattle - 2 views

    TES uses cookies to simplify and improve your usage and experience of this website. Cookies are small text files stored on the device you are using to access this website. For more information on how we use and manage cookies please take a look at our privacy and cookie policies.
Francesco Valotto

Falla nelle SIM, a rischio 750 milioni di telefonini - Zeus News - 3 views

    A proposito di informazioni e sicurezza...
Claude Almansi

Petition | Google: Change the Youtube comment section back to its original form. | Chan... - 0 views

    A proposito dell'integrazione dei commenti Google+ a YouTube
Claude Almansi

PI: YouTube, pessimi commenti sui commenti - Claudio Tamburrino 2013-11-11 - 1 views

    "Le nuove funzioni introdotte per combattere i troll costringono ad usare Google+: si levano le polemiche, anche dai fondatori del Tubo Roma - Per scardinare l'anonimato dietro cui si nascondono i troll e spingere in questo modo al miglioramento della qualità dei commenti inseriti su YouTube, Google aveva deciso di vincolare gli interventi in risposta ai video caricati all'utilizzo di identità Google+ e di fornire agli autori del contenuto caricato un sistema di filtri basati su parole chiave che permetta di controllare in anticipo cosa viene scritto. Tuttavia ciò ha causato aspre critiche da parte di molti utenti che per il momento non sembrano apprezzare il cambiamento."
    Vedi anche il link alla petizione contro quell'integrazione di G+ a YT e il video "My thoughts on Google+" embeddato.
Claude Almansi

MELANI - Attacchi DDoS - aumento massiccio anche in Svizzera - 17° Rapporto s... - 1 views

    "Il più grande attacco DDoS della storia, vari attacchi a conti bancari elettronici mediante trojan per smartphone e numerosi attacchi mirati di spionaggio sono i temi principali del 17° Rapporto semestrale della Centrale d'annuncio e d'analisi per la sicurezza dell'informazione (MELANI), pubblicato in data odierna. MELANI ha inoltre pubblicato oggi le raccomandazioni di sicurezza concernente i sistemi industriali di comando e i «content management systems» (CMS)."
    MELANI sta per "Melde- und Analysestelle Informationssicherung" cioè Centrale d'annuncio e d'analisi per la sicurezza dell'informazione, gestita dal Servizio di coordinazione nazionale per la lotta contro la criminalità svizzero. Ma l'internet essendo globale, le info di MELANI sono anche spesso pertinenti ad altri paesi
Claude Almansi

NSA program cited | BGR - 2 views

    Posts tagged / etichettati NSA on /su
Claude Almansi

elearnspace › Congrats to Paul-Olivier Dehaye: MassiveTeaching 2014/07/09 - 1 views

    "In a previous post, I commented on the Massive Teaching course at Coursera and that something odd was happening. Either Coursera deleted the prof from the course or the prof was running some type of experiment. It now appears to be primarily the latter. (...) 3. Criticism ranging from a poorly designed course to poor ethics has been directed to Paul-Olivier Dehaye. Most of it is unfair. There have been some calls for U of Zurich to discipline the prof. Like others, I've criticized his deception research and his silence since the course was shut down. Several days before the media coverage, Dehaye provided the following comments on his experiment: "MOOCs can be used to enhance privacy, or really destroy it," Dehaye wrote. "I want to fight scientifically for the idea, yet teach, and I have signed contracts, which no one asks me about…. I am in a bind. Who do I tell about my project? My students? But this idea of the #FacebookExperiment is in itself dangerous, very dangerous. People react to it and express more emotions, which can be further mined." The goal of his experiment, Dehaye wrote, was to "confuse everyone, including the university, [C]oursera, the Twitter world, as many journalists as I can, and the course participants. The goal being to attract publicity…. I want to show how [C]oursera tracks you." There it is. His intent was to draw attention to Coursera policies and practices around data. Congrats, Paul-Olivier. Mission accomplished. He is doing exactly what academics should do: perturb people to states of awareness. Hundreds, likely thousands, of faculty have taught MOOCs, often having to toe the line of terms and conditions set by an organization that doesn't share the ideals, community, and egalitarianism that define universities (you can include me in that list). The MOOC Mystery was about an academic doing what we expect and need academics to do. Unfortunately it was poorly executed and not properly communicated so th
Claude Almansi

Didasca e le sue applicazioni didattiche - La scuola che funziona 2011-01-26 - 0 views

    "Risposto da Alessia Nera su 26 Gennaio 2011 a 10:45 Confermo. L' Account Didasca è un benefit che DIDASCA - The First Italian Cyber Schools for Lifelong Learning attribuisce: ai propri Soci agli Operatori (Dirigenti, Insegnanti, Personale Ata) che prestano servizio nel Sistema Scolastico Nazionale e che si propongono di utilizzare il libro di testo digitale My DIDASpedia nello svolgimento della loro attività professionale. Gli Studenti possono diventare Soci di DIDASCA versando una tantum la quota associativa di 10 euro. Si tratta di un investimento quanto mai vantaggioso, perché esso consente loro di accedere alle Google Apps for Education di DIDASCA per tutto il resto della vita attiva."
    Bisogna essere loggati su La Scuola che Funziona per vedere questa discussione. Su "My DIDAspedia" c'è un link a ma non funziona più perché si basava sui Google Knol che Google ha chiuso nel 2012: vedi vedi
Claude Almansi

Datenschutz: TU und LMU München erhalten "Big Brother Award" - SPIEGEL ONLINE - 0 views

    "Freitag, 05.05.2017 Die Teilnahme an den Münchner Moocs ist für Studenten derzeit noch freiwillig. Die Initiatoren des "Big Brother Award" verstehen den Preis deshalb als "Warnung an die Hochschulen, Online-Kurse bei datenschutztechnisch zweifelhaften Anbietern nicht zum Pflichtangebot für den Scheinerwerb zu machen". "
Claude Almansi

Big Brother Awards: Negativpreis für spitzelnde Imame | ZEIT ONLINE - 0 views

    "Studenten zahlen mit Daten (... Kritikwürdig finden die Aktivisten von Digitalcourage auch das Geschäftsmodell des Onlinekursanbieters Coursera, der in Deutschland unter anderem mit der TU München kooperiert. Die Daten der Studierenden, die online an den Kursen teilnehmen, werden von amerikanischen Unternehmen gespeichert und verwertet. "Dieser BigBrotherAward soll eine Warnung an die Hochschulen sein, Onlinekurse bei datenschutztechnisch zweifelhaften Anbietern nicht zum Pflichtangebot für den Scheinerwerb zu machen", heißt es in der Laudatio. "
Claude Almansi

Big Brother Awards: Mitten im Leben von Schnüfflern umgeben | heise online - 0 views

    "Datenschutz beim MOOC Die Technische Universität wie die Ludwig Maximilian Universität in München gehen mit der Zeit und bieten ihren Studenten Online-Kurse an. Dabei setzen sie auf die kalifornische Online-Plattform Coursera, nach eigenen Angaben mit 140 angeschlossenen Universitäten der größte Anbieter von Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). Coursera sorgte für Schlagzeilen, als der Schweizer Professor Paul-Olivier Dehaye von Coursera wissen wollte, über welche Datensätze Coursera von seinem Kurs und von seinen dort eingeschriebenen Studenten verfügt und was mit diesen Daten gemacht wird. Coursera weigerte sich und geriet darob in Streit mit Dehaye wie mit seiner eigenen Universität (Zürich). Auch in Deutschland gab es Aufregung um Coursera, als die Datenschützerin Marit Hansen die Datenschutzregeln von Coursera kritisierte. Schließlich werden nicht nur die Kurse, sondern auch die Studenten-Daten in den USA gespeichert und ausgewertet. In den Augen der Big Brother Jury ist dabei nicht nur das Verhalten von Coursera fragwürdig, sondern das der Universitäten, die auf Coursera setzen. Es sei schlimm genug, wenn Bildung zum Wirtschaftsgut verkomme und ein US-Anbieter womöglich zum Bestandteil des Pflichtstudiums samt Scheinwerwerb werde. "Falls es keine geeignete europäische Plattform für das Angebot von MOOC gibt, wäre es eine Sache der Unis, eine solche Plattform aufzubauen," wird die Preisvergabe an die Münchener Universitäten in der Kategorie Bildung begründet."
Claude Almansi

Big Brother Award für LMU und TU: Plattform verscherbelt Daten von Studenten - 0 views

    "Ein bequemer Weg, potenzielle Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten für Top-Jobs zu finden und mit ihnen in Kontakt zu treten, kritisiert Digitalcourage - "selbstverständlich nicht kostenlos". Die Daten würden außerdem in den USA gespeichert und verarbeitet, "damit dürften sie auch dem Zugriff durch US-Behörden ausgesetzt sein". Die TU München war die erste deutsche Hochschule, die Partnerschaften mit Anbietern wie Coursera und edX einging, auch die LMU nutzt Coursera. Dafür haben die Unis am Freitag den Negativpreis Big-Brother-Award verliehen bekommen. Die Technische Universität relativiert das Thema: MOOCs seien ja nicht vorrangig für TUM-Studierende konzipiert, sondern für Externe. Auch die LMU merkt das an. Außerdem weise man darauf hin, "dass es sich bei den Plattformen um privatwirtschaftliche Unternehmen mit eigenen AGBs und Datenschutzrichtlinien handelt", sagt TU-Sprecher Ulrich Marsch. Von der LMU heißt es: Spezielle Vereinbarungen mit Coursera sähen unter anderem vor, dass mit ausdrücklichem Einverständnis des Kursteilnehmers Daten an Dritte weitergegeben werden können. Noch ist das Kursangebot freiwillig. Der Award, schreibt die Jury, solle eine Warnung an die Hochschulen sein, Online-Kurse bei datenschutztechnisch zweifelhaften Anbietern nicht zum Pflichtangebot für den Scheinerwerb zu machen."
Claude Almansi

Negativpreis - Datenschützer vergeben "Big Brother Award" - 0 views

    "Auch Hochschulen und Softwarefirmen unter den Preisträgern Dass zwei sonst als technikaffin bekannte Münchner Universitäten, die TU und die Ludwig- Maximilians-Uni, eine aus Sicht der Big-Brother Jury zweifelhafte US- Firma mit Online- Kursen für Studierende beauftrage, sei gefährlich, weil "Coursera" alle Leistungsdaten, Lernerfolge und -Misserfolge der Studierenden zur intransparenten Profilbildung speichere."
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