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David Koppenhaver

The Impact of Digital Tools on Student Writing and How Writing is Taught in Schools | P... - 1 views

    Pew Resesearch Center survey of almost 2,500 Advanced Placement and National Writing Project Teachers re: impact of digital technologies on middle school and high school student.
David Koppenhaver

District 287 | Click n' Talk Application for the iPad/iTouch/iPhone - 0 views

    The best app for digital language experience that I have seen yet. Take pictures of experience with your iPad/iTouch/iPhone, import them into Click n' Talk, add text, record a student or anyone else reading the text or talking about the picture. Voila, personalized book in minutes for emergent or beginning reader.
David Koppenhaver

VL2 Storybook Apps - 0 views

    Gallaudet's Visual Language and Visual Learning (VL2) storybooks in app form. Stories are told in ASL and English. Built on bilingual learning principles.
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