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yc c

KompoZer - Easy web authoring - 1 views

    based on NVU
yc c

textorizer - 1 views

    redraws an image with text
yc c - The Complete Manpages - 1 views

shared by yc c on 22 Mar 10 - Cached
    There are some manpage interfaces available on the net, but they all just provide access to the GNU tools or maybe to the tools installed on the host, but they are always missing some pages. So I thought, why isn't there a page with all manpages? So I just built one.
Marc Lijour

draft-bankoski-vp8-bitstream-00 - VP8 Data Format and Decoding Guide - 1 views

  • VP8 Data Format and Decoding Guide draft-bankoski-vp8-bitstream-00 Abstract This document describes the VP8 compressed video data format created by Google On2, together with a discussion of the decoding procedure for this format.
Marc Lijour

Open Source has no bearing upon Software Security - Community does - Unscrewing Security - 1 views

  • There's no reason to believe that Apple's iPhone iOS is better or worse than Android from a security perspective - at least from the perspective of openness. There may be more fundamental architectural issues to distinguish the platforms but (again) they both have Unix-like heritage, so they both start from a good place.
  • Security quality is disjoint from openness. Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) is clearly and famously not less secure than closed / proprietary software - but neither is FOSS necessarily more secure than proprietary.
    There's no reason to believe that Apple's iPhone iOS is better or worse than Android from a security perspective - at least from the perspective of openness. There may be more fundamental architectural issues to distinguish the platforms but (again) they both have Unix-like heritage, so they both start from a good place.
Marc Lijour

Linux Is on the Rise For Business - PCWorld Business Center - 1 views

  • according to a report released Tuesday by the Linux Foundation in partnership with Yeoman Technology Group. With data from an invited pool of more than 1900 respondents, the survey found that 76 percent of the world's largest organizations plan to add more Linux servers over the next 12 months. By contrast, only 41 percent plan to add Windows servers, while 44 percent say they will be decreasing or maintaining the same number of Windows machines over the next year.
  • Large companies are planning to increase their reliance on Linux over the next five years
  • Looking out over five years, the difference is even more marked: A full 79 percent plan to add Linux servers over that time, while only 21 percent will add new Windows servers.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • To understand Linux trends among the world's largest companies and government organizations, Yeoman and The Linux Foundation focused in particular on responses from a subset of close to 400 respondents representing organizations with annual revenues of $500 million or more or greater than 500 employees.
  • Sixty-six percent of the planned Linux deployments mentioned by respondents are for brand-new applications or services, while 37 percent are migrations from Windows, the survey found.
  • "We are seeing more migration at Microsoft's expense than the industry analysis might lead you to believe," McPherson noted.
  • Since Linux is free, sales-linked estimates tend to underestimate its adoption considerably.
  • this survey involves some sample bias
  • the data isn't tied to server sales the way so much industry data is
  • a full 60 percent of respondents said they're planning to use Linux for more mission-critical workloads than they have in the past
  • Lack of vendor lock-in and openness of the code were other frequently cited drivers
  • long-term viability of the platform
  • choice of software and hardware
  • n cloud contexts, meanwhile, Linux led far and away, with 70 percent naming it as their primary platform, compared with 18 percent citing Windows and 11 citing Unix
    according to a report released Tuesday by the Linux Foundation in partnership with Yeoman Technology Group. With data from an invited pool of more than 1900 respondents, the survey found that 76 percent of the world's largest organizations plan to add more Linux servers over the next 12 months. By contrast, only 41 percent plan to add Windows servers, while 44 percent say they will be decreasing or maintaining the same number of Windows machines over the next year.
Lars Moelleken

.htaccess & Mod-Rewrite - 1 views

    Eine Rewrite-Engine ermöglicht es, an den Webserver gerichtete Anfragen intern umzuschreiben oder extern weiterzuleiten. - Wiki
Marc Lijour

Open Source Business Conference 2011 - 2 views

  • The Computerworld Open Source Business Conference (OSBC) is the premier forum for business and technology leaders looking for an insightful discussion of how open source technology is changing the way we do business today.
  • Matt AsayProgram Chair
    The Computerworld Open Source Business Conference (OSBC) is the premier forum for business and technology leaders looking for an insightful discussion of how open source technology is changing the way we do business today. With a rich and deep agenda built around the concept of emerging business models and the best strategies for incorporating the strategies for open source software into growing your business, OSBC makes the argument that every enterprise is, or should be, a data-driven business today.  As the IT industry's only forum for discussing how to reap profits from using open source software, OSBC brings together a vibrant group of the industry's top practitioners, venture capitalists, lawyers and thought leaders for two days of in-depth presentations and lively discussions and panels. By being the leading conference for educating top tier executives on the value of the open source market place, OSBC provides the latest in cutting-edge open source thinking. OSBC offers the change to connect with the developers, users and companies behind the most significant open source Big Data technologies, teaching attendees the strategies to making your business more effectively data-driven.
Marc Lijour - 1 views

  • GNUDroid is a project meant to create an Android implementation using Free Software components borrowed from GNU Classpath and OpenJDK. This will be the IcedRobot Micro Edition.
  • Android is a suitable alternative and a compendium to Java Micro Edition, offering more capabilities but keeping a good deal of possible compatibility
    GNUDroid is a project meant to create an Android implementation using Free Software components borrowed from GNU Classpath and OpenJDK. This will be the IcedRobot Micro Edition.
yc c

TrueCrypt - Free Open-Source On-The-Fly Disk Encryption Software for Windows Vista/XP, ... - 0 views

    Free open-source disk encryption software for Windows Vista/XP, Mac OS X, and Linux
Benno Hansen

Mozilla Plugin Support on Linux - 0 views

  • Install Adobe Reader. Create a symbolic link to to your Mozilla plugins directory.
  • copy to your Mozilla plugins directory and flashplayer.xpt to your Mozilla components directory
  • Install Java Runtime Environment. Make a symbolic link to in your Mozilla Plugins directory. Use the copy located in the plugin/i386/ns7 directory of JRE 5.0 or later, or plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32 if you are using JRE 1.4.2.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Copy to your Mozilla plugins directory and nphelix.xpt to your Mozilla components directory.
    Mozilla Plugin Support on Linux (x86)
Ken Wei

百度免责声明 - 0 views

shared by Ken Wei on 20 Jan 08 - Cached
  • 搜索引擎的结果自行承担风险。百度不做
  • 鉴于百度以非人工检索方式、根据您键入的关键字自动生成到第三方网页的链接
  • 搜索引擎时输入的关键字将不被认为是您的个人隐私资料。
Eric Wettstein

<Linux> - Google Search - 0 views

    Find just Linux stuff!
yc c


    requiers 50mb - Light enough to power a 486DX with 16MB of Ram APPS: XMMS (MP3, CD Music, and MPEG), FTP client, FireFox, spreadsheet, Sylpheed email, word-processor (Ted), three editors, graphics editing and viewing , PDF Viewer, file manager, chat, VNCviwer, Rdesktop, SSH/SCP server and client, DHCP client, PPP, PPPoE (ADSL), a web server, calculator, NFS, Fluxbox and JWM window managers, games, system monitoring apps, a host of command line tools, USB support, and pcmcia support, some wireless support
yc c - 0 views

    Excellent online spelling(wildcard), synonyms, dictionary with examples
yc c

Parallels Desktop for Mac - 0 views

    Run Windows, Linux, and more side-by-side with Mac OS X on any Intel-powered Mac, without rebooting. You can even drag-and-drop files between desktops!
Marco Castellani

Conduit - Trac - 0 views

  • Conduit is a synchronization application for GNOME. It allows you to synchronize your files, photos, emails, contacts, notes, calendar data and any other type of personal information and synchronize that data with another computer, an online service, or even another electronic device.
yc c

PosteRazor - Make your own poster! - 0 views

  • The PosteRazor cuts a raster image into pieces which can afterwards be printed out and assembled to a poster.
    The PosteRazor cuts a raster image into pieces which can afterwards be printed out and assembled to a poster.
yc c ASFRecorder - 0 views

    Portable Windows Media streaming client with a footprint of 368K. It lets you download, store and manage files in .WMV, .WMA, .WMX and many other rich media formats. You can use it with Windows or Linux.
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