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Marc Lijour

Open Source Business Conference 2011 - 2 views

  • The Computerworld Open Source Business Conference (OSBC) is the premier forum for business and technology leaders looking for an insightful discussion of how Open source technology is changing the way we do business today.
  • Matt AsayProgram Chair
    The Computerworld Open Source Business Conference (OSBC) is the premier forum for business and technology leaders looking for an insightful discussion of how Open source technology is changing the way we do business today. With a rich and deep agenda built around the concept of emerging business models and the best strategies for incorporating the strategies for Open source software into growing your business, OSBC makes the argument that every enterprise is, or should be, a data-driven business today.  As the IT industry's only forum for discussing how to reap profits from using Open source software, OSBC brings together a vibrant group of the industry's top practitioners, venture capitalists, lawyers and thought leaders for two days of in-depth presentations and lively discussions and panels. By being the leading conference for educating top tier executives on the value of the Open source market place, OSBC provides the latest in cutting-edge Open source thinking. OSBC offers the change to connect with the developers, users and companies behind the most significant Open source Big Data technologies, teaching attendees the strategies to making your business more effectively data-driven.
Djiezes Kraaijst

Legal Pad - Fortune on - 0 views

  • A no-fly zone to protect Linux from patent trolls
  • initiative designed to help shield the open-source software community from threats posed by companies or individuals holding dubious software patents and seeking payment for alleged infringements by open-source software products.
  • call to independent open-source software developers all over the world to start submitting their new software inventions to Linux Defenders (Web site due to be operational Tuesday) so that the group’s attorneys and engineers can, for no charge, help shape, structure, and document the invention in the form of a “defensive publication.”
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • In effect, the defensive-publications initiative mounts a preemptive attack upon those who would try to patent purported software inventions that are not truly novel — i.e., innovations that are already known and in use, though no one may have ever previously bothered to document them, let alone obtain a patent on them, a process usually requiring the hiring of attorneys as well as payment of significant filing fees.
  • The Linux Defenders program is largely the brainchild of Bergelt, who took over as Open Invention Network’s CEO this past February. The program also reflects a new, more proactive role Bergelt envisions for OIN than the group has played in the past.
  • The Linux Defenders program will actually have three components. The first will be a peer-to-patent component that, like New York Law School’s existing program, will reach out to the open-source community in search of evidence of “prior art” — proof of preexisting knowledge or use of certain inventions — that can be used to challenge applications for patents that have been filed but not yet granted.
  • The second component will be a natural extension of the first, to be known as “Post-Grant Peer to Patent,” which will enlist similar community assistance in the search for prior art relevant to patents that have already actually issued. In this case, the goal would be — assuming such prior art is found — to initiate an administrative reexamination proceeding before the U.S. PTO to get the patent invalidated
  • The third component is the defensive-publications initiative.
    On Tuesday a consortium of technology companies, including IBM (IBM), will launch a new initiative designed to help shield the open-source software community from threats posed by companies or individuals holding dubious software patents and seeking payment for alleged infringements by open-source software products. The most novel feature of the new program, to be known as Linux Defenders, will be its call to independent open-source software developers all over the world to start submitting their new software inventions to Linux Defenders (Web site due to be operational Tuesday) so that the group's attorneys and engineers can, for no charge, help shape, structure, and document the invention in the form of a "defensive publication."
Marc Lijour

Forrester Analyst Says Open Source Has Won | - 4 views

  • Wednesday, 11 August 2010 08:58
  • Open source has crossed the chasm
  • Jeffrey Hammond
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Hammond, principle analyst with Forrester Research
  • Hammond says that open source initially wedged its way into enterprise environments based on cost savings
  • Hammond says that we're now seeing the second wave of open source adoption, being driven by improved flexibility to execute and positioning enterprises to grow when the recession ends.
  • Only one in five (21%) developers are not using open source as part of their work.
  • Application servers and operating systems are highest in organizations larger than 20,000 employees.
  • what's more interesting is the "u-shaped" curve where very small and very large organizations show high adoption.
  • Open source databases are outliers, with less adoption in larger companies
  • 30% of developers say that they're using Linux as their primary development OS on Eclipse
  • Ubuntu is leading by far with 17%, all the other Linux combined
  • Deployment numbers are nicer for Linux. 40% are deploying on Linux, 36% on Windows from Eclipse; the Dr. Dobbs survey finds 23% deployment on Linux vs. 57% for Windows-centric developers. In both cases, organizations are deploying more on Linux than ever before.
  • Subversion is the leader with 52%, and Git/GitHub with 6%. Open source is the clear winner in SCM. Git has crept up from 2% to 6%
  • Things happening "outside the firewall" are driving technology, which has empowered developers to change corporate IT culture
  • about 36% of companies don't have a policy regarding deploying and contributing to open source.
Massimo Luciani

A review of open source game open Arena - 4 views

    A review of open source game for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X open Arena, a first person shooter based on an evolution of Quake III Arena graphic engine.
Marc Lijour

Open Source has no bearing upon Software Security - Community does - Unscrewing Security - 1 views

  • There's no reason to believe that Apple's iPhone iOS is better or worse than Android from a security perspective - at least from the perspective of openness. There may be more fundamental architectural issues to distinguish the platforms but (again) they both have Unix-like heritage, so they both start from a good place.
  • Security quality is disjoint from openness. Free and open Source Software (FOSS) is clearly and famously not less secure than closed / proprietary software - but neither is FOSS necessarily more secure than proprietary.
    There's no reason to believe that Apple's iPhone iOS is better or worse than Android from a security perspective - at least from the perspective of openness. There may be more fundamental architectural issues to distinguish the platforms but (again) they both have Unix-like heritage, so they both start from a good place.
Siobhan Chapman

Realising the Dream of Open Source Hardware - 0 views

    I recommend Glyn Moody's blogs for anyone interested in open source developments. Here he looks at the difficulty in creating an open Source Definition (OSD) for hardware.
yc c | Open Source Activity World Map - 0 views

    Explore open source software hotspots around the world through the interactive open Source Index, or OSI, based on research by the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech). When you click on a country, you can see its overall rank among the 75 countries in the index, as well as its rank for Government, Industry, and Community factors.
Tim Mullins

Mac Fan-boy Trolls My Opinion & What Is wrong with Open Source - 0 views

    Mac Fan-boy Trolls My Opinion & What Is wrong with Open Source

Gnome Activity Journal Finds Recently Downloaded Files In Ubuntu | WML Cloud - 0 views

    Find & Open Recently Downloaded Files In Ubuntu Linux With Gnome Activity Journal
Massimo Luciani

A review of open source game Red Eclipse - 9 views

    A review of Red Eclipse, a free / open source FPS game for Linux, Windows and Mac OS.

Vim Plugins You Should Know About, Part VII: ragtag.vim (formerly allml.vim) - good coders code, great reuse - 0 views

    This is the seventh post in the article series "Vim Plugins You Should Know About". This time I am going to introduce you to a plugin called "ragtag.vim". A month ago it was still known as "allml.vim" but now it has been renamed to ragtag.vim. The best parts of RagTag are mappings for editing HTML tags. It has a mapping for quickly closing open HTML tags, a mapping for quickly turning the typed word into a pair of open/close HTML tags, several mappings for inserting HTML doctype, linking to CSS stylesheets, loading JavaScript and it includes mappings for wrapping the typed text in a pair of tags for PHP, or for ASP or eRuby, and {% .. %} for Django. RagTag is written by Tim Pope. He's the master of Vim plugin programming. I have already written about two of his plugins - surround.vim and repeat.vim and more articles about his plugins are coming!
Sandra Nowakowski

Sugar CRM a new Roadmap to Commercial Open Source Technology - 0 views

    Sugar CRM is commercial Open Source Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software for companies of all sizes, based on LAMP stack (Linux-OS; Apache-Web Server; MySQL-Database Server; PHP-Programming Language). Its rich functionality and intuitive use...
sofarso Shawn

Terengganu Open Source Software - 0 views

    Draft Open Source Resources
Maluvia Haseltine - 0 views

  • is a collaboration platform for open source and open discussion software projects working on interoperability and shared technology for Linux-based SmartPhones. works on a service layer (middleware) that allows developers to concentrate on their application business logic rather than dealing with device specifics. honours and bases on specifications and software created by the community
Massimo Luciani

A review of open source game Defendguin - 0 views

    A review of open source game for Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, Risc OS, QNX Defendguin, a Linux themed version of old arcade game Defender.
Massimo Luciani

A review of open source game Alien Arena - 11 views

    A review of open source multiplatform game Alien Arena
Marc Lijour

Brevets Novell: la communauté open source attire l'attention de la justice américaine « - 0 views

    Bonne nouvelle pour les tenants des logiciels libres. La division antitrust du ministère de la Justice américain (Department of Justice) accède à la demande que l'Open Software Initiative (OSI) et la Free Software Foundation (FSF) leur avaient adressée en décembre 2010 concernant le devenir des brevets de Novell. Ce qui ne signifie pas que les deux organismes remportent l'adhésion du DoJ à leurs revendications mais que ce dernier est prêt à leur fournir une oreille attentive. Un premier pas dans la lutte pour la préservation du modèle Open source.
Roberto Pla

Configuring Sound on Linux/ - 1 views

    ALSA/Troubleshooting - Wikibooks, open books for an open world

Raspberry Links (from Rafa) - 1 views

started by anonymous on 15 Jan 13 no follow-up yet
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