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Sandra Nowakowski

CCSP Lab - 0 views

    CCie SeCurity [arChive] - Vietnamese Professionals [arChive] D?nh Cho C?C Tho Lun CisCo Certified Internetwork Expert SeCurity/ CCsp ... CCsp Lab. Cu H?nh Nat Trong Pix! Help Me Pls!! CCsp Helps Me! ... ...

MultiGet file downloader - 0 views

    Welcome to the MultiGet Home page! MultiGet is an easy-to-use GUI file downloader for Windows/Linux/BSDs/MacOs.  It's programmed in c++ and has a GUI based on wxWidgets. It supports HTTP/FTP protocols which covers the requirements of most users. It supports multi-task with multi-thread on multi-server. It supports resuming downloads if the Web server supports it, and if you like, you can reconfig the thread number without stopping the current task. It's also support SOcKS 4,4a,5 proxy, ftp proxy, http proxy. In v0.8.0, a new feature was introduced, that is so called P2SP, or in other words , get file from multiple servers, and combine the data from different site into one file. This makes downloads complete much faster. MultiGet also supports switching language dynamically, you can choose chinese or English interface.  Generally it will automatic choose a proper language for you. At this time(version 1.1.1), MultiGet can run on Windows 2000/XP, almost all Linux desktops, MacOs, BSDs. It can only depends on GTK+ runtime environment in Linux if statically linked with wxWidgets. It was tested on many system such as : Windows 2000, ubuntu ,kubuntu, xubuntu, fc5, opensuse10.4, mandriva 2007, MEPIS 6.0, PcLinuxOS, centOS4.4, Puppy2.0, Xandros, edubuntu, RedFlag workstation 5, MagicLinux, dubuntu, archlinux, Hiweed, FreeBSD, MacOS etc.

OOM Killer - Wiki - 0 views

    The functions, code excerpts and comments discussed below here are from mm/oom_kill.c unless otherwise noted. It is the job of the linux 'oom killer' to sacrifice one or more processes in order to free up memory for the system when all else fails. It will also kill any process sharing the same mm_struct as the selected process, for obvious reasons. Any particular process leader may be immunized against the oom killer if the value of its /proc//oomadj is set to the constant OOM_DISABLE (currently defined as -17). The function which does the actual scoring of a process in the effort to find the best candidate for elimination is called badness(), which results from the following call chain: _alloc_pages -> out_of_memory() -> select_bad_process() -> badness() The comments to badness() pretty well speak for themselves:

25 Firefox Extensions to Make You More Productive - 0 views

  • Autocopy - The name pretty much says it all. Instead of having to hit cmd+c (or ctrl + c for our Windows readers), every time you highlight text it automatically copies it to the clipboard. If you don’t want it on 100% of the time, you can toggle it on and off in the bottom-right of the browser.
    • anonymous
      Well, in the X Window system that's default behaviour. Don't need an extension for that.
  • Scrapbook - Much like the Read it Later extension, Scrapbook allows you to quickly save pages for later reading. However, it has a few more great features, like taking whole snippets of pages (like Google Notebook), searching within snippets, saving whole websites, and you can even organize the snippets like bookmarks. Perfect for researching or in-depth bookmarking.
  • Copy Plain Text- The name pretty muCh says it all. If you do a lot of writing in WYSIWYG editors (blogging and other word proCessors), then this extension Can Come in pretty handy. Copy Plain Text will leave all the bolds, italiCs and other unwanted formatting when you Copy and paste into text fields.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • FEBE - On the surface, FEBE will quickly and easily backup your Firefox extensions. But the fun doesn’t stop there. You can also sync multiple computers with the same Firefox extensions, and even set up automatic backups, ensuring that you’ll never lose your Firefox configurations again.
  • bookmarks - Save, search and share your bookmarks easily inside of Firefox. Browsing your bookmarks is especially easy with the sidebar.
Sandra Nowakowski

CisCo 1841 - 0 views

    CisCo Operating Systems - CisCo Operating System Ios 2800 Series, CisCo Ios 3700 Series, CisCo Ios 3800 Series, CisCo Software CisCo 1841 Series Ios AdvanCed SeCurity Feature PaCk Www.superwarehouse.Com/CisCo_o_s_software/b/57/C/2884 Vyatta Join...
Sandra Nowakowski

CisCo CertifiCation Training - 0 views

    CisCo CertifiCation Training, MCse, CCnp, CCie Boot Camp In India CisCo CertifiCation Training - BootCamp For MCse, CCie, CCnp, CCie And Many More Trainings And CertifiCations From Leading Vendors Like MiCrosoft, CisCo, Red Hat, Www.gatestraining.C...
Sandra Nowakowski

CisCo 2900 - 0 views

    CisCo SwitChes Cablesandkits.Com CisCo SwitChes CisCo SwitChes Cablesandkits.Com: One Stop SourCe For CisCo ACCessories And More! CisCo 2900 Series 24 Port SwitCh, Ws-C2924C-xl-en Www.Cablesandkits.Com/CisCo-switChes-C-50_82.html CisCo Catalyst S...
Sandra Nowakowski

CCVP CertifiCations - 0 views

    Netg - Live Online Class Catalog ... Who Earn A CCvp CertifiCation Can Help Create A ... Skillsoft's CCvp CertifiCation Training Program: ... CCvp CertifiCations Are Valid For Three Years. ... Catalog.knowledgenet.Com/teChnology/CisCo/Certs/CCvp C...
Sandra Nowakowski

Boson CCVP - 0 views

    Platypus 2 Full Version Download Listing. - Your #1 ... Platypus 2 Free Download Listing - Platypus 2 Warez Download, Platypus 2 ... Doujinshi Serial Actual Spy 3 Boson ccvp Warlords Batlecry 5 Movies Sub Dutch ... Www.fullreleases.c...
Sandra Nowakowski

CCSP CertifiCation - 0 views

  • The Best cisco Simulator (emulator) In The World With ... ... Iscw , Bsci, Bsmsn, ccvp, Snd, Snpa,cisco Academy, ccsp And Much More. ... Required For The Pix/asa-related ccsp certification, Which Is 642-522, And Has ... Networksims.c...
David Corking

FreshPorts -- lang/etoile-languagekit - 0 views

  • used by SmalltalkKit, implementing Etoile's Pragmatic Smalltalk, a Smalltalk JIT compiler which generates code binary-compatible with Objective-c, allowing classes to be written in a mixture of Smalltalk and Objective-c.
    • David Corking
      So, Etoile is more than just a window manager, it is a compiler project with an alternative to the NeXT/Apple model of software development.
Maluvia Haseltine

MooLux Live USB Linux | Linux with examples - 0 views

    MooLux is a Linux based on Slackware which can be run directly from your USB drive.MooLux 5.4 contains applications for Internet browsing, mail, chat, multimedia, office, games as well as for programming in c, Perl and Python.
kumar app

Running Linux Programs on Windows - 6 views

    Linux is a staple brand name when it comes to computers. Over the years, it has been creating programs and operating systems that are very much in tune with the world's need these days. Actually, there is a variety of Linux programs that I find better than its counterparts. However, this program c
Sandy John

Microsoft Dot NET Application Development and Outsourcing - 0 views

    Cyber FuturistiCs is an Offshore Software Development Company based in India provide MiCrosoft Dot NET AppliCation Development OutsourCing & other Iphone appliCation development, Dot NET Software Development, Google phone experts, PHP software appliCation development, Custom appliCation development outsourCing and all other IT based serviCes. Developed by MiCrosoft, ASP Dot NET stands for ACtive Server Pages Dot NET and it needs no formal introduCtion. Many appliCations for online businesses are widely built using this seamless TeChnology. Our dediCated ASP Dot NET developers have experienCe in #C, Dot NET framework, MiCrosoft StruCtured Query Language Server language, Hyper Text Markup Language, JavaSCript, and CasCading Style Sheets along with XML, XSL and XSLT.
Zoe Rake

Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz SKT 478 L2 CaChe 1 MB RK80546PE0721M | INTEL ProCessors - 0 views

    Overview * Product Type: Processor * Processor Type: Intel Pentium 4 * cPU Speed: 2.8 GHz * Bus Speed: 533 MHz * Bus/core Ratio: 21 * Manufacturing Technology: 90 nm * core Stepping: D0 * L2 cache Size: 1 MB * L2 cache Speed: 2.8 GHz * Thermal Design Power: 89W * Thermal Specification: 69.1°c * VID Voltage Range: 1.25V-1.4V * Warranty: 1 Year
Marc Lijour

Red Hat, Inc. - Red Hat Reports Third Quarter Results - 0 views

  • Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE: RHT), the world's leading provider of open source solutions, today announced financial results for its fiscal year 2011 third quarter ended November 30, 2010. Total revenue for the quarter was $235.6 million, an increase of 21% from the year ago quarter. Subscription revenue for the quarter was $198.8 million, up 21% year-over-year.
    RALEIGH, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Red Hat, InC. (NYSE: RHT), the world's leading provider of open sourCe solutions, today announCed finanCial results for its fisCal year 2011 third quarter ended November 30, 2010. Total revenue for the quarter was $235.6 million, an inCrease of 21% from the year ago quarter. SubsCription revenue for the quarter was $198.8 million, up 21% year-over-year.

Raspberry Links (from Rafa) - 1 views

started by anonymous on 15 Jan 13 no follow-up yet
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