How should we use the tagging system to b... | Diigo - 1 views
Joao Alves on 29 Jun 08It's very to do if you use the Diigo toolbar. Just selelct the text you want to highlight and then click on the arrow beside the "Comment" button on the Diigo toolbar. There choose "Add a floating sticky note to this page." Then you'll get a pop-up window where you can choose to make your note private (only you can see it) or public or share it with a specific group. I am sharing this sticky note with the Learningwithcomputers group.
jennifer verschoor on 30 Jun 08Thanks for sharing this!!! This is wonderful and we can continue discussing tags, categories or lists with the floating sticky notes. Jennifer
Carla Arena on 30 Jun 08Isn't it nice, Jen, this feature? Can you envision pedagogical uses of it in the classroom?
Sasa Sirk on 30 Jun 08These sticky notes are cool. :-) Thanks for sharing this.
Joao Alves on 30 Jun 08Yes, these floating sticky notes are really cool. Maybe we could encourage students to use them to make comments on texts they read on the Net. Who knows they would enjoy this way of reading and writing. Well, it's just a thought, maybe a too optimistic one.
Carla Arena on 01 Jul 08We are all optimistic, aren't we, João? Maybe if we started not expecting that the students would write the sticky notes, but, at least, read ours, they could be encouraged to go further. For example, we could have them read a text and use the sticky notes for comprehension, reflection. What do you think?
Joao Alves on 01 Jul 08Hi Carla, I like your idea of letting students read our sticky notes first. That would certainly be a good start. We wouldn't ask them to do anything in the beginning except looking at and reading our sticky notes. Maybe they (at least some of them) might also want to try using the sticky notes the same way. And we teachers mustn't show a too great enthusiasm for it, just behave the normal way or even show a kind of uninterested interest. :-) That's a lesson I learned. :-)
Carla Arena on 02 Jul 08Exactly, Joao. That's the way I tend to do it, casually! I guess that if we just give the students a link with our annotation, like asking questions, then some of them would be. at least, curious to learn how we did that!
Joao Alves on 02 Jul 08Exactly. Let's try that. It seems we are excellent educators. :-)
tag things with as many keywords as possible
tag things so they are easier for others to find
- ...29 more annotations...
So, how could we organize our tagging system after this week's discussion? Give some practical hints here. I'll start with: - try to keep a single word tag - add as many tags as you can think of - think of individual uses of the tags you're using, as well as the collective needs of easy retrieval of resources - tag, tag, tag - pay attention to mispelled words - use the groups' recommended tags in addition to the ones you've already used -
Week 2 Discussion in the LearningwithComputers group about ways to improve our collective tagging experience.