Carla Arena
I'm a Brazilian EFL educator always eager to learn and discover new ways of doing things. I blog at http:/collablogatorium.blogspot.com, http://brazilnaskeywest.wordpress.com and http://carlaarena.posterous.com (for English students)
member since 2008-09-26
Mary Hillis
I am an EFL teacher in Japan. My interests include online professional development, blogging, literature, vocabulary, and writing. I am a member of the online communities of practice, Learning with Computers, Webheads, and Blogging4Educators.
member since 2008-09-26
Buthaina Al-Othman
EFL/ESP Instructor at the Language Center of Kuwait University since 2001, and a Webhead in action since 2001-02.
member since 2008-11-13
member since 2008-10-01
member since 2017-05-01
Zackary Scott
Working as a sales executive at Aegis Academy- "Southern California’s premier Firearms and Self-Defense training and education institution". http://aegisacademy.com/
member since 2014-03-22
member since 2014-03-13
member since 2014-06-19
member since 2014-05-29
member since 2018-05-16
Illma Natly
Illma Natly is a professional virtual assistant who writes in a large range of topics and helps people in finding best financial scheme at the time of emergency. He lives in Abbotsford, BC, Canada with his family. http://www.90daypaydayloans.ca
member since 2015-09-15
member since 2016-08-30
Laura Dunbar
I am a PhD candidate whose primary research interest is the evolution of liberalism in American and British World War II fiction. By exploring how this genre addresses a critical juncture in the history of liberal thought, I look at the ways that a reciprocal relationship emerges between war narra...
member since 2012-10-27
member since 2012-07-12
member since 2008-11-07
Silvia Andreoli
Lic. en Educación. Especialista y Magister en Tecnología Educativa de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.
member since 2010-03-29
member since 2009-10-26
member since 2009-01-31
member since 2009-09-15
member since 2014-07-11
Group Members
23 members total, 2 receiving alerts immediately, 18 receiving alerts daily, and 3 receiving alerts weekly.