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isaac Mao

Learning 2.0: The Threat (and promise) of Social Interaction - Bokardo - 0 views

  • So the shift to public display, a shift to expected social interaction, changed the way the students learned and the effort they put into their education. If that’s not an incentive to experiment with and use social software I don’t know what is. Social software isn’t just a new way to work, it changes the effort we put into that work. Now there is a sound byte for social media consultants.
isaac Mao

愿楊佳投胎到一個好國家 - 0 views

  • 對於楊佳的事件,我想做些結語性的想法。楊佳會被判死刑,在現行的體制下,這是板上釘釘的事情,關鍵是當局採用什麽樣的手段來處理這樣的案件,能不能讓民眾信服是個很大的問題。這個案件發生後,最為可怕的事情是當楊佳單刀刺死了警察,很多人不是去譴責楊佳的行為,反而問責這些警察。這令我感到很奇怪,難道各位都失去了理性,難道我們都冷漠了嗎?但是,當我看到在這樣的人群中有很多有責任心的學者、知識分子,他們並是在幸災樂禍。這個社會怎麼了?一點同情心、正義感都沒有了嗎?是什麼造成這種現象?我的內心有非常多的疑問。不管如何,至少有一點是可以肯定的,即官方一直塑造的警民團結的和諧假像被狠狠擊碎,暴露出來的是嚴重的社會矛盾。警民關係緊張到如此,到底有多少假像還沒有被揭穿。
  • 與楊佳在光天化日之下殺人相反,審判卻是在偷偷摸摸地進行,跟做賊一般。這個國家的憲法刑法見不得陽光嗎?本案發生後,有關的錄音記錄被消除,楊佳的母親也隨之莫名其妙地消失了,而官方給楊佳指定的辯護律師是某個警察局的法律顧問,這位律師在辯護席上。審判當天不許媒體旁聽,坐在旁聽席上的全部是內部人員,好比一群狼在審判抑制柔弱的綿羊。
  • 這個時代充滿清朝末年的意味。站在荒島上,我等待黎明到來。 欣賞黨員和性工作者。
isaac Mao

Technology Review: Want to Enhance Your Brain Power? - 0 views

  • A little brain boost is something we could all use now and then. A new option may be on the horizon. Researchers at the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke, in Bethesda, MD, are studying how applying gentle electrical current to the scalp can improve learning.
isaac Mao

Free Will vs. the Programmed Brain: Scientific American - 0 views

  • In this light, it’s not surprising that people behave less morally as they become skeptical of free will. Further, the Vohs and Schooler result fits with the idea that people will behave less responsibly if they regard their actions as beyond their control. If I think that there’s no point in trying to be good, then I’m less likely to try.
isaac Mao

毛向辉- Isaac Mao - 0 views

  • 他(蔡)说,首先中国的政策始终是鼓励和帮助互联网的发展,而不是压抑互联网的发展。其次他说各个国家都有按照本国历史、国情、民俗制定的管理互联网的法律,中国也一样。他举例说比如在伊斯兰国家不准亵渎真主,或者在德国不准宣传纳粹。吉米回答说,他觉得维基百科的中立性非常适合这个规则。因为我们是写百科全书的,我们写世界上有什么,我们陈述各种观点,但是我们不是做宣传的或者传教的。我们在非伊斯兰国家里也不亵渎真主,在德国外也不宣传纳粹。----  [维基百科:互助客栈]
    A central blog about myself
isaac Mao

Exercise and your brain: Why working out may help memory: Scientific American Blog - 21 views

  • Glucose metabolism naturally slows with age, and memory begins to decline in our 30s, says co-author Scott Small, an associate professor of neurology at Columbia University Medical Center in New York. The new study suggests a possible association between the two, because elevated blood sugar appears to damage the dentate gyrus, Small says.
isaac Mao

Free will - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • It is claimed by some that quantum indeterminism is confined to microscopic phenomena.[54] The claim that events at the atomic or particulate level are unknowable can be challenged experimentally and even technologically: for instance, some hardware random number generators work by amplifying quantum effects into practically usable signals. However, this only amounts to macroscopic indeterminism if it can be shown that microscopic events really are indeterministic.
  • Hard incompatibilism is defended by Derk Pereboom, who identifies a variety of positions where free will is seen irrelevant to indeterminism/determinism, among them the following: Determinism (D) is true, D does not imply we lack free will (F), but in fact we do lack F. D is true, D does not imply we lack F, but in fact we don't know if we have F. D is true, and we do have F. D is true, we have F, and F implies D. D is unproven, but we have F. D isn't true, we do have F, and would have F even if D were true. D isn't true, we don't have F, but F is compatible with D. Derk Pereboom, Living without Free Will,[13] p. xvi. Pereboom calls positions 3 and 4 soft determinism, position 1 a form of hard determinism, position 6 a form of classical libertarianism, and any position that includes having F as compatibilism. He largely ignores position 2
  • Compatibilist models of free will often consider deterministic relationships as discoverable in the physical world (including the brain). Cognitive naturalism[118] is a physicalist approach to studing human consciousness in which mind is simply part of nature, perhaps merely a feature of many very complex self-programming feedback systems (for example, neural networks and cognitive robots), and so must be studied by the methods of empirical science, for example, behavioral science and the cognitive sciences like neuroscience and cognitive psychology.[101][119] Cognitive naturalism stresses the role of neurological sciences. Overall brain health, substance dependence, depression, and various personality disorders clearly influence mental activity, and their impact upon volition also is important.[113] For example, an addict may experience a conscious desire to escape addiction, but be unable to do so. The "will" is disconnected from the freedom to act. This situation is related to an abnormal production and distribution of dopamine in the brain.[120] The neuroscience of free will places restrictions on both compatibilist and incompatibilist free will conceptions. Compatibilist models adhere to models of mind in which mental activity (such as deliberation) can be reduced to physical activity without any change in physical outcome. Although compatibilism is generally aligned to (or is at least compatible with) physicalism, some compatibilist models describe the natural occurrences of deterministic deliberation in the brain in terms of the first person perspective of the conscious agent performing the deliberation.[7] Such an approach has been considered a form of identity dualism. A description of "how conscious experience might affect brains" has been provided in which "the experience of conscious free will is the first-person perspective of the neural correlates of choosing".[7]
isaac Mao

港媒:三鹿案捉放曹 田文华精神抖擞藏许多玄机 - 0 views

  •      三鹿毒奶粉案一场轰轰烈烈的审判,变成了一宗政治闹剧。当局对主要犯罪人重罪轻罚、高举轻放,对幕后保护伞放纵不究,举国为之哗然,当局依法治国的招牌,又蒙上一层厚厚的污垢,三十多万受害的结石宝宝欲哭无泪。
  •     今次毒奶粉事件,影响极为恶劣,三十多万婴儿受害,比得上一场南京大屠杀,更可悲的是当中许多还留下后遗症,一辈子生不如死。如此惨烈的生命浩劫,那些刽子手们却可逃脱一死,令人悲愤莫名。
  •     今次审判安排在岁末年初进行,内大有文章。审判完便是内地元旦三天假期,很多记者、编辑放假,读者观众忙于休閒,当局精挑细选这样的时间,明显是不想引人注意,避免媒体跟进调查,令事件大事化小。
  • ...1 more annotation...
  •     总之,三鹿毒奶粉案的审判,还有太多的疑团未解,还有企图掩盖製造、销售毒奶粉罪证的官员尚未到案。当局却草草调查,匆匆开审,这难道不是典型的葫芦僧判糊涂案?
isaac Mao

Study Shows How The Brain Pays Attention; Neural Circuits That Control Eye Movements Pl... - 4 views

  • "Without regulating your attention, you would orient to everything that appears and moves. An organism that couldn't filter anything just wouldn't work. It would be in a state of constant distraction," said Moore. "This work shows that, whether we are moving our eyes or not, the networks that control eye movements may be a source of that filtering."
isaac Mao

101 Killer Open Courseware Projects from Around the World: Ivy League and Beyond | The ... - 1 views

  • How will you obtain a higher education? Some major headlines in 2009 already play on the fears about how to pay for a higher education. Press releases from colleges want to quell those fears about monies for college, and politicians have introduced legislation to make education more affordable.
isaac Mao

Face to Face: Alan Kay Still Waiting for the Revolution | - 7 views

  • Since inventing much of the technology behind personal computing in the late 1960s, Alan Kay has dedicated his work to developing better learning environments for children. Now a senior researcher at HP and the president of Viewpoints Research Institute, Kay is launching Squeak, a multimedia authoring tool that allows children to construct dynamic simulations of real-world phenomena. We spoke with him about the unfulfilled promise of technology in schools—and about what computers have in common with pianos.
isaac Mao


    Digital Aristotle
isaac Mao

Knowledge Systems Design - 0 views

    recommended by Jeremy
leo bnu

Diigo Blog - 0 views

  • Google just announced that it will gradually phase out Google Notebook and many people are looking for alternatives. Here is a brief side-by-side comparison of Google Notebook and Diigo:
isaac Mao

- Isaac Mao on Sharism, Religion and Culture - 0 views

  • So please enjoy this interview with Isaac!

    1 Comment

  • When I first read Isaac’s gentle “manifesto” about Sharism I was instantly pulled into to the clarity and intent of his writing. I thought here is a man contemplating the enormous cultural and technological development that he himself is thriving inside of and he has perspective and keen insight. I know that Stuart Kauffman is looking for a new global ethic and right in front of us is a powerful new tool and sensibility that is emerging.
isaac Mao

Cooking and Cognition: How Humans Got So Smart - 0 views

  • For a long time, we were pretty dumb. Humans did little but make "the same very boring stone tools for almost 2 million years," he said. Then, only about 150,000 years ago, a different type of spurt happened — our big brains suddenly got smart. We started innovating. We tried different materials, such as bone, and invented many new tools, including needles for beadwork. Responding to, presumably, our first abstract thoughts, we started creating art and maybe even religion.
    Cooking and Cognition: How Humans Got So Smart
isaac Mao

The Human Brain - Exercise - 13 views

  • Only recently have scientists been able to learn how the neural network of the brain forms. Beginning in the womb and throughout life this vast network continues to expand, adapt, and learn.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Plasticity is the basic mental drive that networks your brain, giving you cognition and memory – fluidity, versatility, and adaptability.
  • Before birth you created neurons, the brain cells that communicate with each other, at the rate of 15 million per hour! When you emerged into the world, your 100 billion neurons were primed to organize themselves in response to your new environment – no matter the culture, climate, language, or lifestyle.
  • A healthy, well-functioning neuron can be directly linked to tens of thousands of other neurons,
  • A healthy, well-functioning neuron can be directly linked to tens of thousands of other neurons, creating a totality of more than a hundred trillion connections – each capable of performing 200 calculations per second!
  • Many neuroscientists believe that learning and memory involve changes at neuron-to-neuron synapses.
  • Travel is another good way to stimulate your brain. It worked for our ancestors, the early Homo sapiens. Their nomadic lifestyle provided a tremendous stimulation for their brains that led to the development of superior tools and survival skills. In comparison, the now-extinct Neanderthal was a species that for thousands of years apparently did not venture too far from their homes. (Maybe they were simply content with their lives – in contrast to the seldom-satisfied sapien.)
  • Exercise is a natural part of life, although these days we have to consciously include it in our daily routine. Biologically, it was part of survival, in the form of hunting and gathering or raising livestock and growing food. Historically, it was built into daily life, as regular hours of physical work or soldiering. What is now considered a form of exercise – walking –was originally a form of transportation.
isaac Mao


shared by isaac Mao on 08 Feb 09 - Cached
  • is an interactive multiresolution next-generation brain atlas that is based on over 20 million megapixels of sub-micron resolution, annotated, scanned images of serial sections of both primate and non-primate brains and that is integrated with a high-speed database for querying and retrieving data about brain structure and function over the internet. Currently featured are complete brain atlas datasets for various species, including Macaca mulatta, Chlorocebus aethiops, Felis catus, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, and Tyto alba.
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