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Miguel Perez

Abracadabra - Teacher Zone - 0 views

    "ABRACADABRA is a free, interactive web-based literacy program designed for early elementary school-aged students, their educators, teachers and parents. The Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance (CSLP) continues to develop ABRACADABRA in an effort to help battle the alarmingly high percentage of low ability readers in countries throughout the world."
Miguel Perez

Quora - 0 views

    While Quora is used for a wide range of purposes, it can be a great tool for educators. It can be used to connect with other professionals or to engage students in discussion after class.
Miguel Perez

Shambles in S.E.Asia : Safe Web Searching (The Education Project Asia) - 0 views

    This site contains 23 different search engines which are designed for use by children and suitable for use in the classroom for research projects. Sites include the BBC, NASA, Encarta and Ask Jeeves Kids. The website was set up to support the international school communities (teachers, support staff, administrators, students and families) in 17 countries in South East Asia but schools worldwide would find the site a useful resource.
Miguel Perez

PBworks | Online Team Collaboration - 0 views

    PBworks provides highly vertical solutions that help businesses work more efficiently and effectively. Our products serve markets such as advertising and marketing agencies, law firms, and education, as well as the broader business market. Millions use PBworks each month for partner/client collaboration, new business development, project management, social intranets, and knowledge management. Notable customers include Landor Associates, CMS Legal, and ESPN.
Miguel Perez

Voki for Education - 0 views

    Voki enables users to express themselves on the web in their own voice using a talking character. You can customize your Voki to look like you or take on the identity of lots of other types of characters… animals, monsters, anime etc. Your Voki can speak with your own voice which is added via microphone, upload, or phone. Voki lives on your blog, social network profile and will soon be integrated in various instant messaging platforms. You will also be able to download it to most video supported phones.
Miguel Perez

JoyTunes Music Games | Music games for fun and education - 0 views

    Play with music Engage with a musical instrument Have FUN
Miguel Perez

Moshi Monster - 0 views

    A ground breaking new entertainment experience that would be fun, safe and educational for kids of all ages.
Miguel Perez

101 Excellent Sites for English Educators - 0 views

    Search inside to find more useful links
Miguel Perez

Edublogs - education blogs for teachers, students and institutions - 0 views

    Edublogs lets you easily create & manage student & teacher blogs, quickly customize designs  and include videos, photos & podcasts - it's safe, easy and secure so try out an Edublog today!
Miguel Perez

Selected Short Stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald on Audio Download - Free Audio - 0 views

    use of audio and video educational material for personal and professional development.
Miguel Perez

My Dashboard | FlipQuiz - 1 views

    "FlipQuiz provides educators with a quick way to create quiz boards for test reviews in the classroom that can be saved for later use."
Miguel Perez

Animation for kids - Create animation online with FluxTime Studio - 0 views

    Animation for kids - Create animation online with FluxTime Studio
Miguel Perez

Drawing tool - 0 views

    Draw Island is a free online tool for creating drawings and simple GIF animations. Draw Island offers you your choice of four canvas sizes on which you can draw. Draw Island offers two canvas sizes for creating simple GIF animations. To use Draw Island just head to the site and select a drawing tool. You can draw free hand (or should I say free mouse?) or select pre-defined shapes to use in your images. When you're done drawing just click the save button to download your drawing or animation. 
Miguel Perez

Bonnie Neubauer - - Story Spinner Online - Handheld Story Spinner - 0 views

    "Are you ready to do some creative writing exercises? Story Spinner is a generator of millions of creative writing exercises. There's a handheld version you can buy so you will have writing exercises wherever you go. And there's a FREE online version on this page that you can use over and over and over again."
Miguel Perez

TED-Ed | Lessons Worth Sharing - 3 views

    "Create Lessons Worth Sharing around YouTube videos"
Miguel Perez

How it works | Knowble Articles - 1 views

    "Knowble stimulates text understanding and vocabulary training by using authentic and recent news articles published on the web, based on the learners' level and preferences. Knowble automatically selects relevant news articles."
Miguel Perez

Educreations - Teach what you know. Learn what you don't. - 2 views

    Educreations is a global community where anyone can teach what they know and learn what they don't. We're on a mission to democratize learning by extending the reach of great teaching.
Miguel Perez

WeVideo - Collaborative Online Video Editor in the Cloud - 0 views

    WeVideo is another popular video website. It basically provides different editing features and it syncs with Google Drive as well.
Miguel Perez

Minormonitor | Facebook Monitoring and Parental Control Software - 0 views

    MinorMonitor is another web application that helps in  monitoring kids activity on Facebook. It can : Provide you with your kids' details such as status updates, friend lists , photos, and checked in places Automatically analyzes and identifies possible bullying, drug use, sexual references, solicitation, profanity and more.
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