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Miguel Perez

Extensive Reading Central | The go-to place for all our Extensive Reading needs - 1 views

    Extensive Reading Central is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to developing an Extensive Reading and Extensive Listening approach to foreign and second language learning. It was started by Dr. Rob Waring of Note Dame Seishin University, Okayama, Japan and Dr. Charles Browne of Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan as a free service to the EFL community. Our aim is to keep this site as much as possible free. Our hope is the EFL community will assist us in building the site through collaboration. We have lots of exciting new features to make this possible under development.
Miguel Perez

English Worksheets - 1 views

    " is your resource for printable English worksheets. On the left of this page you will find an index containing hundreds of quality teaching materials. To open a PDF file for printing, simply click on the topic of your choice then select the desired worksheet from the links on that page. You are welcome to use any of the materials on this website without asking permission, granted that our strict copyright policy is respected. If you'd like to thank us, please tell your friends about this website and consider linking to our web pages (see our Terms of Use to learn how). We appreciate your interest and support, and hope you find our materials to be beneficial for use in the classroom or at home. "
Miguel Perez

MindCipher - Challenge yourself. - 1 views

    " MindCipher, a social repository of the world's greatest brain teasers, logic puzzles and mental challenges."
Miguel Perez

Word-Search Maker and Wordsearch Directory - From teachers-direct - 2 views

    Word search maker. It creates interactive and print versions of it. Useful for classroom use.
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