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Miguel Perez

Macmillan MEC | Home - 0 views

    Macmillan English Campus LMS
Miguel Perez

Macmillan Practice Online - 0 views

    Macmillan LMS
Miguel Perez

Drawing tool - 0 views

    Draw Island is a free online tool for creating drawings and simple GIF animations. Draw Island offers you your choice of four canvas sizes on which you can draw. Draw Island offers two canvas sizes for creating simple GIF animations. To use Draw Island just head to the site and select a drawing tool. You can draw free hand (or should I say free mouse?) or select pre-defined shapes to use in your images. When you're done drawing just click the save button to download your drawing or animation. 
Miguel Perez

Politics, Business, Technology, and the Arts - Slate Magazine - 0 views

    An online magazine of news, politics, and culture. combines humor and insight in thoughtful analyses of current events and political news. Have your students read an article about a current event and write their thoughts and impressions.
Miguel Perez

infuselearning | Empowering The BYOD REVOLUTION - 0 views

    "InfuseLearning is a breakthrough virtual learner response solution. Sign-up now and let us know your feedback."
Miguel Perez

Dvolver Moviemaker. Make digital movies online. Formerly Dfilm. Home - 0 views

    Students can make their own movies by following step-by-step instructions. Students can choose their own backgrounds, characters, write the scripts and then watch your creation and email it to other students.
Miguel Perez

Listen to English and learn English with podcasts in English - 0 views

    "Listen to English and learn English with pie - the podcast site for learners and teachers of English."
Miguel Perez

WeVideo - Collaborative Online Video Editor in the Cloud - 0 views

    WeVideo is another popular video website. It basically provides different editing features and it syncs with Google Drive as well.
Miguel Perez

Video Editing By Magisto | An Automatic Online Video Editor - 0 views

    Magisto is a video editing web tool that you can use to turn plain videos into beautifully produced movies.
Miguel Perez

Minormonitor | Facebook Monitoring and Parental Control Software - 0 views

    MinorMonitor is another web application that helps in  monitoring kids activity on Facebook. It can : Provide you with your kids' details such as status updates, friend lists , photos, and checked in places Automatically analyzes and identifies possible bullying, drug use, sexual references, solicitation, profanity and more.
Miguel Perez

AT&T Internet Safety Connections Game - 0 views

    This is an awesome game that is played virtually in the city of Safe Land. The aim is to teach teenagers and students how to recognize dangers while using the internet. As users start to move from building to building, a set of questions are posed to them that they need to answer and upon each correct answer they get to catch a cyber criminal and send him/her to Safety Land jail and at the end get a certificate that they can print out.
Miguel Perez

synchtube - Enjoy synchronized Videos With Friends - 0 views

    "Create public and private rooms and share music, videos, and more, synchronized! Turn your room into a automated TV station, 24/7 radio station, or a simple hangout!"
Miguel Perez - 0 views

    This page has links to some great resources on teaching using comics. It also has links to lesson plans and classroom activities using cartoons.
Miguel Perez

Creative Commons - 0 views

    This is where you can learn everything about Creative Commons and how you can share and also protect your online resources using the CCs.
Miguel Perez - Comic Creating Community - 0 views

    Strip Generator allows you to easily draw your comic strips using characters and objects provided in their library.
Miguel Perez

Webonauts Internet Academy | PBS KIDS GO! - 0 views

    This is a great web page by PBS Kids which offers elementary school students tips on how to stay safe online. It teaches them how to behave responsibly while using internet and upon finishing their missions in the Academy, students will graduate. There are also resources for teachers on how to include the topic of online safety in their classrooms.
Miguel Perez

Cagle Post - Political Cartoons & Commentary - » Teacher does texting - 0 views

    This is a great resource for cartoons about education. I really love the work this guy does in this website .
Miguel Perez

Capzles Social Storytelling | Online Timeline Maker | Share Photos, Videos, Text, Music... - 0 views

    This is where you and your students can create rich multimedia stories with videos, photos, music, blogs and documents. It is really awesome.
Miguel Perez

Mejorar su cuenta - 0 views

    Publish your magazine, presentations or documents and share them with the world. Embed rich-media content to your publications like videos and audios.
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