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Miguel Perez

its-teachers - the site English Language Teachers use - 0 views

    its-teachers is an online magazine for teachers that includes topical classroom activities, a free Teacher Alert service, interviews, reviews, and articles for teachers. 
Miguel Perez

Blended learning, English language teaching and the use of technology - the Macmillan E... - 0 views

    Using online resources and technology in the EFL classroom
Miguel Perez

English pronunciation guide - Forvo - 0 views

    All the words in the world. Pronounced.
Miguel Perez

English Lesson Planner - 0 views

    English Lesson Planner is a complete lesson planning solution for English language teachers, schools and teacher training institutions.
Miguel Perez

Extensive Reading Central | The go-to place for all our Extensive Reading needs - 1 views

    Extensive Reading Central is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to developing an Extensive Reading and Extensive Listening approach to foreign and second language learning. It was started by Dr. Rob Waring of Note Dame Seishin University, Okayama, Japan and Dr. Charles Browne of Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan as a free service to the EFL community. Our aim is to keep this site as much as possible free. Our hope is the EFL community will assist us in building the site through collaboration. We have lots of exciting new features to make this possible under development.
Miguel Perez

Ivette Machado Centro Venezolano Americano - 0 views

    Spelling contest practice activities
Miguel Perez

Take Me Back To - 0 views

    Past tenses. What was happening the day you were born.
Miguel Perez

Animation for kids - Create animation online with FluxTime Studio - 0 views

    Animation for kids - Create animation online with FluxTime Studio
Miguel Perez

Brain Games: Play Free Puzzle Games Online, Free Puzzles - 0 views

    Brain Games: sudoku, crosswords, jigsaw, word search, word games, brain teaser, brain training, embedding 
Miguel Perez

SlideSpeech, presentations with voice - 0 views

    Richer than a document, simpler than video, SlideSpeech transforms the way ideas are shared. By reading the speaker notes in your own presentation using the latest text-to-speech technology, SlideSpeech ensures your message comes across loud and clear.
Miguel Perez

Welcome to Lit2Go ETC - 0 views

    Lit2Go is a free online collection of stories and poems in Mp3 (audiobook) format. An abstract, citation, playing time, and word count are given for each of the passages. Many of the passages also have a related reading strategy identified. Each reading passage can also be downloaded as a PDF and printed for use as a read-along or as supplemental reading material for your classroom.
Miguel Perez

Macmillan MEC | Home - 0 views

    Macmillan English Campus LMS
Miguel Perez

Macmillan Practice Online - 0 views

    Macmillan LMS
Miguel Perez

Quotes and Famous Sayings - The Quotations Page - 0 views

    "the web's most comprehensive site for famous quotes, since 1994. We have over 27,000 quotations online from over 3,100 authors, and more are added daily."
Miguel Perez

Cure writer's block with writing prompts - writing tips character name generator - 0 views

    " exists to cure writer's block and inspire creativity. You can choose from a multitude of writing games, gizmos, generators, writing prompts and exercises, tips, experiments and manifestoes from infamous avante garde writers and how-to articles on fiction writing and poetry."
Miguel Perez

Dvolver Moviemaker. Make digital movies online. Formerly Dfilm. Home - 0 views

    Students can make their own movies by following step-by-step instructions. Students can choose their own backgrounds, characters, write the scripts and then watch your creation and email it to other students.
Miguel Perez

Listen to English and learn English with podcasts in English - 0 views

    "Listen to English and learn English with pie - the podcast site for learners and teachers of English."
Miguel Perez

WeVideo - Collaborative Online Video Editor in the Cloud - 0 views

    WeVideo is another popular video website. It basically provides different editing features and it syncs with Google Drive as well.
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